Off Duty NYPD Cop Nearly Beaten to Death

We can't let the world we live in strip us from being humane.....if so we are no different than that beast who nearly took that mans life
We can't let the world we live in strip us from being humane.....if so we are no different than that beast who nearly took that mans life
it already has in some parts of the world

only a matter of time.........................
You're inability to seperate a human being from his profession is disgusting, it's like you can't get past that.

It's a human being laying lifeless while this guy goes ham on him, beats him to a pulp, unnecessarily.

You can't see that, no one can help you.

"It's a cop, it's ok", sorry excuse for a coping mechanism.

I had a bad experience with _______ so I don't care if the whole group gets the worst treatment.

As someone said previously, discrimination.
The Chickens come home to roost. I honestly wouldn't care if dude was a cop or not a cop but since he's a cop I don't feel sorry for him. Nothing more nothing less it's not a crime to not care when cops get ****** up whether good cop or bad cop they all serve and enforce racist, oppressive laws and work for illegitimate organizations, so they can all get ****** up in my eyes and I wouldn't care lol.
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You guys are weenies everyone should be entitled to their own opinion.
You're inability to seperate a human being from his profession is disgusting, it's like you can't get past that.

It's a human being laying lifeless while this guy goes ham on him, beats him to a pulp, unnecessarily.

You can't see that, no one can help you.

"It's a cop, it's ok", sorry excuse for a coping mechanism.

I had a bad experience with _______ so I don't care if the whole group gets the worst treatment.

As someone said previously, discrimination.
The Chickens come home to roost. I honestly wouldn't care if dude was a cop or not a cop but since he's a cop I don't feel sorry for him. Nothing more nothing less it's not a crime to not care when cops get ****** up whether good cop or bad cop they all serve and enforce racist, oppressive laws and work for illegitimate organizations, so they can all die in my eyes lol.

Motion for banishment - all in favor, say "Aye!"
You guys are weenies everyone should be entitled to their own opinion.

We are giving you ours, hopefully this is just an internet persona, but if this is how you are in real life you sound like a disgusting human being. :lol:

That's my opinion.

I don't care what a person's profession or racial background is, no one should get that type of beating.
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You guys are weenies everyone should be entitled to their own opinion.

IF in my opinion I hated all people of color, should I be allowed to freely express that here?...would you be ok with my derogatory/offensive comments about your race?...I don't think so.

Enjoy banned camp.
Man that off duty cop had to do something to trigger that guy. He got F*cked up!! 
The Chickens come home to roost. I honestly wouldn't care if dude was a cop or not a cop but since he's a cop I don't feel sorry for him. Nothing more nothing less it's not a crime to not care when cops get ****** up whether good cop or bad cop they all serve and enforce racist, oppressive laws and work for illegitimate organizations, so they can all get ****** up in my eyes and I wouldn't care lol.
I honestly wouldn't care that's your opinion. Cops come in all colors. Some folk may not like gangsters, skaters, rappers, athletes etc.Thats their opinion. I don't care if I get banned to be honest.
The Chickens come home to roost. I honestly wouldn't care if dude was a cop or not a cop but since he's a cop I don't feel sorry for him. Nothing more nothing less it's not a crime to not care when cops get ****** up whether good cop or bad cop they all serve and enforce racist, oppressive laws and work for illegitimate organizations, so they can all get ****** up in my eyes and I wouldn't care lol.
I honestly wouldn't care that's your opinion. Cops come in all colors. Some folk may not like gangsters, skaters, rappers, athletes etc.Thats their opinion. I don't care if I get banned to be honest.
why are you talking to yourself?
Why argue with idiots ?? its pointless :stoneface:

Some people are in serious need of attention, the more you feed into them.. the longer they stick around. its annoying..

Leave them alone, eventually they'll realize that they have no real friends, nd how lonely being a lame really is. Maybe than they'll smarten up, nd if not.. WHO CARESSSSS lol we've been stopped paying them any mind :smokin

If you have no compassion for this man, cop or not.. YOUR JUST NOT LIVING RIGHT !! somethings not right with you as a person, no joke.. somethings seriously wrong with your heart, your mind.. deep in your soul. Just as bad at the ATTACKER in my opinion.

This type of behavior should not be tolerated. Its EVIL straight up !!

he is a human being, bleeds just like the rest of us, eats like the rest of us, sleeps like the rest of us, has Family like the rest of us.. NO DIFFERENCE. No one deserves to be treated this way. Human or Animal - Cop or Civilian .. its barbaric, evil nd straight up devil'ish.

I hope he makes a full recover, wish him the very best. No one deserves this. :smh:

- Much luv, stay freshhhh
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ok buddy. Think the C.O's "got your back" if you want. I've seen it first hand here in NY. I don't know about in Hawaii but they don't get along up here. Or north of NY either.

Police in NY feel the C.O.'s are getting paid too much more than they do and have a more dangerous job.

