OFFICIAL 2009 NFL PRESEASON & TRAINING CAMP THREAD has dispatched writers to report on the 32 NFL training camps across the country. Here's what Peter King had to say about the ********' camp in Virginia.
[h3]Setting the scene[/h3]
At ******** Park, in Ashburn, Va., the year-round training ground for Washington, in the flight path of nearby Dulles Airport a half-hour from the city. It's a mini-Snyderville, with a field of tents set up behind the building for the big-wig sponsors and banners ringing the backside of the building (Toyota, FedEx, MasterCard, etc.). Fans park outside the complex and walk in, and this morning, the first practice day of camp for the full squad, about 1,000 (mostly sedate) fans come to stand on one side of the main practice field to watch the show.

I long for the days of camp in Carlisle, Pa., at Dickinson College, where there was much more fan/player interaction (although, to be fair, I think Jason Campbell kissed every baby and signed every kid's hat in a three-county region after practice) and the 20 players occasionally stopping for frozen custard at the stand next to campus before night meetings, and the experience much more traditional. But those days, here, are probably not coming back.

VIDEO: Peter King pays the 'Skins a visit

[h3]Three observations[/h3]
1. Remember Mike Williams, the fat, lazy first-round Buffalo tackle a few years ago? He's back. More about this in Monday Morning Quarterback, but Williams, projected to be a franchise tackle for years when Tom Donahoe took him high in the first round in 2002, has lost 108 pounds this year and was working with the second unit at right tackle Thursday. He looks light on his feet -- as light as a 338-pound fellow can -- and has a very good shot at making this team if he continues to play athletically and with the hustle I saw him display on about 10 snaps in the morning practice.

2. Look for Albert Haynesworth to have the chance to be more disruptive this year than he was in Tennessee. Talked to well-respected defensive coordinator Greg Blache after the second workout of the day, and he told me Haynesworth would likely move from the inside to end on some passing downs. If that's the case, I asked, would offenses have to face the 350-pound Haynesworth bull-rushing from one side and the lithe Brian Orakpo rushing from the opposite ... on maybe a third of the snaps per game. "Maybe,'' Blache said with a big smile. "Maybe. We'll see.'' It only makes sense to spread those guys out and let offenses figure out who to double.

3. It's only one day, one snapshot, but Jason Campbell looks more relaxed and at ease under Jim Zorn's tutelage to me. Here's why: This is the first time in Campbell's nine years of college and pro football that he's been the starter for a second straight year in the same offensive system with the same coach.

"There's no question it has to help him,'' Zorn told me. "He's a more comfortable player and it shows in everything he does.'' I'm writing about Campbell for the magazine next week, and he had some interesting things to say about an off-season that had the ******** looking to deal for Jay Cutler, draft Mark Sanchez, and, I think, resurrect Sonny Jurgensen. But he's in a good place with his emotions now, and he'll have every chance to succeed or fail on his own this year after a roller-coaster of a season last year. I liked how he threw the ball in the morning practice -- crisp, with a tight spiral, and with accuracy.
[h3]New face, new place[/h3]
Defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth. When Haynesworth was talking to the ********, he wanted to be sure of one thing: He wouldn't have to change his style of play. The Titans allowed him to penetrate and attack the backfield over the last seven years. Under Blache, the Washington tackles have been more read, hold the fort, and then react and attack.

"If I was going to come here, I wanted to make sure they'd let me be me,'' Haynesworth told me. "I wasn't coming here to change my style and be one of those 'read' guys. But they said they wanted me to play my game, and so that made my decision easier.

