OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS OFFSEASON THREAD: (95-57) NL West Champs --- NLCS Chumps

Broxton is great in the 8th inning....

I can't lie, it was an awesome season, full of expectations, and they were semi all met.

This team continues to be beaten up in the NLCS, why? Because they don't have that "I'm gonna go out there and kill you from the get go".
As for the Philles, they are punks, scrappy, and fearless. They don't just turn on a switch when they want.

These dudes need to get their heads checked..

MVP = Ethier
Most Improved = Kemp
Best Pitcher = Wolf ( It would have been Bills, but you know)

To all my Dodger Bros. (Bright, 562, Ironman, IYN, Sinser, Pmac, MrJ, BigMike, Luis, pdouly, jpap, amarusgear, jbug, eyegiant, if I'm missing someoneforgive me

Had a great year talking Dodgers with you fellas...... *Goes into Dodger hibernation mode*.
good season bad ending to the season..
the only good thing about this whole thing is, Lakers season starts in a week so i wont be hurt for more than a WEEK.
I said it last year, i will say it again this guys need an ace. Roy Halladay was sitting there for you this year, and you just didnt pull thetrigger. I felt like this was your year to win it all. I know a lot of you want to address the offense (I read Uggla talk and you guys talking about replacingRuss), but you need an ace. Period. I know you scored a modest 3.2 runs per game in the LCS, but if Halladay is pitching 2 of those games, you might have won 2of those games.

As a Giants fan, I do NOT want to face Doc 4 times a year, but if Im a Dodger fan, thats what I want for this team in the offseason.
the thing about the roy or the cliff lee trade is the main guy they wanted in the trade was kershaw, no way are we giving up are future ace for a two all the dodgers here im bumbed out how it ended but they gave me so much to be proud of that i cant be mad,now its on to next season and see howkersh,bill,jmac,kemp,ethier,elbert etc etc progress. it was a great year to be a dodger fan
So who do you guys want at closer and catcher next year?

Both Sherrill and Broxton are due for arb figures that make keeping them both a little too much. I'd like to see us trade one of them for prospects to flipfor Halladay. Say what you want about Broxton, I'm not gonna have the soft argument again because if the best closer ever can blow a save in game 7 of theWorld Series then Broxton can blow saves and not get waived (I hope that suggestion was sarcastic

Martin deserves another year regardless, but there aren't any great options in free agency or through trade either way so expecting them to get rid of himis foolish IMO.

It's kinda annoying to have a great season end on a bad note and you guys are ready to toss the entire team under the bus. That's how it goes though Iguess.

I probably won't bother participating much in this thread because any type of analysis I make/have made seems to get tossed out for heart of clutchness orsome other BS.

It was a good season though, just comes down to playing well in the post-season.

One thing I will say, is that it will be that much sweeter when we win a WS and we are lead by a group of homegrown guys that we've all seen go through upsand downs and fail before they succeed. I'm excited for that to come, just as I am upset that it ended this way.
Originally Posted by Bigmike23

Bigmike23 wrote:
someone plzzzzzzzzzz try to defend martin still? %*+% all the broxton hate, TRY AND DEFEND THAT BUM

yall still wouldn't trade him for starting pitching?


He's still had 3 good seasons and 1 bad one.

On top of that, we traded a great Catcher prospect for Casey Blake and don't have any semblance of a replacement in the system. There are also no FreeAgent options that would be sure bets to be better than Martin even in a horrible year.
i was serious. the waiver thing was a joke but he should be gone before the season starts. hes not mariano rivera so lets not compare the two. you really thinkhe or the fans are going to have any confidence next season? its better for him to go somewhere else where hes not going to be reminded about hisanti-clutchness every game.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

i was serious. the waiver thing was a joke but he should be gone before the season starts. hes not mariano rivera so lets not compare the two. you really think he or the fans are going to have any confidence next season? its better for him to go somewhere else where hes not going to be reminded about his anti-clutchness every game.

My point is that all closers blow saves, all closers blow big games.

You may want him gone, but finding a better closer option at a better price would be very difficult to do. Broxton will be under our control for two moreseasons. If management thinks he's horrible and wants to get rid of him then I'd be fine with them trading him for 3 top prospects and flipping thoseprospects for Halladay or something like that.

Bottom line is that we have two closers on the roster, which is kind of a poor allocation of resources to pay them both when you could deal one to a teamdesperate for a closer and net prospects or players to help in areas of need.

