Obama Sign Found On The Head Of A Dead Black Bear!!!

I lived about 45 minutes from WCU campus and have friends that go there. It is a @%+$+% place to go to school and there is nothing to do except to party andfor anyone that likes to do outdoors type stuff. The friends i talked to didn't even know this had happened until I told them.

Today the University has released some information about what happened. http://www.citizen-times..../article?AID=200881021100

THey said it was just a prank by students and had no racial undertones, because there was an African American involved. I don't buy all of that and believethe University is trying to save face, because they did not think this story would blow up as much as it did. However, there are some pretty stupid people inthe area and they could just be that dumb.
White Racist Men Out There...

I date and fornicate with your white women.. THE GOOD LOOKING ONES......and they like it.

Get over it.

When OBAMA gets elected.. Our Stock goes up even more..

Too bad for you...
Originally Posted by RockDeep

White Racist Men Out There...

I date and fornicate with your white women.. THE GOOD LOOKING ONES......and they like it.

Get over it.

When OBAMA gets elected.. Our Stock goes up even more..

Too bad for you...
Originally Posted by RockDeep

White Racist Men Out There...

I date and fornicate with your white women.. THE GOOD LOOKING ONES......and they like it.

Get over it.

When OBAMA gets elected.. Our Stock goes up even more..

Too bad for you...
Don't worry, most of these racist idiots are starting to die out.......LITERALLY. In a few generations, the percentage of racist should be drasticallylower.
The bear was already dead.

It was hit by a car.

They moved it to campus as a joke.

They used Obama signs to stop the blood from making a big mess.

The Obama signs were the only thing close that why they used em.

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