C.O.'s on the other hand hate the extra work load (new inmates, paperwork) when majority of the people that are arrested are there for B.S. charges just to make a quota or a collar.

you really think C.O's with their own problems, family and responsibilities are gonna go out their way to "stick it" to a guy who assaulted/harmed a police officer just cause he's an officer?
A decent percentage of the police force are actually former corrections officer themselves.

Also, police and corrections officers share similar duties, have contact with one another on a regular basis and deal with the same offenders.

To make the blanket statement that police look down on corrections officers is foolish.

However, this dude probably won't have any worse of a time in prison than a typical offender, assuming he does his time without raising hell. COs will typically only tune the cons up if they are assaultive towards the COs or bring negative attention on themselves.

For the most part, COs want to "do their 8 and hit the gate." If this dude isn't a problem, he'll have no problem.
Is there a reason why you're quoting me when I've personally expressed sympathy for the cop and his wife in this thread?

Bro you got up in arms because some took offense and felt a certain type of way about a comment that was completely you not think it's ok to ban someone who mocks the victim of a life threatening brutal beating like that?....I mean I've been suspended for far less trivial **** on here..,,I don't think anyone is over reacting bro.

What the hell are you rambling on about for three post? You and several others did overact to a borderline comment by a troll, most notably by acting like this thread is full of people who agree with him when nobody has agreed that the cop deserved it. That why I said you guys are acting like babies, and look you still are.
What the hell are you rambling on about for three post? You and several others did overact to a borderline comment by a troll, most notably by acting like this thread is full of people who agree with him when nobody has agreed that the cop deserved it. That why I said you guys are acting like babies, and look you still are.
Lol Jimmies are rustled dudes are way too sensitive over words lmao. If someone said they don't care or feel sorry for a family member of mine getting hurt I wouldn't care. I learned in kindergarten that sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.
Didn't read any of the thread, just watched the video and skipped to the last page. Whether or not the man was a cop, or who started the fight, things like this are just uncalled for. He's out enjoying time with his wife, and he gets into a fight. Cool. It happens. But once you win a fight, that's no excuse to beat the man within an inch of his life when he doesn't even have the strength to defend himself at that point. And after all that, he went after his wife? Like, what are you going to do when you break through the window? Hit her too? I mean damn.

The part that rustled my jimmies the most is the dude with the camera, and all the bystanders. Seriously? You wouldn't even attempt to stop the beating, or at the very least call some law enforcement to help? Nah, these dudes are out here yelling "Worldstar!" and laughing thinking he's dead. What the hell is wrong with people?
I was beaten and passed out while I was arrested in bridgeport ct when I was younger and if it weren't for a old white lady who grabbed the cop when he physically was sranding on my neck who knows. I don't care what anyone says no one deserves what happened to him. Good cops do exist
The Chickens come home to roost. I honestly wouldn't care if dude was a cop or not a cop but since he's a cop I don't feel sorry for him. Nothing more nothing less it's not a crime to not care when cops get ****** up whether good cop or bad cop they all serve and enforce racist, oppressive laws and work for illegitimate organizations, so they can all get ****** up in my eyes and I wouldn't care lol.
So the detective that works remotely tracking child predators and rapists is enforcing racist laws? The port authority policemen that rushed into the World Trade Center on 9/11 to rescue lives and died as a result were nothing more than racist pigs? 

You're not a bright individual 
Didn't read any of the thread, just watched the video and skipped to the last page. Whether or not the man was a cop, or who started the fight, things like this are just uncalled for. He's out enjoying time with his wife, and he gets into a fight. Cool. It happens. But once you win a fight, that's no excuse to beat the man within an inch of his life when he doesn't even have the strength to defend himself at that point. And after all that, he went after his wife? Like, what are you going to do when you break through the window? Hit her too? I mean damn.

The part that rustled my jimmies the most is the dude with the camera, and all the bystanders. Seriously? You wouldn't even attempt to stop the beating, or at the very least call some law enforcement to help? Nah, these dudes are out here yelling "Worldstar!" and laughing thinking he's dead. What the hell is wrong with people?
First of all...only one dude was yelling worldstar, the pile of trash behind the camera. Secondly, the assailant was apprehended immediately by officers a few blocks away. People obviously called the cops. People always call the cops when something like this is happening. I guarantee there were mulitiple calls to 911.
Dude in here talking about the C.O.'s working dude over are bugging. :lol:

C.O.'s do not like cops and vice versa.

I was held on Rikers Island awaiting trail a couple years back and there was a kid in my housing area that was charged with attempt murder on an officer... the C.O.'s would bring him outside food and snacks on the regular.

you obviously have n o idea what you are talking about.

naw he's right about da rivalry with C.O's vs police...police look at them like step children...i dunno how deep it goes though.

HAWAII 50 is a cop... Ill take his word on this matter :lol:

I guess an inmate has more credentials than a Cop.
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