Obviously Broxton more or less cost us the season. That said, aside from the options that we would have for replacements aren't particularly great in-houseand it just doesn't fit our budget to add another big name reliever. Suggesting that he could never come up big again for us (and if you want to pretendlike he didn't numerous times this year then you're fooling yourself) or that his confidence is ruined forever and he could never be effective is alittle far-fetched to me and seems like something fans who are pissed say in October but re-think in January. I've been wrong before, so maybe Broxton issecretly a girl who cries imaginary tears on the mound, but I just doubt the Dodger organization sees it that way.
I'm not for trading Russ. It is hard to find a good catcher, and the market is very thing unless you are looking for a backup catcher.

I wish we had Joe Mauer too, but the fact is guys like him are few and far between and they don't come around often.

We had a Joe Mauer, and his name was Mike Piazza.

Russ is solid, this year is in the past, and if he focused on defense this year then hopefully he can find a way to put defense and offense together inorder to make him a more complete catcher in 2010.

He is still the best catcher in the NL West, he is better than Iannetta, Torrealba (Col), Snyder/Montero (Ari) and the Giants and Padres will be searchingfor a catcher.

The Phillies don't even have a good catcher, Carlos Ruiz just turns into Superman during the Post Season.

I'm not too hot on Broxton as our Closer anymore,
. I'vebeen putting bubble gum to cover the leaks in the dam and with him being a little $#%%$ against Stairs just made the dam crumble. It is not that he blew theSave that bothers me. It is the fact that he just crumbled against Stairs, it was sad. It was his chance for redemption. I wouldn't even have cared ifhe would've gave up a solo shot to Stairs to tie the game. I would've given him more credit for attacking Stairs, instead of backing down.

Mariano Rivera blows saves, in fact he has blown a few big saves in his career. However, he doesn't back down from anyone. Broxton lost a lot ofrespect from me after the Matt Stairs at bat.

I don't want Sherrill as our closer either, he pitched like @##% in Game 1 and Game 4. He is off the hook, because everything is on Broxton right now. Sherrill picked the wrong time to fall apart.

dland24- I agree that we need an Ace. It is a glaring need. The Blue Jays simply wanted too much for Roy Halladay, and there are some that believe thatthe Blue Jays were never really serious in trading Halladay. The whole fiasco, deservingly cost JP Ricciardi his job. He handled it poorly. Our window isnot closed though, as you can see a lot of the key players and nucleus is returning, hence the need for Dan Uggla. The fact is we are not getting any powerfrom James Loney. Picking up Uggla will take care of that.

Even now I wouldn't trade Broxton, Billingsley or Kershaw. Although some irrational fans will disagree since Brox and Bills all of a sudden need to bedealt to some team in Alaska,

This team will be back, I don't have a doubt about that.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

It's kinda annoying to have a great season end on a bad note and you guys are ready to toss the entire team under the bus. That's how it goes though I guess.
Whats even more annoying is thinking we're trying to throw the team under the bus.

I'm damn sick of the mediocirty and not bringing the championship back to Los Angeles, 21 freakin' years. If this was going to be the year for thathorrendous streak to end, this was gonna be the year.

I hate the thinking of, well when you look at it we had a great season ... yeah we did, but we have nothing to show for it.

To say we shouldn't explore seeing the value out there for a J. Mart, James Loney, JMac would be foolish.

I've said over and over again, Broxton is the IDEAL setup guy especially in a place like Los Angeles, I've pointed it out numerous times questioninghis mental make-up. We know the stuff he has or the fastball that he only trusts .... but when it comes down to it, he gets rattled to easily.

We shouldn't go into this season with wondering who our No. 5 starter again, James McDonald isn't ready still nor is Elbert - to give these guys thenod is gonna cause an influx of spot starters throughout the season.

Ching Ling Hu and Blake DeWitt do not belong anywhere near starting material, maybe one of them could be our utility - but none of them should compete for the2B job.

I like DeWitt's upside but question both of their bats, we know what we need and its consistent power.

Onto Casey Blake, he's the most stable guy we've had a 3B in a long .... LONG time. We all can probably name 6-7 different 3B but none of them canequal the veteran leadership he brings to the table.

I'm hopeful for Furcal, a whole off-season to get healthy and get that back right ... maybe we could see flashes of the Raffy that deserved that contractextension ... or maybe its already backfired?

So many question marks, so many great moments during the season and our owners decide to axe their marriage with perfect timing.

