Official 1st Hand Witness of Paranormal Activities/Events vol OMG WTH?!?!

Jul 6, 2005
This thread is for all the scary, weird, unnatural, paranormal events that you've witnessed go down. Post REAL things, not videos from youtube and stuff, just things you've seen or felt. I look foward to reading your stories. Here's just one of mine and the most recent, i'll post more as I try and think of em.

- Alright so my house has always had a weird eerie feeling to it, like I'll just be chillin in the kitchen and bam i'll hear a weird sound, or you can hear the steps creak but no ones walking. Or i'll just be walking in my house and I walk by an area and the air around me gets crazy cold to the point I get chills. But my room is the worst area in the house though.... After going to my homegirls prom and sleeping over at her homegirls house(we didn't really sleep, all the people there were acting a fool, I prob got like 4 hrs of sleep), I get home the around 4 in the afternoon and I take a quick shower then head to bed, and before I went to bed I made sure to close the door so I wouldn't hear any noise. On the door I have a hanger with a long sleeve button-up hanging since I was gonna go to a cousin's wedding the next day.(you'll see why I'm telling you this) So I'm sleeping fine and then I wake up. Ok so the door that's closed is to my right and my desk is to my left. When I woke up I automatically turned to my left to check my phone to see the time, and I see it's 11 at night so my fam's prob still up, so I'm still looking at my phone and responding to a few texts I got while asleep(at this point i've been awake for around 3mins) so then I put my phone down and turn to the right (as i'm typing this I'm starting to randomly tear up and I'm getting chill just thinking about it again but i'll deal with it) and when I turn to the right I see something that I will never forget, I see that button-up on my door with a demonlike face that's all deformed coming straight towards me and as it's doing that it's laughing, with a huge deformed grin, just laughing its @$# off. As soon as I seen that I let out a crazy scream and I just closed my eyes and started crying because i've never witnessed something so horrendous and unreal. my mom was in the other room and ran in and kept asking me what happened, but I couldn't talk, I couldn't speak for like 5min. When I caught my breath I told her what happened and as soon as I told her she gets up and grabs some holy water and starts speaking in a language i've never heard her speak(she's dominican) and she throwing holy water all over my room she starts speaking something that sounds like Spanish but not quite , then after the whole event we realize she was speaking Latin....but she doesn't even know Latin, she said she felt something like take over her and it was helping her get rid of this "thing" moms real spiritual(like she believes in spirits and she's sorta psychic and can also read peoples cards accurately) but my dad is the complete opposite, he said because I hardly slept the night before due to prom, that I was probably just really tired and delirious, I know what I saw though, I was completely awake and coherent when this happened.

sorry for the long read, i'll post more a little later, post your stories
This thread is for all the scary, weird, unnatural, paranormal events that you've witnessed go down. Post REAL things, not videos from youtube and stuff, just things you've seen or felt. I look foward to reading your stories. Here's just one of mine and the most recent, i'll post more as I try and think of em.

- Alright so my house has always had a weird eerie feeling to it, like I'll just be chillin in the kitchen and bam i'll hear a weird sound, or you can hear the steps creak but no ones walking. Or i'll just be walking in my house and I walk by an area and the air around me gets crazy cold to the point I get chills. But my room is the worst area in the house though.... After going to my homegirls prom and sleeping over at her homegirls house(we didn't really sleep, all the people there were acting a fool, I prob got like 4 hrs of sleep), I get home the around 4 in the afternoon and I take a quick shower then head to bed, and before I went to bed I made sure to close the door so I wouldn't hear any noise. On the door I have a hanger with a long sleeve button-up hanging since I was gonna go to a cousin's wedding the next day.(you'll see why I'm telling you this) So I'm sleeping fine and then I wake up. Ok so the door that's closed is to my right and my desk is to my left. When I woke up I automatically turned to my left to check my phone to see the time, and I see it's 11 at night so my fam's prob still up, so I'm still looking at my phone and responding to a few texts I got while asleep(at this point i've been awake for around 3mins) so then I put my phone down and turn to the right (as i'm typing this I'm starting to randomly tear up and I'm getting chill just thinking about it again but i'll deal with it) and when I turn to the right I see something that I will never forget, I see that button-up on my door with a demonlike face that's all deformed coming straight towards me and as it's doing that it's laughing, with a huge deformed grin, just laughing its @$# off. As soon as I seen that I let out a crazy scream and I just closed my eyes and started crying because i've never witnessed something so horrendous and unreal. my mom was in the other room and ran in and kept asking me what happened, but I couldn't talk, I couldn't speak for like 5min. When I caught my breath I told her what happened and as soon as I told her she gets up and grabs some holy water and starts speaking in a language i've never heard her speak(she's dominican) and she throwing holy water all over my room she starts speaking something that sounds like Spanish but not quite , then after the whole event we realize she was speaking Latin....but she doesn't even know Latin, she said she felt something like take over her and it was helping her get rid of this "thing" moms real spiritual(like she believes in spirits and she's sorta psychic and can also read peoples cards accurately) but my dad is the complete opposite, he said because I hardly slept the night before due to prom, that I was probably just really tired and delirious, I know what I saw though, I was completely awake and coherent when this happened.

sorry for the long read, i'll post more a little later, post your stories
posting for later. got a few stories to share

edit: man thats creepy as @%@%. damn near said the same thing....
posting for later. got a few stories to share

edit: man thats creepy as @%@%. damn near said the same thing....
im sorry but 
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Why do all paranormal stories here on NT lack basic punctuation and grammar?

Because bro... we to scared to even care about typing
we just press keys thinking readers already should know what we're talking about.
Originally Posted by Its That Dude

Why do all paranormal stories here on NT lack basic punctuation and grammar?

Because bro... we to scared to even care about typing
we just press keys thinking readers already should know what we're talking about.
Originally Posted by myshoegameheavy

Bro, story cool...not necessarily in that order.
I lold for some reason reminds me of when my friend attempted to say "drama-comedy" n said "comma-dromedy"
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