Traditionally, Blache's tackles mostly stay at home and set up plays for the rest of the defense, but he said he'd never had a tackle like Haynesworth. "We've always had things in our playbook for tackles like Albert to play, but we didn't have that guy. So we weren't going to force it.'' Now we'll see if Haynesworth can play a full season and anchor a defense very much in need of a big playmaker. He's only done that once in seven previous NFL years.
[h3]Rookie report[/h3]
Kevin Barnes, cornerback, third round, Maryland. Other than Orakpo, who I didn't see (he signed late Thursday), the rookie with the best chance to play a role is the tall cornerback from just up the road in College Park. Barnes, lithe at 6-1, made two nice deflections in morning drills against veteran receivers. He'll likely start the season playing multiple special teams and as the fourth cornerback. He could move up depending on what once-a-*******-always-a-******* Fred Smoot has left in year nine at age 30.
[h3]Memorable image[/h3]
Wide receiver Malcolm Kelly's shoes. I've never seen fluorescent yellow shoes on anyone before -- not on an athlete or a 16-year-old girl going to her junior prom -- but he wore them well today at practice. Look for Kelly, a disappointing second-round pick a year ago, to press hard for the starting job alongside Santana Moss, but the early returns make it appear Devin Thomas is ahead in competition for the second spot. He was flying in individual pass drills against corners in the morning, catching two balls deep, one on a perfect throw from Jason Campbell.
[h3]On the menu[/h3]
With my road crew -- Ross Tucker, the George Plimpton of former NFL guards, and multimedia coordinator Helin Jung -- we ate outside the ******* walls because media don't eat with the team. On an early morning Starbucks stop before going to practice, Tucker spied the best name for a restaurant I've seen on this trip, and maybe ever: Moby %%$! House of Kebab, sitting in the middle of a newish-looking strip mall about two miles from ******** Park. "We have got to eat there, whatever it is,'' I said, and so back we went for lunch.

Happened to mention to Chris Cooley after the morning practice that we'd seen this place called Moby %%$! House of Kebab nearby, and his eyes lit up. "I go there every Saturday before we leave on road trips,'' he said. "Fabulous. You've got to go. You'll love it.''

I'm in danger now of setting the bar so ridiculously high for food on this trip that I'll regret it later, but here goes. This is a Persian place, with all Iranian specialties. I chose the beef gyro, with a side of cucumber/tomato salad. The gyro was to die for. Tender and spicy meat (I added more spicy cucumber sauce) with onions, lettuce and tomato, in a pillowy pita. Add a SoBe black current water, and grading this place was simple.

Overall grade: A.

I asked the owner why he called it Moby %%$! House of Kebab.

"Because you ask,'' he said in a thick Middle Eastern accent.

"I don't understand,'' I said. "Why?''

"The attention! The attention! Everyone is curious!''
[h3]Parting shots[/h3]
1. The most interesting-looking player in camp: fullback Mike Sellers, who has a menacing five-inch stringy beard to go along with a physique that would scare me if I were an onrushing outside 'backer. At 6-3, 273 pounds, he's got to be the oddest-sized fullback playing in the league. And he's a crushing blocker. He finally got recognized for his destruction in the protection game last year, making the Pro Bowl. The ******** are lucky to have him under contract for $745,000 a year; his value to Jason Campbell and Clinton Portis is much higher.

2. Hunter the Punter is here. Hunter Smith signed a minimum free-agent deal in the off-season, and it'll be interesting to see if the 31-year-old career Dome punter can thrive outside in Washington's four outdoor post-Thanksgiving games.

3. Colt Brennan will put up a good fight for the backup QB job, and he looked good in the morning practice I saw of him going head-to-head with Todd Collins. Gut feeling is that Collins wins it, because Jim Zorn will be more comfortable with Collins should he have to pull Campbell or replace him due to injury.

4. Clinton Portis: five 100-yard games in the first half of the 2008 season, 512 yards total in the second half. Is he wearing down? Or did the sieve of an offensive line kill him last year? Everyone talks about the line needing to do a better job to protect Campbell, which is true. I worry about the running game going down the toilet again late in the year.

5. By choosing to go with Orakpo over an offensive lineman (Michael Oher?) in the first round, the ******** delayed the rebuilding of an aging, injury plagued unit. That worries me. It should worry ******* fans.


*oh yeah...Moby $%+%'s is absolute trash.
Originally Posted by DeadsetAce

Originally Posted by Put em up

JPZx wrote:
I'm sorry but this dude looks like a total douche....Urlacher's on the money about him



Lookin' like he should be playin polo or something

i swear this dude looks like hes stuck in the 70's with this hair, and he looks like some state trooper from a hicktown in Texas.
that's not a 70's's how rich white dudes in the south dress

and he went to vanderbilt. white dudes in the south rock bama bangs it's like a tellum a backwards mullet. tellum your from tennessee tellum your fromalabama, mississippi, georgia, etc.
brian orakpo is signed to a contract and will practice with the skins today

defensive rookie of the year let's get ittt

Three years ago, the idea of Michael Vick and Tom Brady on the same roster would have been unfathomable. Today, it could become a reality.

Vick is currently working out for the Patriots staff at Gillette Stadium, a very reliable NFL source just told me. The source said, as of 3:30 p.m., Vick wason the field attempting to display that he remains one of the most athletic players the NFL had seen prior to his arrest.

