Obama outraged at former pastors comments...


Apr 21, 2001

So it looks like all of you guys who have been defending Wright's comments can't vote for Obama anymore, because Obama doesn't agree with thosecomments and is outraged by them.

Obama's saying some pretty harsh things about Wright and the comments right now during his press conference.

I'm outraged by the comments that were made and saddened by the spectacle that we saw yesterday. I have been a member of Trinity United Church of Christ since 1992 and have known Jeremiah Wright for almost 22 years. The person I saw yesterday was not the person I met 20 years ago. His comments were not only divisive and destructive, but they also give comfort to those that prey on hate and I believe they do not accurately portray the perspective of the black church. They certainly do not accurately portray my values and beliefs.
When will people like you realize that Obama and Wright ARE NOT one in the same. You can actually agree with Wright and Obama depending on the matter at hand. Just another attack by Republicans trying to divert attention away from Bush and his horrible approval ratings and a lackluster Republican candidate inMcCain. Oh yeah, sig check!!
That's my point chief. Obama is actually trying to distance himself from the comments, but lots of people here on NT have been defending and agreeing withthe statements. So that creates problems for their support of Obama, right?
Originally Posted by Deuce King

When will people like you realize that Obama and Wright ARE NOT one in the same. You can actually agree with Wright and Obama depending on the matter at hand. Just another attack by Republicans trying to divert attention away from Bush and his horrible approval ratings and a lackluster Republican candidate in McCain. Oh yeah, sig check!!

Certain people choose on purpose to not realize that these 2 individuals don't share the same ideology. Some people want to use thisRev. Wright story as a justifiable reason to NOT vote for Obama... a covert way of saying i really don't trust this guy and i will use this story as ameans to note vote for him. Lets be serious the overcoverage by the media of this story is just to scare off white people--Fox News in particular. Just as theRepublicans used fear in the 04 Presidential election they will use this story along with Ayers and etc to stike fear into white voters.... and its actuallyworking. This year really opened my eyes in seeing how significant the media is used to form political ideology and control the masses... its actually quitesad.
Originally Posted by blco02

That's my point chief. Obama is actually trying to distance himself from the comments, but lots of people here on NT have been defending and agreeing with the statements. So that creates problems for their support of Obama, right?

Not quite so. You do realize that some of Wrights points can be seen as the truth, or at least have a certain level of truth to them. Particularly the wayblacks view the government and some of the injustices that the government has done to black people........BUT NOBODY WANT TO TALK ABOUT THAT, WHY IS THAT?? Obama doesn't agree with how some people view Wright's comments, cause some individuals view Wrights comments as either anti-American or hateful. Neither of which is true, but for the people that view Wrights comments in that light, Obama is just reassuring them that he doesn't not those people tofeel like Obama is either anti-American or hateful in any way. Sig check!!
Originally Posted by blco02

That's my point chief. Obama is actually trying to distance himself from the comments, but lots of people here on NT have been defending and agreeing with the statements. So that creates problems for their support of Obama, right?

Dammit forget all this just vote for Obama in 08!! Don't let them draw you into this. Its a ploy.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

When will people like you realize that Obama and Wright ARE NOT one in the same. You can actually agree with Wright and Obama depending on the matter at hand.
Just another attack by Republicans trying to divert attention away from Bush and his horrible approval ratings and a lackluster Republican candidate in
McCain. Oh yeah, sig check!!

100% true
About damn time he said something. I've been very open to defending some of the comments Wright has made which had truth to them. But Obama was right whenhe said that Wright made a spectacle of himself at that conference yesterday. Even people I know who support Obama and saw points of truth in some ofWright's statements were just shaking their head at him. It was clear that Wright greatly enjoys being in the spotlight and doesn't care howdetrimental his actions may be to Obama.

I'm glad Obama did this and I don't see how anyone can keep trying to bring up this issue after this. The only thing I'm worried about is thatWright responds in a way that has the media going crazy, thus hurting Obama even more. If this becomes a constant back and forth between the two then, as anObama supporter, I will have no problem giving Hillary the nomination. Obama CANNOT fight Hillary, John Mc.Cain, and keep responding to his foolish pastor allthe while the Republicans use everything against him.

Some of you in Chicago better start making some calls or something to get this guy to keep quiet and enjoy retirement.
Obama desperately needs to distance himself from Wright and absolutely must up the rhetoric in thisupcoming "press conference" that's reportedly going to take place or else he can kiss his nomination goodbye.
I agree. He needs to forcefully reiterate his condemnation of Wright's remarks. I'm still shocked at the selfishness and stupidity or the Reverend.
This is a political move by Obama's team to appease WHITE AMERICA. Great move.

