OFFICIAL 2009 BOSTON RED SOX SEASON THREAD - (95-67) - Red Sox vs Angels - ALDS - Series 0-0

what a game. amazing. back and forth slugfest. fenway was nuts tonight. HUGE WIN

i'll have pics up tomorrow...'ll love (hate) this. my boy and his girl meet us at GAME ON to give me and my other boy our tickets...they then bounce to dosomething his girl wanted to do. we didnt see them until the 7th inning. what a joke. we gave my boy so much $%#@ for missing most of that game...what awhipped little punk. some dudes are so pathetic when it comes to the P. makes me wanna say, "act like you've been there before".
Wow dude must be crazy whipped to really drive all the way to the gamejust to hand you tickets and bounce. That !%@%# hilarious.Yea my parents said the atmosphere at Fenway was crazy last night. Im lookin forward to the pics.
great to sweep the entire homestand, and in the process:
- our bats are alive
- we've found some young pitching that may prove important later on in the season
- we played a couple wild ones with the yanks and squeaked by...never a dull moment with those guys

on to cleveland...let's keep it rolling. let's ruin KLJ's next couple of nights, just kidding man
Great series for us. We just broke their backs every game of that series. I loved it. Onto Cleveland as the streak continues. Lets keep this going.

Im liking Ortiz's hits because hes spreading the ball around, if the power/bat speed ever comes around this year that would be great. It would make themiddle of our lineup scary. But we'll see, Im just glad we were able to shut down any Yankee talk this weekend. It was great walking into the bar and justseeing all the Yankee fans facepalming.

Edit: as a testament to us shutting up Yankee fans I think this is the first time all season the Yankee thread has fallen past the first page. I could be wrongbut even if I am it doesnt fall that far often.
^ you're dead on about ortiz. while it's not homers, him spreading the ball around and going to the opposite field with enough pop to put it off thewall shows that he may be coming around.

lugo is back tonight, and likely to start, so that should be interesting. hopefully he doesnt mess up the flow. nick green was all that we could have asked forduring his time as starter.
Originally Posted by JD617

lugo is back tonight, and likely to start

my reaction exactly. I think Nick Green had/has 3 straight multi-hit games why bench him now. I would see if he cools off first.

But I see why Terry would want to get him some action tonight and see how he does. All I hope for him this season is that he can move runners for us with sacbunts and speed on the bases because ive never seen him as a threat to get a hit anytime he comes up. And his defense could be an added incentive. So We'llsee.

Edit: Here's the NY media papers from the weekend I posted them in the Yankees thread as a little parting shot. Thought you guys might enjoy them since youprolly wont go into the Yankee thread again till we play them next week.



Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

god they are ruthless in NY with those cover shots
They really are. They hold nothing back when it comes to getting on NY sports. Another reason why NY athletes dont always work out for them,because of all the pressure the media puts on them. Bay had pressure on him when he came here for Manny but nothing like guys in NY receive as far as pressureto perform.

But then again maybe we have better talent scouts and we know who is going to perform well for us and we dont just go overpay for the most expensive guys inthe market. And I know its mostly this because there havnt been too many busts in the past couple years, but the NY papers are ruthless.
It really is just you and me in here Deadset. But its all good I said at the beginning of the season it would be you and me keepin this %%+% afloat. I dontknow how much help we gonna get when the Bruins/NHL is over but once playoff time comes around the bandwagon will start forming (yea thats like 5 months awayso what........)

And Yankee fans your welcome to come over to a winners thread if you wanted to instead of that facepalm fest you guys got going on over there right now.
Originally Posted by JD617

JD Drew is out tonight. Tightness in his left quad.

i guess playing the marathon games this weekend did him in.

van every starting in his spot? baldelli is on the DL, right? or would carter get the nod?
Yeah, Baldelli's on the DL. I'm not sure who's gonna start tonight.

edit: Jeff Bailey is probably gonna get the start.
Another good win and another good outing by Wake.

And Bay is gettin close to Manny clutch for us. Cant complain. Kepp the streak alive fellas.

And I like the whole post in other teams season threads. Ill be there with you guys once the streak ends but for right now im sticking with the no postingduring games superstition.
Ok ready to go for 12 tonight. We first place in the division since Toronto got mashed yesterday.

IMO Lugo shouldnt get to play until the win streak gets snapped (or the rest or the season w/e)

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