Keep in mind, I've kept a close eye on, and I also read Tom Curran's comments about the matter ("You can rule out that MichaelVick is in the building with the Patriots now. You can also rule out that he was there earlier in the day or that he will be there later.")

As a result, I have continued to peck at my source, asking the person multiple times in multiple conversations to check and re-check the information. And whileI have the utmost respect for Curran's reporting, I'm now comfortable enough to go with this based on a forwarded e-mail I received from that source.

A second source has now also confirmed it.

Now for some background on what else has gone down today related to this story. But keep in mind, the information I learned is NOT a result of anyinterpretation of Bill Belichick's comment, but rather independent information that has nothing to do with the comments at all. Earlier in Foxboro,Belichick was asked whether he or the organization had ruled out signing Vick. I'll post below an excerpt from a story by Chris Gasper of the Boston Globe:

"Have we ruled it out? I don't know that it's ruled in or ruled out. I'm not not answering your question. I'm saying I don't thinkit's ever been put that way, so I can't really answer that."

The follow-up question was then whether he was interested in signing Vick.

"You know I think we would consider..." said Belichick, before seemingly reversing field. "We're coaching the players that we have on thefield right now, so that's who is here. So, anybody who isn't here is there potential that they could be here? Yeah, there probably is. But right nowthey're not.

"We're coaching the 80 players that are here, so until we get somebody else we're coaching them. When we get somebody else in here, which I'msure at some point we will, then we'll coach them and the players that are here. Who that's going to be? Right now, it's the 80 players who arehere. That's all I can tell you."

When it was pointed out to Belichick that it didn't sound like he was ruling the 29-year-old Vick out, he repeated his refrain of coaching the players hehad in camp.

"I'm coaching the players that are here that are on this team. That's what we do. I'm not coaching anybody else. I'm sure at some pointsomebody else will be here. I don't know who that is going to be. If I knew, they'd already be here."

Yes, this one could really go down. Soon. Stay tuned
Originally Posted by heat23


Three years ago, the idea of Michael Vick and Tom Brady on the same roster would have been unfathomable. Today, it could become a reality.

Vick is currently working out for the Patriots staff at Gillette Stadium, a very reliable NFL source just told me. The source said, as of 3:30 p.m., Vick was on the field attempting to display that he remains one of the most athletic players the NFL had seen prior to his arrest.

Keep in mind, I've kept a close eye on, and I also read Tom Curran's comments about the matter ("You can rule out that Michael Vick is in the building with the Patriots now. You can also rule out that he was there earlier in the day or that he will be there later.")

As a result, I have continued to peck at my source, asking the person multiple times in multiple conversations to check and re-check the information. And while I have the utmost respect for Curran's reporting, I'm now comfortable enough to go with this based on a forwarded e-mail I received from that source.

A second source has now also confirmed it.

Now for some background on what else has gone down today related to this story. But keep in mind, the information I learned is NOT a result of any interpretation of Bill Belichick's comment, but rather independent information that has nothing to do with the comments at all. Earlier in Foxboro, Belichick was asked whether he or the organization had ruled out signing Vick. I'll post below an excerpt from a story by Chris Gasper of the Boston Globe:

"Have we ruled it out? I don't know that it's ruled in or ruled out. I'm not not answering your question. I'm saying I don't think it's ever been put that way, so I can't really answer that."

The follow-up question was then whether he was interested in signing Vick.

"You know I think we would consider..." said Belichick, before seemingly reversing field. "We're coaching the players that we have on the field right now, so that's who is here. So, anybody who isn't here is there potential that they could be here? Yeah, there probably is. But right now they're not.

"We're coaching the 80 players that are here, so until we get somebody else we're coaching them. When we get somebody else in here, which I'm sure at some point we will, then we'll coach them and the players that are here. Who that's going to be? Right now, it's the 80 players who are here. That's all I can tell you."

When it was pointed out to Belichick that it didn't sound like he was ruling the 29-year-old Vick out, he repeated his refrain of coaching the players he had in camp.

"I'm coaching the players that are here that are on this team. That's what we do. I'm not coaching anybody else. I'm sure at some point somebody else will be here. I don't know who that is going to be. If I knew, they'd already be here."

