Offical 2009-10 NBA Season Thread

Can't say I remember seeing a game winning dunk at the buzzer before. 
  And Smith damn near had another earlier in the year at .7. 

Celtics seem just fine right now.  No more daily updates on them from OC? 
I dunno blazers, I think it's a little bit of an overreaction from Paige and the Denver fan base. This is a very rough road trip for them. Get the bad play out of the way before the playoffs. But, I don't see them as the only team that can challenge LA anymore. It just seemed like a very pessimistic article.
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Another example of how weak the East is..

8th seed is .500.

5th seed is 8 games over .500.

In the West, Phoenix, the 5th seed, is 19 games over .500.

Portland, the 8th seed is 13 games over .500, they would be the 5th seed in the East.
I get what you're sayin, and I know the West been on top a long time, but I dunno if it's that simple anymore. 

Cavs, Celts, and Magic are all top shelf.  Hawks are a lot stronger then given credit for.  And now you have teams like the Bucks and Bobs that are a pain in the @#$ lately. 

East is top heavy, no doubt there, but I don't think the margin is as wide as it used to be. 

Originally Posted by CP1708

Can't say I remember seeing a game winning dunk at the buzzer before. 
  And Smith damn near had another earlier in the year at .7. 

Celtics seem just fine right now.  No more daily updates on them from OC? 
Dwight Howard?

Didn't Vince do it too? Or maybe that was just to tie it.

Immediately thought of Dwight though.
Originally Posted by Im Not You

Shawn Marion had a game winning dunk w/ the Heat too last year. It was his last game with them.

That wasn't at the buzzer though, there's been LOTS of game-winning dunks.

Hell, Eddy Curry had once against the Lakers.
Not looking at the videos since I'm on a BB, but didn't VC and Dwight win those off oops?

I can't remember a tip dunk GW before...
Originally Posted by DLo13

Not looking at the videos since I'm on a BB, but didn't VC and Dwight win those off oops?

I can't remember a tip dunk GW before...

I personally think David Lee's .1 tip-in is the best.

Presence of mind to know you only have a tenth of a second left, get perfect positioning, and jump at the right time?

Josh Smith's was DOPE though. Can't front.
nice to see james posey learned how to move his feet under a player so they can twist there ankle coming down with out looking now
Originally Posted by JapanAir21

Originally Posted by Im Not You

Shawn Marion had a game winning dunk w/ the Heat too last year. It was his last game with them.

That wasn't at the buzzer though, there's been LOTS of game-winning dunks.

Hell, Eddy Curry had once against the Lakers.

stinkin spike lee prancing around like a little girl at staples when that happened


Originally Posted by henz0

Originally Posted by bhzmafia14

Does anybody have a video of OJ Mayo making Ellis fall tonight?

I missed that, what QTR did it happen in?
It happened in the 3rd.

OJ went between the legs backwards and didn't even touch him, but he fell to the ground.

I know its a video out there somewhere as quick as people pop up with vids on here. They didn't even show any highlights on sportscenter.
The scoring title will come down between LeBron James, who is at 29.8 points a game and Kevin Durant at 29.7.
Both men have played 70 games and James has just seven more total points, 2,086 to Durant's 2,077.

Durant has already said he thinks James will win. James says hedoesn't care and, if he did, he'd win the scoring race every year.

"If it happens, it happens, it is not important to me at all," saidJames, who won the scoring title in the 2007-08 season and at 27.8points a game is currently the active leader in career scoring average.

"Our team is trying to clinch (homecourt advantage) for the wholeplayoffs and is more important. If I really wanted to, I if reallywanted to win the scoring title I could win it every single year,"James said. "Every single year, I could really do it. But it doesn'tmatter to me."

Read more:

he's a humble guy
Wow come on refs.

First, Jason Kidd CLEARLY gets set for an offensive foul, feet planted, half a foot outside the semi-circle.
Then, Caron just STARES at the ref after hitting a three-pointer, then he gets a technical for taunting? Just for staring at the ref?

Get outta here. That's three points you gave them.
They say he uttered a profanity at the fan though. I didn't see it, but when they showed him shortly thereafter celebrating with Jet he was clearly cursing, said something like, "That's my %%+@!" Still, yea horrendous call. His staring wasn't even at the ref, it was at a fan, ref just happened to be over there
Originally Posted by DatZNasty

They say he uttered a profanity at the fan though. I didn't see it, but when they showed him shortly thereafter celebrating with Jet he was clearly cursing, said something like, "That's my %%+@!" Still, yea horrendous call. His staring wasn't even at the ref, it was at a fan, ref just happened to be over there
Regardless, you're right, the call was crap.

We're going off this half.
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