[| -- Official 2008 "Glow In The Dark" Tour: KanYe, Lupe, N.E.R.D. & Rihanna Post -- |]

my concert time just chaned i got an email that lupe was coming on at 6:30 instead of 7 now.
i went to the 3/8 show in charlotte and...


even though all lupe had was microphone, he did his thing.
charlotte kind did lupe dirty, everyone came late and the stadium was only 1/3 full when he took the stage.

n.e.r.d. really got the crowd hype. even though i'm not a fan n.e.r.d. they performed with a lot of energy.
chris brown came out on stage during "spazz" and... spazzed out.

rihanna was a'ight. all the karamos in the building were going crazy.

after rihanna came the main event. it took a looooong time for the crew to set up his stage, but it was all worth it.
i was kind of worried that the super elaborate stage would be a crutch for a mediocre performance... boy was i wrong.
he surpassed my crazy high expectations and put on the best show i've ever seen.
whoever said kanye's show was short was lying their @## off... he damn near did his whole catalog.

thanks kanye for the best concert experience of my life... so far.

Originally Posted by FWA III

i went to the 3/8 show in charlotte and...


even though all lupe had was microphone, he did his thing.
charlotte kind did lupe dirty, everyone came late and the stadium was only 1/3 full when he took the stage.

n.e.r.d. really got the crowd hype. even though i'm not a fan n.e.r.d. they performed with a lot of energy.
chris brown came out on stage during "spazz" and... spazzed out.

rihanna was a'ight. all the karamos in the building were going crazy.

after rihanna came the main event. it took a looooong time for the crew to set up his stage, but it was all worth it.
i was kind of worried that the super elaborate stage would be a crutch for a mediocre performance... boy was i wrong.
he surpassed my crazy high expectations and put on the best show i've ever seen.
whoever said kanye's show was short was lying their @## off... he damn near did his whole catalog.

thanks kanye for the best concert experience of my life... so far.


I could only get 1 picture and 8 seconds of video before the camera police stopped me lol I'll try to post it later

I'm gonna be real salty if they give me issues with the cameras

I've read so many opposite stories in here on whether or not they allow it

I wanna hear ANT's account on this whole issue

-steps out of banned camp-

whats this i hear about the speakers blocking the view onstage???

im goign to the MSG show and im like one lvl up from the floor in the right corner to middle///will i be screwed?
YO! Maybe the "camera police" are tighter in arenas than in pavillions. I had absolutely NO problems. I was snapping away... pictures still came outlike %+%%. But no one was stopping me. P hopped off stage and damn near went all the way back to the lawn. N.E.R.D. was high-energy last night. Really dope.

My %%+%# Fam-lay
Things I learned from the show last night....

People at concerts need to relax and just have a good time and not worry about what they look like.

But on another note concert was fire I didn't have too much trouble snapping pictures, I'll post some soon. Rhianna IMO can't sing nor dancethough. I missed Lupe, dude went on 10 minutes early and then didn't come on for Touch the Sky, Kanye was like I didn't get the memo.

NERD full of energy, like everyone has already said.

Enjoyed the experience.
YO! ^ Yeah my man was telling me about that in the car. I didn't even realize that 'Ye was telling Lupe to come on. I saw him say something to one ofthe cats off stage but I didn't notice the %$** up.

Maybe cause I was +%%!#% up...
Enjoyed myself. DF!!!
i cant believe i missed lupes entire performance and THEN he didnt come out for Touch the Sky, i got to the pavillion and was in my seat at 6 45 and he waswalkign off stage, i saw the end of superstar as i was walking through the lawn SMFH, i really wanted to see Lupe, ^#%* you alltell pavillion!!!!!!!!!!

and yes, for people who are wondering, Knaye's performance IS that good!!
Coming home from the nissan pavillion show. It was crazy lupe was great. No one was there tho. He spazzed on daydream. Nerd was tight and rihanna sounded likean alvin and the chimpmunks member. Kanye was amazing. Lu came out for touch the sky
nissan was illy.

yeah like 1/20th of the people that showed up were there for lupe, looked more like a soundcheck than a show.

and i actually didn't mind rihanna's set even though the energy was def gone

but damn kanye just killed it. people went nuts, went ape !$!.
Went to the show last night at Nissan. Kanye killed it w/ the stage and the whole concept w/ the screens. I missed Lupe, I would think he woulda goneafter N.E.R.D. since they haven't had a CD out in a minute. Plus they never really turned the music up for Lupe or else I woulda known to go. I missedlike half of N.E.R.D. cause the food and beer lines were so slow. Rihanna was lookin good but that's about all I can say about her. For you camerapeople, it was in a pavillion and they wouldn't allow cameras.
Went last night. I actually work at Nissan Pavilion as security for the past couple of years but took the night off to go to the show. Got my camera in and gotmy butt in the orchestra and took a seat. Lupe was amazing. He had a lot of energy towards the end of the set. Pavilion was pretty empty. Didn't takepictures seeing as no one was in the orchestra so I would be caught easily.