Yes, this one could really go down. Soon. Stay tuned

Interesting is his birthday as well...he's 23....
Originally Posted by TheGift23*******s_camp_orakpo_football_vaev101.jpg*******s_camp_football_vaev106.jpg

Interesting is his birthday as well...he's 23....
hbd orakpo!
Originally Posted by heat23


Three years ago, the idea of Michael Vick and Tom Brady on the same roster would have been unfathomable. Today, it could become a reality.

Vick is currently working out for the Patriots staff at Gillette Stadium, a very reliable NFL source just told me. The source said, as of 3:30 p.m., Vick was on the field attempting to display that he remains one of the most athletic players the NFL had seen prior to his arrest.

Keep in mind, I've kept a close eye on, and I also read Tom Curran's comments about the matter ("You can rule out that Michael Vick is in the building with the Patriots now. You can also rule out that he was there earlier in the day or that he will be there later.")

As a result, I have continued to peck at my source, asking the person multiple times in multiple conversations to check and re-check the information. And while I have the utmost respect for Curran's reporting, I'm now comfortable enough to go with this based on a forwarded e-mail I received from that source.

A second source has now also confirmed it.

Now for some background on what else has gone down today related to this story. But keep in mind, the information I learned is NOT a result of any interpretation of Bill Belichick's comment, but rather independent information that has nothing to do with the comments at all. Earlier in Foxboro, Belichick was asked whether he or the organization had ruled out signing Vick. I'll post below an excerpt from a story by Chris Gasper of the Boston Globe:

"Have we ruled it out? I don't know that it's ruled in or ruled out. I'm not not answering your question. I'm saying I don't think it's ever been put that way, so I can't really answer that."

The follow-up question was then whether he was interested in signing Vick.

"You know I think we would consider..." said Belichick, before seemingly reversing field. "We're coaching the players that we have on the field right now, so that's who is here. So, anybody who isn't here is there potential that they could be here? Yeah, there probably is. But right now they're not.

"We're coaching the 80 players that are here, so until we get somebody else we're coaching them. When we get somebody else in here, which I'm sure at some point we will, then we'll coach them and the players that are here. Who that's going to be? Right now, it's the 80 players who are here. That's all I can tell you."

When it was pointed out to Belichick that it didn't sound like he was ruling the 29-year-old Vick out, he repeated his refrain of coaching the players he had in camp.

"I'm coaching the players that are here that are on this team. That's what we do. I'm not coaching anybody else. I'm sure at some point somebody else will be here. I don't know who that is going to be. If I knew, they'd already be here."

Yes, this one could really go down. Soon. Stay tuned

Lies, he was in bankruptcy courttoday in Virginia...

but, obviously, Belicheat is gonna he usual non-committal/maybe-he-will-maybe-he-won't self and eschew the questions.
[h2]Leon to Reporter: "I Have No Confidence in a Deal Getting Done"[/h2]
Posted on July 31st, 2009 by Bent

The headline says it all really. Steve Overmeyer reports via twitter that Leon is not sounding at all confident about his contract situation. Meanwhile, Keels just tweeted that he's taking a break from work to go equipment shopping for his son's Pop Warner team.

EDIT: I'm sure you'll get every beat writer's version of this story in due course. Lisa Zimmerman tweeted this:
Leon Washington just updated the media on his contract situation. He's not happy does not think a deal will get done but he's here. For now.

EDIT 2: Jane McManus goes into more detail on her blog, as Leon reserves his right to hold out at a later date and talks about leverage and not expecting to get anything done this year.


What the hell is going on with these negotiations?
Notebook: Barnett To Open Camp On PUP List
by Tom Fanning,
posted 07/31/2009

Linebacker Nick Barnett, looking to return to the field after sustaining a torn ACL in his right knee in Week 10 at Minnesota last season, will open trainingcamp on the physically unable to perform (PUP) list after not passing his physical on Friday.

Head Coach Mike McCarthy did not put a timetable on Barnett's anticipated return date, but expressed confidence that the seventh-year linebacker would beback on the field at some point during camp.

"Nick has had a very good rehab process throughout the spring and over the summer," McCarthysaid. "He looks good. I know the training staff isvery positive of his testing results. Not to get into specifics and everything about Nick Barnett, but he's definitely headed in the right direction."

Barnett did participate in the jog-through portions of OTAs and mini-camp this offseason as he looked to pick up the intricacies of the 3-4 scheme that will beimplemented by new defensive coordinator Dom Capers. If healthy, Barnett is expected to start at the "Mack" linebacker spot, the weak side positionin Capers' 3-4, next to A.J. Hawk, who will play the "Buck" position.

