Obama presses for longer school years

I agree. Do it. Keep them in school longer and pay teachers more.

lil bad !#%#% runnin around all summer gettin pregnant and stealin @%!@.

chall !#%#% in cLASS!
I agree. Do it. Keep them in school longer and pay teachers more.

lil bad !#%#% runnin around all summer gettin pregnant and stealin @%!@.

chall !#%#% in cLASS!
Originally Posted by vq35dett

5.  Parents
This is pretty much all you needed to list. People can blame the government, lack of materials, bad teachers, etc. all you want, but in the end it comes down to parenting. That's all it is. And no politician is willing to take the plunge and call out the horrible parents in our society. Everyone wants to blame teachers because it's convenient. Yes, there are bad teachers, but there are a hell of a lot more bad parents.

The quality of a school can almost always be fairly judged by analyzing parental attendance on curriculum night.

Originally Posted by vq35dett

5.  Parents
This is pretty much all you needed to list. People can blame the government, lack of materials, bad teachers, etc. all you want, but in the end it comes down to parenting. That's all it is. And no politician is willing to take the plunge and call out the horrible parents in our society. Everyone wants to blame teachers because it's convenient. Yes, there are bad teachers, but there are a hell of a lot more bad parents.

The quality of a school can almost always be fairly judged by analyzing parental attendance on curriculum night.

Originally Posted by nbirn2103

Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I just wanna see more emphasis on science, mathematics and technology...America is slowly falling behind in these fields. Doesn't help that ignorant people think science is the devil.
What about physical education? health? art? music? These areas are just as important as math and science.
Many kids now are obese/unhealthy, 15 year old girls having babies/catching diseases at a young age, WHY? because they have NO knowledge of what cholesterol, fat, etc is. Or maybe us teachers and parents act more seriously about sex at a young age, we wouldn't have this issue with kids with babies at 14-15 and so on. Maybe if we have more time with the kids, we could get through their heads and make them understand why these are very important subjects. First lets handle those serious situations and then move on to science, math, etc.

While I do agree with that Physical Education, Health, Art & Music are fundamental to education. America isn't graduating enough Scientists and Engineers. The skepticism over the accuracy of science in our culture is a direct reflection our failing public schools. We do not need to be graduating PE teachers, Nutritionalists & Communication Majors... We need to be graduating those that can contribute/build our future. 
I wish the US would set up more Trade schools for American high schol students. That way students could specialize in certain fields and actually learn work that is pertinent & applicable to a job that they will be working.

I was the product of a both public & private school education. I can say the disparity between the two were astounding. But California does not have a particularly strong Public Education system. 

yeah imo nothing wrong liberal arts degrees but the problem is that many take that route only because they fear math and science from early age. if they didnt fear it and choose with good reasoning to go liberal arts i'm fine with that. we need pe teachers etc but not because you are afraid to ask a professor what a molecule is.
Originally Posted by nbirn2103

Originally Posted by 23kidd

Originally Posted by AntonLaVey

I just wanna see more emphasis on science, mathematics and technology...America is slowly falling behind in these fields. Doesn't help that ignorant people think science is the devil.
What about physical education? health? art? music? These areas are just as important as math and science.
Many kids now are obese/unhealthy, 15 year old girls having babies/catching diseases at a young age, WHY? because they have NO knowledge of what cholesterol, fat, etc is. Or maybe us teachers and parents act more seriously about sex at a young age, we wouldn't have this issue with kids with babies at 14-15 and so on. Maybe if we have more time with the kids, we could get through their heads and make them understand why these are very important subjects. First lets handle those serious situations and then move on to science, math, etc.

While I do agree with that Physical Education, Health, Art & Music are fundamental to education. America isn't graduating enough Scientists and Engineers. The skepticism over the accuracy of science in our culture is a direct reflection our failing public schools. We do not need to be graduating PE teachers, Nutritionalists & Communication Majors... We need to be graduating those that can contribute/build our future. 
I wish the US would set up more Trade schools for American high schol students. That way students could specialize in certain fields and actually learn work that is pertinent & applicable to a job that they will be working.

I was the product of a both public & private school education. I can say the disparity between the two were astounding. But California does not have a particularly strong Public Education system. 

yeah imo nothing wrong liberal arts degrees but the problem is that many take that route only because they fear math and science from early age. if they didnt fear it and choose with good reasoning to go liberal arts i'm fine with that. we need pe teachers etc but not because you are afraid to ask a professor what a molecule is.
IMO I'm a senior in high school and I have to say I agree with year round school.
I just moved from Houston and I got to say San Antonio really has their stuff together, all the time I was in HISD they stayed under fire with threats of year round school and shut downs, HISD is super unorganized.
I'm gonna sum HISD up like this, Good teachers, Horrible students.
The high school I went too, students were constantly trying to fight teachers, throwing books at them, fighting in school, hell even the cops were gang members.
So the way I'm putting it is like this, Year round school should be forced upon schools that are doing badly, The middle school I went to in Houston just got year round this year because about 60% of the kids failed math TAKS, and at both the high school and middle school, the attendance rates were horrible and the dropout rates were just as bad.
Now I know it seems like I'm putting Houston on the spot but truth is it was hard for me to get a proper education because I had to wonder which one of my teachers was gonna quit next, hell last I heard about 3/4 of the teachers left and now teachers are being put into classes they don't even have a scholarship or education for.

