OFFICIAL 2009 DODGERS SEASON THREAD : Season Over. Congratulations Phillies.

yo 562 spot on man.

im a fool for getting all my tickets in the pavilion, im now selling them because i rather not want to put my gf in that position. fans are wreckless no matterhow you slice it, the cheaper the area of seats the more hostility you'll get. stereotype or not thats the truth, the cheap seats tend to house thetroublemakers.

the game is at 7ish wednesday, im prolly gonna leave the IE at 4 (that may be pushing it cause i have to stop in la puente). are they opening the gates earlythe whole season? i've notice during the game they've put in a lot of "dodgertown" slogans ... are they actually gonna put into effect theirplans of dodgertown soon or am i missing something?

i feel kind of guilty, ive so far sold a pair of my pavilion seats rowB for like $95+ ... and i found a connect that hooks me up with field level seats.

yo 562, i'll be right there on the field level and youre in LF pav, so i'll probably see you - wait nm the pav and the rest of the stadium doesntconnect, i was gonna say lets grab a brew or something.
Caught some of the game today.

I like the pavilion.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos


My miniplan seats are in the reserve, section 26. There were 2 Giant fans in the section next to us, TWO. These poor guys were getting abused out the ++!, by people from every angle imaginable. They didn't say a PEEP until about the 7th, and this thugged out @+!*%$!** was face to face and that's when the ushers and security decide to step in, not earlier in the game when they were being called fairies or f@gs. And at the end, the giants fans were tossed, everyone cheering with me shaking my head in disgust. I'll admit, when I was a kid, hell, even a few years back in HS when we'd be in the pavilion and that happened i'd laugh, but it's stupid now when I look at it. I dislike all of these dodger/laker fans, I know i'm gonna step on some toes with the following statement but F it, I dislike the majority of my people at the games.

I know next season i'll be sitting closer to the field, trying to avoid my own because I can't stand it. If I have to spend a bit more money to see less of my own then that's what i'll do in 2010. Sure, i'm stereotyping, but at the stadium the stereotypes reign true more often than not.

The thing I love about dodger stadium-- The team and the facilities, the thing I hate-- the people.

Sorry to be a debbie downer dude, but as I get older i'm realizing a ton of %%#%. I told my girlfriend I envy the team down the 5 because they actually watch the game and not get all pissed when the wave dies or an usher does their job and snags a beachball. These people have the nerve to shout "YOU GUYS ARENT REAL FANS!" "F YOU TOO WITH THE GIANTS FANS!" because a few of us were a tad focused on watching Bills strikeout the side instead of do the ******ed wave...

I hope the rest of the season isn't like this...
Only reason why I avoid sitting anything above loge level, yes they are also my people, but they are so annoying at Dodger games....

Like you said, people rather do the wave than watch the game up there.... I remember a game a couple of years ago, in the bottom of the 9th, Nomar was at theplate with a chance to win, and this girl had the nerve to say, "Hey, the wave on 3", and not everyone was doing it, and I thought to myself, idiotthe game is on the line right now.

And I won't forget the famous statement by cholos if you don't get up and do the wave, "Oh these people must be Angels fans" Ridiculous.

Sorry if I was too blunt....

That's why I don't mind shelling out money to sit in field level close to the dugouts, or behind the plate.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by sinser13

i wonder what rc49ers is thinking right now.
He probably still believes that the Giants pitching staff is a better all around rotation than the Dodgers, just like he claimed at the beginning of the season.

This is where I need to step in and say something. I try not to get involved in arguments with Dodger fans because most of you dont know me and assume Im just a homer. But I need to step in on this one. I NEVER agree with rc49ers.....ever. But please dont sit here and tell me that he is wrong for that assessment. The Giants DO have an all around better pitching staff than the Dodgers do. I will be the first to admit that the Dodgers have a WAY better team than we do, but not when you are just comparing pitching.

I am ready to get flamed by whoever wants to disagree here, but I dont care. In no way shape or form do the Dodgers have a better pitching staff than the Giants do. Ask other baseball fans who have no affiliation with either team. The Giants pitching>>>The Dodgers pitching. Period. Everything else....not so much.
I mean do you say that just because of the personnel you have on the starting staff on paper, or are you going by stats?
It's hard to believe that a Giants pitching staff who had a worse ERA than the Dodgers, will be better this year.