Let me add Joe Torre really had some blunder coaching decisions throughout the playoffs, agreed?

How much do they wanna win? We'll see, it should be fun .... interesting .... I know this pain is gonna linger because I wasn't expecting to write this@@$+ up so soon.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

I'm not too hot on Broxton as our Closer anymore,
. I've been putting bubble gum to cover the leaks in the dam and with him being a little $#%%$ against Stairs just made the dam crumble. It is not that he blew the Save that bothers me. It is the fact that he just crumbled against Stairs, it was sad. It was his chance for redemption. I wouldn't even have cared if he would've gave up a solo shot to Stairs to tie the game. I would've given him more credit for attacking Stairs, instead of backing down.
Mariano Rivera blows saves, in fact he has blown a few big saves in his career. However, he doesn't back down from anyone. Broxton lost a lot of respect from me after the Matt Stairs at bat.

I don't want Sherrill as our closer either, he pitched like @##% in Game 1 and Game 4. He is off the hook, because everything is on Broxton right now. Sherrill picked the wrong time to fall apart.
I agree.

I'm pissed as hell he walked Stairs, and it was definitely a !++@* move. That said, when I remove myself from the situation and consider all of the otheroptions and things like that, then I wouldn't attempt to replace him unless the move or corresponding moves would make us a better team. He's onlyunder our control for two more years, at which point he'd be very expensive and would require a long-term commitment. I think that if managementdoesn't believe in him then now is certainly the time to trade him, however if they still have confidence then trading him makes absolutely no sense.

This team will be back, I don't have a doubt about that.
maybe its because i think closer is the most overrated position in all of sports. other than gagne on the juice and mariano (for the most part), i neverconsidered any closer to be automatic. i dont think its a position thats hard to fill because the job consists of pitching one inning and not screwing up alead. maybe they should have someone like kuo doing it because hes someone that just doesnt give a ##$+ who hes facing. to me thats the only thing thatseparates a closer from a middle reliever. thats just my theory though.

look i always thought of broxton as a better version of 2002 guillermo mota. throws hard as #+$% but is going to get rocked because thats all they can do. idont ever like seeing pitchers like that in crucial situations because we all know the hitter is just sitting there waiting on a pitch like hes taking BP
Wow the times have changed I remember when Martin was my favorite dodger and always thinking why haven't the dodgers traded Andre. Once Andre startedgetting playing time he started changing my mind than you have Martin who started becoming just awful. Wasn't Loney supposed to be a 30 hr guy? Right now Iwouldn't care if either one of them got traded we should have done that Adrian trade this year. I also believe Manny will have a big year because hewon't have any distractions. We need to focus on pitching this offseason and the only player I want coming back next year is Randy Wolf.
^The thing is, you say you dont get any power from Loney, but you have power all over the place still. Loney is a solid around-.300 hitter, who I personallyexpect to hit 18+ homeruns next season. Maybe I'm wrong, but I honestly think there will be a huge increase in homeruns from him. Uggla is obviously a verygood player, but pitcher is your need.

All season long my many Dodger fan friends as well as BN said the same thing to me. "lowest ERA in the NL. Why are you so concerned with ourpitching?" Well because collectively, you may have a great ERA, but when your #1 and #4 are interchangeable, and you are facing aces in a short series,chances are you will come up short.

Yes your window is still open. With a real top of the rotation starter, you could be WS bound. If you dont get that, you will be in the same position next yearat this time.
Originally Posted by In Yo Nostril

i was serious. the waiver thing was a joke but he should be gone before the season starts. hes not mariano rivera so lets not compare the two. you really think he or the fans are going to have any confidence next season? its better for him to go somewhere else where hes not going to be reminded about his anti-clutchness every game.
they should have went after hoffman when he was available last offseason. the nl west will be tougher next season imo but the dodgers need tomake a move this offseason. their one good pitcher away from being a legit threat to win the world series. i said it before but i seriously think theirreluctant to go hard after a pitcher after the kevin brown disaster.

if theres a chance to get halladay for the right price you do it, no ifs, ands of buts.
I will enjoy this time between now and April. It can take forever for all I care.

The Dodgers need leadership in the starting pitching roll. Period. If they ever want to see the great young talent they have now become championship levelpitchers they need to see one.

Roy Halladay.

Vin Scully's last year....
Whats even more annoying is thinking we're trying to throw the team under the bus.
You are.
I'm damn sick of the mediocirty and not bringing the championship back to Los Angeles, 21 freakin' years. If this was going to be the year for that horrendous streak to end, this was gonna be the year.