Kids nowadays don't know that the hell a good education is, they just take everything for granted and the parents who don't give two !$$%* about their kids education are just overall a bad influence on their kids.
IMO I'm a senior in high school and I have to say I agree with year round school.
I just moved from Houston and I got to say San Antonio really has their stuff together, all the time I was in HISD they stayed under fire with threats of year round school and shut downs, HISD is super unorganized.
I'm gonna sum HISD up like this, Good teachers, Horrible students.
The high school I went too, students were constantly trying to fight teachers, throwing books at them, fighting in school, hell even the cops were gang members.
So the way I'm putting it is like this, Year round school should be forced upon schools that are doing badly, The middle school I went to in Houston just got year round this year because about 60% of the kids failed math TAKS, and at both the high school and middle school, the attendance rates were horrible and the dropout rates were just as bad.
Now I know it seems like I'm putting Houston on the spot but truth is it was hard for me to get a proper education because I had to wonder which one of my teachers was gonna quit next, hell last I heard about 3/4 of the teachers left and now teachers are being put into classes they don't even have a scholarship or education for.

Kids nowadays don't know that the hell a good education is, they just take everything for granted and the parents who don't give two !$$%* about their kids education are just overall a bad influence on their kids.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by vq35dett

5.  Parents
This is pretty much all you needed to list. People can blame the government, lack of materials, bad teachers, etc. all you want, but in the end it comes down to parenting. That's all it is. And no politician is willing to take the plunge and call out the horrible parents in our society. Everyone wants to blame teachers because it's convenient. Yes, there are bad teachers, but there are a hell of a lot more bad parents.

The quality of a school can almost always be fairly judged by analyzing parental attendance on curriculum night.


This issue goes deeper but I really don't feel like typing a lot. Essentially, though, there are issues past parenting. What about ridiculous demands of these teachers? Again, my gf is a teacher and it's ridiculous what is expected of her. Throwing in her class a bunch of kids who can't even speak English and expect them to demonstrate the same ability as kids who can speak English. How can you expect that? It's unfair to both the child and the teacher. A lot of this can be attributed to the FAIL that is called No Child Left Behind. Thank the past administration for that implementation.
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by vq35dett

5.  Parents
This is pretty much all you needed to list. People can blame the government, lack of materials, bad teachers, etc. all you want, but in the end it comes down to parenting. That's all it is. And no politician is willing to take the plunge and call out the horrible parents in our society. Everyone wants to blame teachers because it's convenient. Yes, there are bad teachers, but there are a hell of a lot more bad parents.

The quality of a school can almost always be fairly judged by analyzing parental attendance on curriculum night.


This issue goes deeper but I really don't feel like typing a lot. Essentially, though, there are issues past parenting. What about ridiculous demands of these teachers? Again, my gf is a teacher and it's ridiculous what is expected of her. Throwing in her class a bunch of kids who can't even speak English and expect them to demonstrate the same ability as kids who can speak English. How can you expect that? It's unfair to both the child and the teacher. A lot of this can be attributed to the FAIL that is called No Child Left Behind. Thank the past administration for that implementation.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I dont buy that %@%% G. I want teachers on here(we have a few on here) to chime in though. The curriculum itself needs to be overhauled. Less learning how to pass standardized tests and more emphasis on actually learning! I remember whole weeks at a time studying for nothing but the FCAT(Florida standardized test) and not actually learning! That needs to change imo. I also think more trades need to be available as electives. There's a lot of little things that put together could help improve the education of the public.
I agree on adding more trades in school as electives, probably lower the drop out rate.

I dont know about you guys but the fcat was easy, I took it in my senior year because I had just came from NYC and had to take it but I passed in my first try. The regents in NYC is another story tho
. A test every single year

and I would take fridays off from the school week and add more days in the school year
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

I dont buy that %@%% G. I want teachers on here(we have a few on here) to chime in though. The curriculum itself needs to be overhauled. Less learning how to pass standardized tests and more emphasis on actually learning! I remember whole weeks at a time studying for nothing but the FCAT(Florida standardized test) and not actually learning! That needs to change imo. I also think more trades need to be available as electives. There's a lot of little things that put together could help improve the education of the public.
I agree on adding more trades in school as electives, probably lower the drop out rate.

I dont know about you guys but the fcat was easy, I took it in my senior year because I had just came from NYC and had to take it but I passed in my first try. The regents in NYC is another story tho
. A test every single year

and I would take fridays off from the school week and add more days in the school year
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