Office crushes...Dating someone at work...Thoughts?

Dont do it... it NEVER WORKS OUT... smashing can be cool if you let it be known from jump... but DO NOT ATTEMPT TO WIFE UP A CO WORKER...
Juelz says no

Fab says no

And Weezy says no
dont dip your pen in the company ink... i think thats the sayin
"dating" someone u work with never ends well. even if yall were together before u started working at the same job. too much potential for problems. also, if u live with them AND work together??
Originally Posted by General Johnson

Add to that if she's been there for a while and you're the new guy feeling her, chances are someone else at work already smashed.
That makes no sense at all.


i dated one of my coworkers at my job. it actually started out as a bet that i couldnt smash the new girl in 30days or less. i won the bet and we end up getting together. it was cool, until the other people up there started getting jealous. i got fired off some bs not related to her, but i was still up there picking/dropping her off and plus i was still cool with the manager. but they was still hating and jealous because my chick was getting more hours then the people that have been working there longer than her. it got so bad that one of the chicks that had a crush on me, was trying to find my address to have some goons come through and shoot my spot up. funny thing was that i knew where her moms and where she stayed. so if some %%*% went down, my chick said she would have had her goons go after her.
would i do it again, sure, id just go about it in a totally different way and matter.

like dude said earlier

career: no
job: yes
Just smash.....

idk I have no career... but if I had I would make sure she understood it's just messing around. Smash a couple times and don't catch feelings.

Would it be best to just be "really good friends"?
Originally Posted by Kicktionair

Just smash.....

idk I have no career... but if I had I would make sure she understood it's just messing around. Smash a couple times and don't catch feelings.

Would it be best to just be "really good friends"?
Nothing wrong with just being good friends.  She might hook you up with a cute friend and put in a good word for you.
Did it when i was me fired.

I say no, or just once to get your rocks off, then no more.
Like someone said, it's bound to happen. But it's hella awkward after you all stop doing your thing.
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