I am loving the comments though. Powerful stuff.
"He had to distance himself because he's a politician...Whether he gets elected or not, I'm still going to have to be answerable to God."
"I served six years in the military, does that make me patriotic? How many years did (Vice President %+%!) Cheney serve?"
"one of the most important voices in the 20th and 21st century," "When Louis Farrakhan speaks, it's like when E.F. Hutton speaks...Black America listens."
"You cannot do terrorism on other people and not expect it to come back on you," "Those are Biblical principles, not Jeremiah Wright 'bombastic' principles."

I am glad someone like Wright is getting national exposure although I agree his comments are hurting Obama's campaign/image to white America. Nevertheless, Wright is bringing forth important issues to the front pages of America.
You do realize that some of Wrights points can be seen as the truth, or at least have a certain level of truth to them. Particularly the way blacks view the government and some of the injustices that the government has done to black people........BUT NOBODY WANT TO TALK ABOUT THAT, WHY IS THAT??
I agree 100%.
man how can y'all be so blind? i bet obama agrees with wright, but is publically disagreeing with him cuz it "hurts" his campaign.
what a sellout
if Obama is so outraged maybe he should have separated himself WAY EARLIER in the campaign from Wright....

and because he didn't he's ALREADY feeling the affects in the polls & will more so in the polls released throughout the rest of the week
This election has taught me so much about politics. I always thought if you're an honest, intelligent articulate individual who strong values you willthrive in politics, but It's not about the person. It's basically a contest of who can round the most sheep. And it's the people who are the onesthat lose.
Originally Posted by Deuce King

Originally Posted by blco02

That's my point chief. Obama is actually trying to distance himself from the comments, but lots of people here on NT have been defending and agreeing with the statements. So that creates problems for their support of Obama, right?

Not quite so. You do realize that some of Wrights points can be seen as the truth, or at least have a certain level of truth to them. Particularly the way blacks view the government and some of the injustices that the government has done to black people........BUT NOBODY WANT TO TALK ABOUT THAT, WHY IS THAT??
Because they're very extreme point of views. It would only hurt Barrack rather than bring up issues that need to be addressed.
He becomes outraged once it starts to seem as though its damaging his chances at getting to the White House....puhlease.
Originally Posted by TBONE95860

if Obama is so outraged maybe he should have separated himself WAY EARLIER in the campaign from Wright....

and because he didn't he's ALREADY feeling the affects in the polls & will more so in the polls released throughout the rest of the week

for real. The pastor is a real moron though
Originally Posted by Cels The YoungGod

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

if Obama is so outraged maybe he should have separated himself WAY EARLIER in the campaign from Wright....

and because he didn't he's ALREADY feeling the affects in the polls & will more so in the polls released throughout the rest of the week

for real. The pastor is a real moron though

no obama is just a fraud
this is also what happens when you try to please everyone, its impossible as Obama will soon find out.
Originally Posted by blco02

That's my point chief. Obama is actually trying to distance himself from the comments, but lots of people here on NT have been defending and agreeing with the statements. So that creates problems for their support of Obama, right?

No it doesn't. Obama is a politician and he has to distance himself for the sake of his nomination and avoiding more critical attention. If youcan't see that, you better wake up and read "Politics: 101". Second, most people 'defending ' Wright were only saying that his commentsweren't 'racist' or as "anti-American' as the media and Obama's political opponents have been claiming. If a person had actually seenthe comments in the context of their entirety, they would realize this. But, for most simple people, its easier to be brain-washed and accept what is thrown atthem as opposed to having to actually use their brain and formulate an independent, intelligent opinion. And before anyone ask "Well what was the contextthen?", you need to go and do your own research, because if you haven't, you don't have the necessary knowledge on the topic to speak...
Did anyone really not see this coming? Obama was never gonna win. It's been a smooth ride for him so far and an even smoother ride for republicans. The11th hour is here. Things are gonna start whirlling and McCain will be in the whitehouse before you can type +#*! Iran 2009
Obama may or may not agree with Wright's statements and perspective in reality but he HAD to denounce his comments if he wantedany shot at the Democratice nomination. The last thing that the first truly viable Black presidential candidate who is not running hiscampaign based on racial issues needs is accusations that he is "unpatriotic" or "racist" because it gives people the green lightto assassinate his character despite the fact that these statements might be true.

Obama chose his own destiny when he made race a non-issue in his campaign. That is probably what has made him such a viable candidate cause he appeals to Whitepeople who just like the idea of voting for a Black president but don't want to examine and address the continuing racial inequality and oppression in thiscountry. Thus, in order to continue to have a legitimate shot at the nomination and presidency, Obama has to stay away from any race-based issue or else thewhite folks who are supporting him because he's a "safe" black candidate will abandon him. So he may or may not be saying what he truly believesbut that's politics (not that I like it or agree with it).
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