I mean for someone to say Giants pitching > Dodgers Pitching is making a pretty Bold statement.

Im curious to know how its a bold statement. What is so hard to believe? The anchor of your 2008 staff is pitching in Atlanta. Kershaw is still unproven. Billingsley is very good but still walks way too many batters. Kuroda is already hurt. I know Penny didnt have a great/healthy season last year, but you lost him too. The Giants added Johnson (yes Im aware he isnt amazing anymore, but still an upgrade over Correia) and the Dodgers LOST 2 of starters. What exactly am I missing?

I am very open to debating this if we dont turn it into a Giants/Dodgers bashing. For the record, my roommates are both smart baseball guys and die hard Red Sox and Tigers fans respectively, and both think the Giants starting rotation is considerably better....if anyone cares.
Kershaw has 112.2 career IP with a 4.15 ERA and 106 K. While he isn't a seasoned veteran, calling him unproven is wrong. He has proven that(even though he is wild sometimes) he is an above average starter on a good ML team.

Billingsley is one of the top 10 pitchers in the National League. He also only walked 80 in 200 IP last year. "way too many?"

Kuroda has a mild oblique strain, far from "hurt."

You already explained why losing Penny makes no difference.

As a whole, the starting staffs appear to be almost equal. The Dodgers are way better in spots 3, 4 and 5, while the Giants are better in spots 1 and 2.

Then comes the bullpen. The Giants don't have a single good pitcher back there, which causes a huge problem because Zito, Johnson and Sanchez aren'tgoing into the 8th inning.

edit: Both teams have big prospects waiting in the wings, so we can call it a draw there.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

yo 562 spot on man.

im a fool for getting all my tickets in the pavilion, im now selling them because i rather not want to put my gf in that position. fans are wreckless no matter how you slice it, the cheaper the area of seats the more hostility you'll get. stereotype or not thats the truth, the cheap seats tend to house the troublemakers.

the game is at 7ish wednesday, im prolly gonna leave the IE at 4 (that may be pushing it cause i have to stop in la puente). are they opening the gates early the whole season? i've notice during the game they've put in a lot of "dodgertown" slogans ... are they actually gonna put into effect their plans of dodgertown soon or am i missing something?

i feel kind of guilty, ive so far sold a pair of my pavilion seats rowB for like $95+ ... and i found a connect that hooks me up with field level seats.

yo 562, i'll be right there on the field level and youre in LF pav, so i'll probably see you - wait nm the pav and the rest of the stadium doesnt connect, i was gonna say lets grab a brew or something.

I mean, I wish things weren't that way, but the dodgers are just a product of their environment. That's just the way things are I guess. One funnymoment was Manny hopping over Kemp, and some idiot drunk was walking down the aisle and slipped on some water and plopped on his %%*

What's up with the connect?

I think i'll probably do the same for some of my games. 14 are in the reserve, blanket night is in section 9 of the reserve. I also have a pair of fieldlevel tickets for blanket night i'll let go for what I paid if someone is interested.
Hey fellas, I got a question,
I got 4 tix for this friday. 3 of them will be for my wife, my boy and me. I got an extra one that I want to take my nieces, 2 little girls. If I take them, Doyou think they'll let both in? I was thinking of telling them at the entrance that they will share a seat. What do you guys think? Would they allow this?

Thanks in advance.
What's up with the connect?

$30 / Seat Field Level

I got 4 tix for this friday. 3 of them will be for my wife, my boy and me. I got an extra one that I want to take my nieces, 2 little girls. If I take them, Do you think they'll let both in? I was thinking of telling them at the entrance that they will share a seat. What do you guys think? Would they allow this?
I'd call customer service tomorrow or hide one of the girls in a bag. nah jp

Kershaw has 112.2 career IP with a 4.15 ERA and 106 K. While he isn't a seasoned veteran, calling him unproven is wrong. He has proven that (even though he is wild sometimes) he is an above average starter on a good ML team.

Billingsley is one of the top 10 pitchers in the National League. He also only walked 80 in 200 IP last year. "way too many?"

Kuroda has a mild oblique strain, far from "hurt."

You already explained why losing Penny makes no difference.

As a whole, the starting staffs appear to be almost equal. The Dodgers are way better in spots 3, 4 and 5, while the Giants are better in spots 1 and 2.