I hate the thinking of, well when you look at it we had a great season ... yeah we did, but we have nothing to show for it.
The Dodgers are FAR from mediocrity, first of all. Secondly, every team but one has nothing to show for the season. We hit under .200 in theseries in RISP, and got beat by a great team.
To say we shouldn't explore seeing the value out there for a J. Mart, James Loney, JMac would be foolish.
To trade your starting catcher when you don't have a viable replacement would be foolish. We aren't getting Mauer, or McCann, so there isno "value" out there that I forsee happening. Martin is going to make $5 Mil in arb this year, so no team is going to want to trade for him anyways.I'm confident he will have a bounce back season, if next year is more of the same then you start to think about replacements. He's still got 3 goodyears under his belt, and even when bad isn't as bad as a lot of catchers.

Loney vastly improved his walk rate this year, which is often times a great precursor for a power increase. The main problem with Loney is his inability to hitat Dodger Stadium. It's either the batter's eye, or his bed at home or something. Loney hit .251/.324/.316with only 1 HR in 275 AB at home, while he hit .309/.387/.475 with 12 HR in 301 AB on the road. Considering that Road Loney is almost exactly what everyoneprojected him to be as a minor leaguer, we just need to lock him in DS over the summer until he learns how to hit there. He's still cheap, and has a ton ofvalue, saying we need to explore finding value for him is exactly what throwing under the bus is. We just need to figure out why he can't hit at DodgerStadium and fix it. When we do, we'll have an excellent 1B who can hit lefties and has an uncanny ability to drive in runs.

James McDonald is a very talented pitcher, who's under our control for 5 more years. That is the definition of value. Unless he's in a deal for someonenamed Hallday, Utley, Cabrera or Ramirez then I don't really see how it makes sense to trade him.
We shouldn't go into this season with wondering who our No. 5 starter again, James McDonald isn't ready still nor is Elbert - to give these guys the nod is gonna cause an influx of spot starters throughout the season.
What are you basing your opinions on?
McDonald spent a year in the bullpen and it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to keep him there. Elbert may be destined to stay in the bullpen dueto injury/durability concerns. When you have Dodger Stadium, and a good bullpen, you can afford to save money and use spot starters throughout the season, wedid it all year and there were absolutely no problems. (Hell, we even got two wins out of Schmidt)

Ching Ling Hu and Blake DeWitt do not belong anywhere near starting material, maybe one of them could be our utility - but none of them should compete for the 2B job.
In my opinion DeWitt should be the starter at 2B next year. Your opinion that he isn't starting material seems pretty unfounded, consideringhe was pretty good as a starter two years ago when he was nowhere near ready for the bigs, and he did nothing to suggest he isn't the same player if notimproved this year especially considering how many times he was called up and demoted. The fact that we put Tony Abreu on the list for Jon Garland and notDeWitt is a pretty good indicator that he'll be given every opportunity to win a starting job unless ODog accepts arbitration (which I could seehappening).

Hu is just as good as Castro, I think he should be on the roster next year, but it's not Ned-like to have young bench players.

I could see DeJesus having a great spring and beating out everyone, but my guess is that he'll get a year or at least half in AAA. My ideal 2B situation isa platoon between DeWitt and DeJesus.

I like DeWitt's upside but question both of their bats, we know what we need and its consistent power.
As far as needs go, I don't really know that we have any glaring needs. To suggest that we do seems shortsighted.

What we NEED, is to hit in the clutch in the playoffs, and have our bullpen which was great all year continue to be that in the playoffs.
Onto Casey Blake, he's the most stable guy we've had a 3B in a long .... LONG time. We all can probably name 6-7 different 3B but none of them can equal the veteran leadership he brings to the table.

He was great this year, but went 5 for 30 in the postseason. I think we should explore finding value for him.
Originally Posted by dland24

^The thing is, you say you dont get any power from Loney, but you have power all over the place still. Loney is a solid around-.300 hitter, who I personally expect to hit 18+ homeruns next season. Maybe I'm wrong, but I honestly think there will be a huge increase in homeruns from him. Uggla is obviously a very good player, but pitcher is your need.

But here's the thing Dland, Loney's biggest knock has always been his power and with him at a "power position" like first base, patience doesrun thin when we expect long balls out of him.
I agree though, Loney is a great hitter and has a smooth lefty swing - if he uses the field he's such a great hitter. This year he seemed to force it alittle.