"Nick has been working exclusively with the trainers," McCarthy said. "Now it's time for Nick Barnett and (inside linebackers coach) WinstonMoss to get more into the football drills with the coach as opposed to the trainer, because it goes to a different level. He just has to take that nextstep."

Another linebacker, rookie seventh-round draft choice Brad Jones, will also open training camp on the PUP list after tweaking his back during the run test andfailing his physical on Friday.

Defensive end Cullen Jenkins, who missed most of the 2008 season with a torn pectoral suffered in Week 4, passed his physical. McCarthy said the team would besmart with how much practice time Jenkins would see.

Tackle Breno Giacomini, expected to compete for the starting right tackle position, is expected to participate fully after missing the entire offseasonfollowing ankle surgery in February. McCarthy said the team would watch Giacomini during individual work since he had not faced live action in quite some time.

McCarthy said safety Atari Bigby, who had an injury-riddled 2008 campaign and was limited during the offseason as he recovered from an ankle injury, was finebut the team would monitor his practice schedule as well.

Tackle Chad Clifton, who had arthroscopic surgery on both knees this offseason, will likely practice just once a day during camp, which has been his customaryschedule for several seasons.

Center Scott Wells, coming off of shoulder surgery this offseason, is expected to practice but will be monitored closely like the other injured players thefirst two or three days.

One deal left
Nose tackle B.J. Raji, the first of Green Bay's two first-round picks in 2009 and the ninth overall pick, is the lone draftee who has yet to sign with theteam after fellow first-rounder Clay Matthews signed on Thursday night.

Raji saw time at both nose tackle and defensive end this offseason, working on the left side next to veteran nose tackle Ryan Pickett. McCarthy said how muchtime Raji sees at the two spots will be based partly on when he reports to camp.

"Really it depends on when he gets here because the end snaps are very important for him, especially in base," McCarthy said. "Just like mostteams I would think, you start off with base your first practices and work your way to sub."

McCarthy said it was too early to speculate whether Raji missing practice time would affect how the team is able to utilize him in the defense.

"I'm not ready to go there," McCarthy said. "We don't practice tomorrow until mid-afternoon. That is a lot of time in contractnegotiations. But you don't ever want to see a young player miss snaps. They are important, no doubt."

What a difference
Quarterback Aaron Rodgers entered training camp last season having never started an NFL game.

Coming off a 2008 campaign that saw him become only the second player in NFL history to throw for 4,000 yards in the first season that he started a game,Rodgers is now firmly entrenched as one of the Packers' leaders.

"I think the biggest change that I see in Aaron Rodgers is his growth with his teammates in the locker room and the way people react to him,"McCarthy said. "I see a young man that is still busting his butt, paying the extra time to the quarterback school. So I see a very consistent footballplayer that is finding different ways to improve, whether it his offseason program. He goes back to San Diego between the OTAs and now.

"He has improved every year from our first year together, so I think he is very consistent there, but the biggest change I see is just really theinteraction and the way he treats (his teammates) and the way his teammates treat him. You are definitely seeing his leadership ability moving forward."
Falcons starting practice this morning.

Roddy White is not.

Give the man his money.
...and clearly Atlanta is set on moving forward without Roddy, given their new star at the WR position...



Spoiler [+]
Nov. 8 vs. Green Bay, they're back...


The Bucs are committed to wearing the throwback jerseys at least once in each of the next five years (Cliff Welch)

Bucco Bruce is back! Bucaneers co-chairman Ed Glazer introduced the orange jerseys and throwback uniforms that the team will wear on November 8 in a home game against Green Bay. The Bucs are committed to wearing the throwbacks at least once per year over the next five years.
We need to get Pat White signed already.

If we want him to be the leader of the wildcat and help out as a WR and what not, we need him in there working and learning. Hurry the hell up.
Originally Posted by DLo13

Nov. 8 vs. Green Bay, they're back...


The Bucs are committed to wearing the throwback jerseys at least once in each of the next five years (Cliff Welch)

Bucco Bruce is back! Bucaneers co-chairman Ed Glazer introduced the orange jerseys and throwback uniforms that the team will wear on November 8 in a home game against Green Bay. The Bucs are committed to wearing the throwbacks at least once per year over the next five years.

Those dudes couldn't look any happier in that pic...especially gucci mane #89...
At least Leon is there.

Still, they need to get this contract done with him.

Bad situation overall.

Is Jones still salty to over his contract? at least Shonn Greene is in camp with the other backs.
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