Then comes the bullpen. The Giants don't have a single good pitcher back there, which causes a huge problem because Zito, Johnson and Sanchez aren't going into the 8th inning.

edit: Both teams have big prospects waiting in the wings, so we can call it a draw there.
Well said PMAC, Dland I'd back away from a debate versus PMAC that involves stats.
I sometimes feel that way too. Sometimes Dodgers fans do take it a little to far. I always try to get the seats close to the field. I remember two giants fanswere once saved by security, they were surrounded by 5 Dodger fan, ready to pounce. I only reason I sit in the reserve is cuz I get those tix for free.

Cool, Thanks BK.
Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by sinser13

i wonder what rc49ers is thinking right now.
He probably still believes that the Giants pitching staff is a better all around rotation than the Dodgers, just like he claimed at the beginning of the season.

This is where I need to step in and say something. I try not to get involved in arguments with Dodger fans because most of you dont know me and assume Im just a homer. But I need to step in on this one. I NEVER agree with rc49ers.....ever. But please dont sit here and tell me that he is wrong for that assessment. The Giants DO have an all around better pitching staff than the Dodgers do. I will be the first to admit that the Dodgers have a WAY better team than we do, but not when you are just comparing pitching.

I am ready to get flamed by whoever wants to disagree here, but I dont care. In no way shape or form do the Dodgers have a better pitching staff than the Giants do. Ask other baseball fans who have no affiliation with either team. The Giants pitching>>>The Dodgers pitching. Period. Everything else....not so much.
I mean do you say that just because of the personnel you have on the starting staff on paper, or are you going by stats?
It's hard to believe that a Giants pitching staff who had a worse ERA than the Dodgers, will be better this year.

I mean for someone to say Giants pitching > Dodgers Pitching is making a pretty Bold statement.

Im curious to know how its a bold statement. What is so hard to believe? The anchor of your 2008 staff is pitching in Atlanta. Kershaw is still unproven. Billingsley is very good but still walks way too many batters. Kuroda is already hurt. I know Penny didnt have a great/healthy season last year, but you lost him too. The Giants added Johnson (yes Im aware he isnt amazing anymore, but still an upgrade over Correia) and the Dodgers LOST 2 of starters. What exactly am I missing?

I am very open to debating this if we dont turn it into a Giants/Dodgers bashing. For the record, my roommates are both smart baseball guys and die hard Red Sox and Tigers fans respectively, and both think the Giants starting rotation is considerably better....if anyone cares.
Kershaw has 112.2 career IP with a 4.15 ERA and 106 K. While he isn't a seasoned veteran, calling him unproven is wrong. He has proven that (even though he is wild sometimes) he is an above average starter on a good ML team.

Billingsley is one of the top 10 pitchers in the National League. He also only walked 80 in 200 IP last year. "way too many?"

Kuroda has a mild oblique strain, far from "hurt."

You already explained why losing Penny makes no difference.

As a whole, the starting staffs appear to be almost equal. The Dodgers are way better in spots 3, 4 and 5, while the Giants are better in spots 1 and 2.

Then comes the bullpen. The Giants don't have a single good pitcher back there, which causes a huge problem because Zito, Johnson and Sanchez aren't going into the 8th inning.

edit: Both teams have big prospects waiting in the wings, so we can call it a draw there.

First of all, your assessment of Kershaw being an above average pitcher on a good team is meaningless to me. All we are comparing are the starting pitchers, soall you can do is judge them on them. You cant come at me with the argument that "he is above average on a good team." Jonathan Sanchez is an aboveaverage starter if he was on the Dodgers. IMO, strictly off of judging the pitcher, Sanchez and Kershaw arent far off. If it wasnt for the last two starts ofthe season, the only category that Kershaw has the clear statistical advantage is almost wiped out.

And judging the bullpens have nothing to do with it either. All we were arguing about was who has the better rotation. So to form a real comparison, you wouldhave to assume they are on level playing fields. Bullpen strength and hitting is not really relevant. Did you know that in games that the Giants scored 3+runs, in his career Matt Cain is 26-5? Those are
numbers considering that 3+ runs isnt really all that much. Put him on the Dodgers and he is a 18+ gamewinner. Thats why I dont think you can use run support or bullpen stats when you are comparing JUST the starting rotation.