A 15hr year seems about right for James.

True, pitcher is our need but we're also with no O-dog and there has already been rumblings about Uggla being a great fit in Los Angeles.

I wouldn't expect nothing less than patching up the holes we have while adding a solid ace to the mix. Mind you, that bum Schmidts contract is off thebooks
(but we're still paying A. Jones

All season long my many Dodger fan friends as well as BN said the same thing to me. "lowest ERA in the NL. Why are you so concerned with our pitching?" Well because collectively, you may have a great ERA, but when your #1 and #4 are interchangeable, and you are facing aces in a short series, chances are you will come up short.

See you're right but when the Cards have a 1-2 like Carpenter and Wainwright and they still couldn't come up with a win, then there's a problem.

Before our season started I'm sure you didn't expect our pitching staff to be as good as it was (just second behind you guys in ERA).

We do need an ACE, a durable one at that.

No more of those Malone days when the team was just built around arms and no offense, this team deserves an Ace and an offense to go with it.
Cole Hamels was supposedly the best post-season pitcher ever, until this year came.

There's no magical pitcher that would guarantee us a World Series.

That said, I want Halladay.

Like I said about Loney, it's not a lack of power thing, it's that he doesn't hit at home. If he did at home what he did on the road there would beZERO complaints. We just need to figure out what it is.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

You are.
Is that so?

I'm throwing them under the bus because we should find value in a couple players you can't seem to let go of?

The Dodgers are FAR from mediocrity, first of all. Secondly, every team but one has nothing to show for the season. We hit under .200 in the series in RISP, and got beat by a great team.
Yeah bro, I'm talking about Los Angeles sports here.

You can be thrilled about how great we did during the season, I'm not you.

& you're taking what I said out of context.
To trade your starting catcher when you don't have a viable replacement would be foolish. We aren't getting Mauer, or McCann, so there is no "value" out there that I forsee happening. Martin is going to make $5 Mil in arb this year, so no team is going to want to trade for him anyways. I'm confident he will have a bounce back season, if next year is more of the same then you start to think about replacements. He's still got 3 good years under his belt, and even when bad isn't as bad as a lot of catchers.

Loney vastly improved his walk rate this year, which is often times a great precursor for a power increase. The main problem with Loney is his inability to hit at Dodger Stadium. It's either the batter's eye, or his bed at home or something. Loney hit .251/.324/.316 with only 1 HR in 275 AB at home, while he hit .309/.387/.475 with 12 HR in 301 AB on the road. Considering that Road Loney is almost exactly what everyone projected him to be as a minor leaguer, we just need to lock him in DS over the summer until he learns how to hit there. He's still cheap, and has a ton of value, saying we need to explore finding value for him is exactly what throwing under the bus is. We just need to figure out why he can't hit at Dodger Stadium and fix it. When we do, we'll have an excellent 1B who can hit lefties and has an uncanny ability to drive in runs.

James McDonald is a very talented pitcher, who's under our control for 5 more years. That is the definition of value. Unless he's in a deal for someone named Hallday, Utley, Cabrera or Ramirez then I don't really see how it makes sense to trade him.

Homie stop, I'm strictly stating if there is value out there for any of them to go pursue it. Don't sit on your hands and see a deal like Halladay passby.

Yeah, JMac is talented - and I'll stand by saying ... I wouldn't be surprised if he's packaged in a deal.

What are you basing your opinions on?
McDonald spent a year in the bullpen and it doesn't really make a whole lot of sense to keep him there. Elbert may be destined to stay in the bullpen due to injury/durability concerns. When you have Dodger Stadium, and a good bullpen, you can afford to save money and use spot starters throughout the season, we did it all year and there were absolutely no problems. (Hell, we even got two wins out of Schmidt)
What kind of question is what are you basing my opinionon?

Look, Jmac was thrown into the fire giving him that 5th spot - he got torched and got his confidence shook.

He did nice in the pen, he had that altercation with Panda where he thought he was gonna eaten and went all Broxton on them dudes, leave him in the bullpen orsee what his value is.
In my opinion DeWitt should be the starter at 2B next year. Your opinion that he isn't starting material seems pretty unfounded, considering he was pretty good as a starter two years ago when he was nowhere near ready for the bigs, and he did nothing to suggest he isn't the same player if not improved this year especially considering how many times he was called up and demoted. The fact that we put Tony Abreu on the list for Jon Garland and not DeWitt is a pretty good indicator that he'll be given every opportunity to win a starting job unless ODog accepts arbitration (which I could see happening)
You want DeWitt to be the starting 2B for the Los Angeles Dodgers?