N*E*R*D- Holy moly, i was flipping out. This is one of the best bands I've seen. So much energy into their show. The crowd was on their feet, even the oldtimers in the club seats above us. Great set. Wanted to buy their shirt, but two shirts at $35 would have been rediculous. Got some nice pictures of them.Pharrell came down into the pit after their performance and shook hands, seems like a straight dude. Got a real close up pic of him.

Rihanna- We went up and chilled with some other friends. It was cool to hear all the popular songs live. But other than that it was nothign spectacular.

Kanye- DAMN! From the minute he came on it was utter chaos. The crowd was so loud you could hear it through the speakers. Took about 60 pictures of Kanye. Onlyabout 10-15 of them came out well because of the way the stage was lit and such. I took some with flash. Got caught. Had to take it without flash. When youtake pics of the show with flash, Kanye is real dark in the pics, but without flash he's a bit blurry unless you're in the first half of rows in thepit. Kanye said its the biggest show of the tour so far (Just under 22,000 people) and the best show yet because his father was in the crowd. What a greatnight. Lupe got one hell of a welcoming when he came out for "Touch the Sky". I feel if he and Rihanna had switched places, the show wouldve beenmuch better and Lupe would be more well recieved.

FYI--tip from an event staff worker. They can NEVER take your camera. All they can do is give you one warning about the camera. It is up to them after that howmany warnings further to give you. If you keep getting caught, they can remove you from your seat and degrade your ticket to the lawn. This all is legal seeingas buying the ticket involes a contract saying you'll follow venue policies. (Read the mumbo jumbo ont he back of the ticket). Just be glad they dont kickyou out instead of moving you elsewhere.

Tip Number 2- Dont get mad at the pavilion for not allowing cameras. The venue could care less what you do. These directions come straight from the artists andtheir tour. The venues have nothing to do with what can and cannot be brought into the venue (besides the obvious weapons, etc.)
"I was snapping away... pictures still came out like %+%%. But no one was stopping me. "

I feel you!!

^Biggmyke - You worked as a security for years but still didn't feel safe using your camera? i.e. aren't the other security guards your friends andwould let you do that??

Walking in I held my camera in my hand behind my wallet and my keys to try to cover it up,
young security girl was like "Do you got a camera?"
I was like "Nope!"

I happened to be wearing a small golden mask to the side of my forehead
and THEN this big (well, relatively since I'm a small statured dude) police officer bum rushes my face and goes,


I was like woooow....where to begin,
the absolute rudeness which immediately made me think of the Kanye line ("Racism is alive...")
or the fact that he just told me that there is a law against wearing masks in venues??
He didn't speak polite or anything, just came off mad from the jump like I slapped his sister around or something
and I also thought he was confronting me cuz he saw my camera or something

Throughout the show, bunch of people sitting around me kept getting warnings but I didn't....maybe I was slick about it or just lucky
but I only felt safe taking pics by the time Rihanna and Kanye were on (night time and more filled up)

Lupe - same as what everyone else said, I felt bad as hell for him
I was in the orchestra-side section(handicap area) and saw like 30 people there...
20 got hype for "Superstar"
15 knew a few more songs
10 remained standing the whole time
2 knew every song
felt bad as hell for him but he kept going like he was rockin for millions of folks who know every word to every song

N.E.R.D. - I always considered myself 'somewhat' of a fan but never TOO crazy about them
Got their first album, heard some of their second
obviously I effs with The Neptunes/Pha-Real/Star Trak and all that
but they seriously killed it, had me jumpin up, throwin up the \\// every 10 secs.
ACHOO! ACHOO! like I'm suddenly their biggest fan
Show was so crazy I somehow knew words to songs that I didn't think I knew...
Chad was there...Chris Brown...Fam-Lay...
THINK I saw Kenna up there too
They could've done a better sound check with the mics tho...