Losing Lowe is a lot bigger of a problem than most of you guys seem to think it is. I mean, he pitched 211 innings last year with a 3.24 era, that you have toreplace and didnt. Overall I just feel you arent looking at this argument from a strict rotation vs. rotation point of view. You are using other criteria whichis the only reason that you feel the Dodgers staff is better

(I was mistaken about the walks, but my opinion isnt changed by my mistaken assumption)
man just wait till you see that sexy@ss erin andrews walk around and show the park.
dland, you can say what you want about derek lowe - his welcome in L.A was worn out.

he ate innings yes, but the guy was sour for a couple years ever since he was never regarded as the dodgers "ace"

he lost a lot of focus when he was on the mound, his mechanics were really inconsistent - he's a ground ball pitcher but became a fly ball pitcher, meaninghis sinker was losing its sink.

he couldnt wait to leave L.A, he left his wife for an FSN broadcaster and put his house up for sale before negotiations even started.

take out that negativity he brought and give me some fresh talent thats willing to prove themselves - and i'll live with it.
Traffic in LA was hell today

I can't wait to go to the game on Wednesday. Buffet section + Doyer game = Life is good.
^ I agree with you. But dude is going in as a Met.

And 562, I also agree with you man. I hate sitting in the reserve level for that reason alone. A lot of the people up there, while they keep it"entertaining", they don't really care about the game. They're there to talk trash, drink to the point of intoxication, swing at beachballs, and do the wave. I haven't sat in pavilions for a while but I know how it gets out there as well.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of the jokes are comedy but it gets old for nine innings and better yet every game. I think it's absurd to want to engage ina fight with another person based on the logo on their hat. That's along the same lines as getting in a fight with someone due to the color of their skin. These fans are ridiculous and in reality they're not fans, they're just there for the desmadre.

I'm all for a good rivalry and all that but when it escalates to more off these field incidents it's just immature.
Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by P MAC ONE

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by dland24

Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by sinser13

i wonder what rc49ers is thinking right now.
He probably still believes that the Giants pitching staff is a better all around rotation than the Dodgers, just like he claimed at the beginning of the season.

This is where I need to step in and say something. I try not to get involved in arguments with Dodger fans because most of you dont know me and assume Im just a homer. But I need to step in on this one. I NEVER agree with rc49ers.....ever. But please dont sit here and tell me that he is wrong for that assessment. The Giants DO have an all around better pitching staff than the Dodgers do. I will be the first to admit that the Dodgers have a WAY better team than we do, but not when you are just comparing pitching.

I am ready to get flamed by whoever wants to disagree here, but I dont care. In no way shape or form do the Dodgers have a better pitching staff than the Giants do. Ask other baseball fans who have no affiliation with either team. The Giants pitching>>>The Dodgers pitching. Period. Everything else....not so much.
I mean do you say that just because of the personnel you have on the starting staff on paper, or are you going by stats?
It's hard to believe that a Giants pitching staff who had a worse ERA than the Dodgers, will be better this year.

I mean for someone to say Giants pitching > Dodgers Pitching is making a pretty Bold statement.

Im curious to know how its a bold statement. What is so hard to believe? The anchor of your 2008 staff is pitching in Atlanta. Kershaw is still unproven. Billingsley is very good but still walks way too many batters. Kuroda is already hurt. I know Penny didnt have a great/healthy season last year, but you lost him too. The Giants added Johnson (yes Im aware he isnt amazing anymore, but still an upgrade over Correia) and the Dodgers LOST 2 of starters. What exactly am I missing?

I am very open to debating this if we dont turn it into a Giants/Dodgers bashing. For the record, my roommates are both smart baseball guys and die hard Red Sox and Tigers fans respectively, and both think the Giants starting rotation is considerably better....if anyone cares.
Kershaw has 112.2 career IP with a 4.15 ERA and 106 K. While he isn't a seasoned veteran, calling him unproven is wrong. He has proven that (even though he is wild sometimes) he is an above average starter on a good ML team.

Billingsley is one of the top 10 pitchers in the National League. He also only walked 80 in 200 IP last year. "way too many?"

Kuroda has a mild oblique strain, far from "hurt."

You already explained why losing Penny makes no difference.