Great, mediocrity at its finest.

As far as needs go, I don't really know that we have any glaring needs. To suggest that we do seems shortsighted.

What we NEED, is to hit in the clutch in the playoffs, and have our bullpen which was great all year continue to be that in the playoffs.
You'd be blind to think our team doesn't have more glaring needs than clutch hitting and having a bullpen.

A glaring need to me: Starting Pitching, how'd you leave that out?

He was great this year, but went 5 for 30 in the postseason. I think we should explore finding value for him.
And Raffy went 2-15 (?) in the NLCS, we should explore value for him too.

Please bro, we can argue all we want in the end we both have different views on how it should go.

I tried to tell you bout Broxton the whole year, he could have proved me wrong and brought this series tied 2-2 but I'm sure you saw how he turned into alittle school girl.

I can go on, if you wish to continue be my guest.
Originally Posted by dland24

^The thing is, you say you dont get any power from Loney, but you have power all over the place still. Loney is a solid around-.300 hitter, who I personally expect to hit 18+ homeruns next season. Maybe I'm wrong, but I honestly think there will be a huge increase in homeruns from him. Uggla is obviously a very good player, but pitcher is your need.

All season long my many Dodger fan friends as well as BN said the same thing to me. "lowest ERA in the NL. Why are you so concerned with our pitching?" Well because collectively, you may have a great ERA, but when your #1 and #4 are interchangeable, and you are facing aces in a short series, chances are you will come up short.

Yes your window is still open. With a real top of the rotation starter, you could be WS bound. If you dont get that, you will be in the same position next year at this time.

I don't want to trade Loney, for the record.

I think he is growing as a hitter. I always projected him as a Mark Grace type with a little more pop. If Loney can hit 15-20 a year that will be perfect. I like his makeup, he is solid defensively and once he matures as a hitter, he will hit more like "Road" Loney.

Adrian Gonzales is a #!*+#$@ pipe dream. That rumor stirred up a lot of fantasies in some people. Have you been to PetCo. They got that dude's mugall over the stadium, he is their face of the franchise. Plus, he is under team control at a reasonable rate until the END of the 2011 season. They are nottrading Adrian Gonzales. I don't care what rumor you are hearing out of Boston (Theo would fly to San Diego and blow Jeff Moorad twice to get a chance atgetting Gonzales).

Pitcher is our need, it is obvious.

However, second base is also an area that should be explored. The opportunity is there to get a bat with power (Uggla), why not pursue it? Especially whenhe plays the only position where you have a hole.
Originally Posted by ooIRON MANoo

However, second base is also an area that should be explored. The opportunity is there to get a bat with power (Uggla), why not pursue it? Especially when he plays the only position where you have a hole.

And that is what its about, why not pursue it?

Why freakin' settle with having Blake DeWitt (
) as our startingsecond baseman? It makes no sense.

& I know A.Gon is pipe but if Ned almost had the deal on the table last time we better hope McCourt is in his ear trying to see if he can make somethinghappen again.

McCourt is gonna need to find a way to bring in even more $ in, Jamie bout to wipe him out
Yeah bro, I'm talking about Los Angeles sports here.
What exactly does that even mean?
& you're taking what I said out of context.
How so?

Homie stop, I'm strictly stating if there is value out there for any of them to go pursue it. Don't sit on your hands and see a deal like Halladay pass by.
You suggested we find value for certain players.

Then I provided explanations for why those players currently have value, and are assets to our organization.

Then you say, "if there is value out there then pursue it." ... No #%##, that goes for everybody on the roster. If Minny offers Mauer for Kemp thenwe should pursue it. You always throw out these blanket cliches and never offer any concrete analysis or suggestions, #%## gets old.
What kind of question is what are you basing my opinion on?
I meant - You expressed that you feel McDonald and Elbert are not viable starting rotation options. Considering the fact that numerous minorleague experts project them as such, and the Dodger brass is clearly grooming them for such roles, what about their performance this year caused you to believethat they have no place in being given a shot at those roles?

Is the question a little clearer now?

You want DeWitt to be the starting 2B for the Los Angeles Dodgers?

Great, mediocrity at its finest.
This statement is either
a) stupid.
b) ignorant
c) foolish
d) all of the above.
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