Obama Sign Found On The Head Of A Dead Black Bear!!!

Originally Posted by r33p04s

I'm sorry i don't get how it's racial or speaks politically...maybe I'm just naive or simply slow but since when was a black bear a stereotype or slur for a black person...I think its just a couple college rednecks "lets go kill a bear and put this yard sign on its head and leave it on campus"...it could be racial but I don't think it conveys that too clearly...anybody care to enlighten me?
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

If something happens to Obama, all hell is going to break loose. I haven't seen people going this hard for someone since Pac passed.
I really don't think anything will happen to Obama, but I do believe a race war is ready to burst into the streets.
Originally Posted by triple5sole


I'm sorry i don't get how it's racial or speaks politically...maybe I'm just naive or simply slow but since when was a black bear a stereotype or slur for a black person...I think its just a couple college rednecks "lets go kill a bear and put this yard sign on its head and leave it on campus"...it could be racial but I don't think it conveys that too clearly...anybody care to enlighten me?
traditionally, no, but I don't think the fact that it was a black bear is a coincidence either. It's obvious what they're trying toimplicate when the bear was killed with one shot to the head

this is very threatening IMO....on a college campus to...
Originally Posted by Illuztrious

If something happens to Obama, all hell is going to break loose. I haven't seen people going this hard for someone since Pac passed.

Originally Posted by TBONE95860

Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by Face82

I just still can't believe how much hate there still is for blacks and the possibility of a black president. @+% sucks man. Real hard. I believe if Obama is taken out it's gone to be the start of a whole new race war.
God forbid this happens, but if it does...I agree...things are going to get UGLY fast.

Unfortunately I have a feeling as soon as Obama wins it's going to get ugly. Hopefully nothing serious happens and no one is killed. It's not necessary

That's what I said. I can't wait for '09 to roll around.
i hope obama doesnt win but man this election is going to change the world for the worse if obama wins and it will be JFK pt 2.
We need to have one big thread called "Race in the 2008 Election" and let people post their ******ed predictions on impending race wars in there,along with all the other comments (both educated and hypothetical) about race around here. The General forum is one giant cluster-f these days. Stories likethese don't deserve individual threads.
Get ugly? This +#+$ IS ugly already. Obviously it can get much worse. But when there are daily stories with racial underpinnings, things have already gottenugly.

If something happens to Barack, regardless of whether or not he becomes president, the +#+$ will hit the fan.
^ how it hit the fan you people need to wake up obama isn't the answer. like meth said my testament to the hard headed though shall never learn. peoplejust want him because he isnt the same party as bush this country is full of morons if he gets elected.
Originally Posted by ricoXstacks

^ how it hit the fan you people need to wake up obama isn't the answer. like meth said my testament to the hard headed though shall never learn. people just want him because he isnt the same party as bush this country is full of morons if he gets elected.
Damn NTers don't read these days. Go back and read what I wrote. Anywhere in my post do you see me saying Obama is the answer? And oddlyenough, you're the one calling me hardheaded. Nice.

All I said is that %##* will hit the fan if he is injured or killed. Here I am not even thinking about how great he is, and here you come calling peoplemorons. The irony kills me. Lemme guess--Republican?
this country is full of morons
The election of George Bush TWICE should have told you that...

like meth said my testament to the hard headed though shall never learn. people just want him because he isnt the same party as bush
How is that a bad thing. How could wanting something different than what has failed in the past be defined as hard headed. A wise man once saidthe definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, the fact that America is open to the differences that Obamabrings is commendable.

Is Obama the answer; who knows...but I'm willing to give his philosophy a chance seeing as the conservative ideals over the past 8 years haven'tworked. And if Obama fails, guess what, we'll vote him out and do it all over again. That's what makes America great
Guess who was behind all this.....................


No, in all seriousness, this is a shame. I'm telling you all, ignorance destroys the minds of people. It's all ignorance. That's been my theme forquite a while now. Ignorance will destroy our nation. Race wars WILL start if something happens to Obama. Racist people will try to start something AS SOON AShe makes it into office. Lives WILL be taken over this and it's a shame. I hate this country more than I know. Now I'm supposed to understand that mypeople (latinos) will never be able to have a place in the future of our nation? It's such a sad thing to come to terms to. I pray for every monirity inthe US. I really do. It's so sad to know that we can't be accepted. Imagine a nation where all men are created equal. Burn the Declaration ofIndependence.
Originally Posted by AJChick23

Originally Posted by Face82

I just still can't believe how much hate there still is for blacks and the possibility of a black president. @+% sucks man. Real hard. I believe if Obama is taken out it's gone to be the start of a whole new race war.

God forbid this happens, but if it does...I agree...things are going to get UGLY fast.


i agree though
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