As a whole, the starting staffs appear to be almost equal. The Dodgers are way better in spots 3, 4 and 5, while the Giants are better in spots 1 and 2.

Then comes the bullpen. The Giants don't have a single good pitcher back there, which causes a huge problem because Zito, Johnson and Sanchez aren't going into the 8th inning.

edit: Both teams have big prospects waiting in the wings, so we can call it a draw there.

First of all, your assessment of Kershaw being an above average pitcher on a good team is meaningless to me. All we are comparing are the starting pitchers, so all you can do is judge them on them. You cant come at me with the argument that "he is above average on a good team." Jonathan Sanchez is an above average starter if he was on the Dodgers. IMO, strictly off of judging the pitcher, Sanchez and Kershaw arent far off. If it wasnt for the last two starts of the season, the only category that Kershaw has the clear statistical advantage is almost wiped out.

And judging the bullpens have nothing to do with it either. All we were arguing about was who has the better rotation. So to form a real comparison, you would have to assume they are on level playing fields. Bullpen strength and hitting is not really relevant. Did you know that in games that the Giants scored 3+ runs, in his career Matt Cain is 26-5? Those are
numbers considering that 3+ runs isnt really all that much. Put him on the Dodgers and he is a 18+ game winner. Thats why I dont think you can use run support or bullpen stats when you are comparing JUST the starting rotation.

Losing Lowe is a lot bigger of a problem than most of you guys seem to think it is. I mean, he pitched 211 innings last year with a 3.24 era, that you have to replace and didnt. Overall I just feel you arent looking at this argument from a strict rotation vs. rotation point of view. You are using other criteria which is the only reason that you feel the Dodgers staff is better

(I was mistaken about the walks, but my opinion isnt changed by my mistaken assumption)
Sanchez and Kershaw had very similar numbers last year, even though most scouts would agree that Kershaw is the more talented pitcher. I thinkit's fair to give the edge to him, since everyone called him the best pitching prospect in baseball all of last season.

You also said this:
In no way shape or form do the Dodgers have a better pitching staff than the Giants do. Ask other baseball fans who have no affiliation with either team. The Giants pitching>>>The Dodgers pitching. Period. Everything else....not so much.
I didn't know we were comparing starting rotations.

So to form a real comparison, you would have to assume they are on level playing fields. Bullpen strength and hitting is not really relevant. Did you know that in games that the Giants scored 3+ runs, in his career Matt Cain is 26-5? Those are
numbers considering that 3+ runs isnt really all that much. Put him on the Dodgers and he is a 18+ game winner.
Well, since it's a real baseball season, and the staff without the rest of the team means nothing, I don't know why we are even examiningthis. But since Matt Cain's record is so great with games that the Giants score runs in, then why didn't the Giants bother to put some guys who canactually hit on the team this year? Oh, that's right, they didn't. That means Cain is gonna have just as little run support this year as he did lastyear. So, we could put the two staffs on level playing field, but why would we when the circumstances of the season suggest that the Dodgers starting staff cangive up more runs than the Giants and still be "better" because by "better" we mean having more wins and less losses.

Losing Lowe is a lot bigger of a problem than most of you guys seem to think it is. I mean, he pitched 211 innings last year with a 3.24 era, that you have to replace and didnt.

Randy Wolf pitched 190, with a total ERA of 4.3. Trends also suggest that Billingsley and Kershaw will be improved.

Overall I just feel you arent looking at this argument from a strict rotation vs. rotation point of view. You are using other criteria which is the only reason that you feel the Dodgers staff is better
You're correct. If you look at just the first 5 starters in the rotation for each time right now, the Giants have a very slight edge. I justdon't see why this argument is even worth having. It doesn't matter if your staff is marginally better when the Dodgers 1.) have a much better bullpen2.) a much better lineup 3.) A bigger stadium with higher attendance and a larger revenue stream that suggests the possiblity of adding a pitcher at thedeadline (Halladay, Cliff Lee, Peavy
) 4.) don't have to pay BarryZito 5.) don't have to pay Barry Zito and let him pitch every 5th day.