Rihanna - I like her stuff so I enjoyed the show,
but I can see how non-fans would be bored tho esp. when alot of people sat down.
Only part I didn't enjoy was when she sang a bit of "Umbrella" acapella

Also she mislead me when she did "Paper Planes"
because I thought M.I.A. had come out but it was just some background singer

Kanye - I don't even know what to say that hasn't been said,
you either saw him or you will soon

The blue flames got everybody hype
and when he was humpin the floor during his lil dance break
got some pics tho
and a good video clip of Kanye and Lupe doing "Touch the Sky"
Thought it was odd how Lupe got such a big cheer but didn't get as much love for his own show (maybe all the real Lupe fans came late cuz I talked to abunch in drink lines asking if they missed him when they came 1-2 hours late smh)

Near the end of N.E.R.D. I look to my right near the entrance to the orchestra section I'm in,
see some guys standing, look back at the show, then boom turn back at them and realize
it's Really Doe, Tony Williams, and GLC!
Nobody else around knew who they were I guess
so I take a break from the performance and push all the people in my way OUT of my way
Say wassup to them...
big up Really Doe on his "Plastic" joint, he was biggin up my Good Music tee
ask Tony about the performance
GLC was like "Why don't you put your mask on homey?" and I tell him about that wack cop...

Tony Williams didn't see too friendly like he didn't wanna be bothered (smh) while the other 2 were mad cool,
kinda the opposite of what I expected...
Saw Consequence and Fam-Lay near the entrance way during Kanye's set but I didn't think they would wanna be bothered during the main event...
Chopped it up with Really Doe again right after the show, said he was lookin for 3 drunk n hot girls

and saw that one light skinneded mixed dude in Kanye's crew (?Don C?), he was on the phone but gave me a nod I guess cuz of my Good Music shirt

Apology in advance for any and all who think I wrote too much nonsense,
I tend to ramble and babble...
so I offer these pix as a gift of peace:

Oh! It can't be... G.O.O.D. Music my Grammy Family:


Pix aren't the best quality but I did the best I could in such hectic situations:




Kanye and Lupe:


In the studio with Really Doe, yeah he next up:


Yeah I was at the Nissan Pavilion show in VA. Parking was crazy... lines were ridiculous. I got there at 6:15. The show was supposed to start at 6:30. Ididn't get into the actual Pavilion until about 6:45. I caught TWO of Lupe's songs. Superstar and Daydream. I was heated but not too heated cause Ijust saw him in March at VCU.

Anyways... was never a big N.E.R.D. fan so I walked to the stands, got a t-shirt, got some food and came back. Chris Brown came to the stage and was jumpingaround with them. Pharrell dropped into the crowd, walked around a little, went back up.

Rihanna came out next (why wasn't Lupe in this spot?!). She was pretty good. Decent set and all that. People went wild for Umbrella. She did "HateThat I Love You". I was kind of expecting Chris Brown to come out and do Ne-Yo's part. No dice.

Ye was next and the main event began. From the second the lights went off, people went nuts. No one... NO ONE... puts on a better show than Kanye. I'veseen a bunch of concerts including amazing performers such as Jay-Z, John Legend, and Lupe... and NO ONE does a show like Kanye. My girl agreed becauseshe's been to all those with me. Glad to know I'm not crazy about this being better than Jay and Mary. I got the first 5 minutes of Kanye's part onvideo
. I love how the whole show was one story and every song felt like it BELONGED in the story. I went crazy when Jane said "But Kanye, remember,this isn't your first crash" and then he did Through the Wire. Dude was on stage for a good hour or what seemed like an hour at least. He changedonce, came out, talked to the crowd. Told us we were his biggest show yet because it was the first time his dad saw him on tour. He then did Touch the Sky. Thesecond Lupe's foot touched the stage, the volume in the arena tripled (and it was already loud). The two of them on stage together was... well...
isthe only way I can explain it. The way they mesh and move together kind of reminded me of Blackstar with how they perform on stage. He thanked everyone andleft.

Note: "Hey Mama" was real emotional. Then "Don't Stop Believing" by Journey played and Ye just sat in the corner of the stage with hishead down.

Nike Yeezy's are fire and I want a pair. I'm sorry, it had to be said.
Honestly, the greatest concert I've ever been to and I hope it comes out on DVD because if Fade to Black can hit theaters, this can do DVD.

Grade: 12/10 A+


you look like a damn fool with that on.

if i was really doe, i would've threw that drink at you.
How big of a risk are me and a friend taking going down to the Chicago show friday night with no tickets?

Ticketmaster is sold out and Criagslist and Ebay are too pricey. I was planning on buying one off of the streets on the night of, but I got to look out forfakes and bad seats...
Originally Posted by C2HUI

How big of a risk are me and a friend taking going down to the Chicago show friday night with no tickets?

Ticketmaster is sold out and Criagslist and Ebay are too pricey. I was planning on buying one off of the streets on the night of, but I got to look out for fakes and bad seats...

you'll be fine if you are willing to pay at least double...
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