I really hope that we can watch Cain/Lincecum battle Bills/Kershaw for years to come. I'll give you that your rotation is very good, but if it is betterthan the Dodgers rotation then it's not by much (and vice versa), and it doesn't even matter because the Dodgers as a whole are THAT much better.
Originally Posted by bright nikes

^have fun man, so far roll call:

4/15 - 562, BN, 23, who else?

ill be there.. today was awesome.. im so beat. took the bus to the Shortstop at 10am. drunk by noon.. walked to the stadium at 12, saw the best game ever,walked to el compadre, had a stiff margarita, then bus to my hood (thai town), and chowed on some cheap thai food.

round up.

bloody mary, 4 beers at the bar
3 beers 2 dodger dogs at the game
nacho cheese sunflower seeds at the game
margarita at el compadre
pad thai
full stomach
sports center
562 @ LF pav
23 @ RF pav
BN @ Field Level
Jrdnkicks @ loge
Eyegiant @ reserve (if I'm not mistaken)

Damn we're spread out like a mother.
we got like a mini-summit right there.

Yo eyegiant will that thai spot be open past 10P, maybe get some thai food after the game.

Bbq chicken & phad thai
^This is what I was originally responding to:
Originally Posted by FrenchBlue23

Originally Posted by sinser13

i wonder what rc49ers is thinking right now.
He probably still believes that the Giants pitching staff is a better all around rotation than the Dodgers, just like he claimed at the beginning of the season.

Say its a silly argument all you want, but I thought we were arguing about. I realize starting pitchers are only as good as their bullpens and offense allowsthem to be. But when you are judging JUST the starters, I say we have the edge. And thank you for pointing out our front office blunders by not adding bats tothe lineup, even though it had nothing to do with our argument.

Anyways you admitted that the Giants rotation, with nothing else considered, has the slight edge. I am done. Good luck this season. At least you wont have usto compete with.
Hey fellas, I got a question,
I got 4 tix for this friday. 3 of them will be for my wife, my boy and me. I got an extra one that I want to take my nieces, 2 little girls. If I take them, Do you think they'll let both in? I was thinking of telling them at the entrance that they will share a seat. What do you guys think? Would they allow this?
Unless one of them is under 3, you will have to buy her a ticket. Just letting you know.

I'm gassed, it was a long *@* day.

The intro's were a nice touch, coming through the crowd. Pre-game prep was a headache, especially the JetBlue "Air Stairs",

562, I agree man, working here for three years, I really hate to say this, but I have come to dislike Dodger fans. I love the Dodgers, and I know which fans Ican tolerate, most of you here, or on other Dodger related boards, my boys, Dodger fans you meet in the stands that can have an intelligent baseball convo. However, too many Dodger fans are trash, and I hate to say it, but being at the Stadium and seeing the beast
. Especially in Top Deck, Reserve and LeftPavilion. Sadly, like 562 and FB23, it is "my people"....

Sadly, I must say, Dodger games are different when I go down the 5 freeway. Just a different vibe.

Sorry to hear about your tickets in the Pavilion BN,
. I have onlytaken my girl to the Pavilions once, and that was for the NLDS against the Mets in 2006. The only reason I felt good about it was because it was a playoffgame....different crowd.

Fact is, Dodger fans have a bad rap, around the league. Kind of like Raider fans, [Facepalm AGAIN!]. We heard it when MLB came to our stadium for the NLDSand NLCS this past season and again during the WBC.

There are just too many people at Dodger Stadium, that call themselves "fans", when they are wearing a busted *@* and fake Valenzuela/Manny/Gibsonjersey, can't name the entire starting lineup, that go to the stadium to toss beach balls. I've always hated the beach ball, btw!

Sadly, a lot of Dodger fans just lack class. Saw too many girls walking around, not giving dudes the time of day, salty dudes getting verbally abusive...
. What part of the game is that? Dudes, straight up pouncing on drunk girls.

There are a lot of good Dodger fans, great Dodger fans. The bad apples just ruin the batch.

It was an almost perfect Opening Day. Too many incidents occured post game, that kind of put a damper on the celebratory mood. I could confirm that some dudedid get stabbed in front of the main gate. All I can disclose is that he brought it upon himself.

There is a reason why Dodger fans are not allowed to tailgate on stadium grounds.

Moving on to the game.

O-Dog with the cycle

Ethier with 2 jacks

Bills with the gem and 11 K's

They are all on my fantasy squad too,
, along with Travis Snider whohad 2 jacks today too

RIP to Harry Kalas

I'm too tired to talk about anything else.
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