Official 2011 NBA Finals Thread: Dallas Mavericks are the 2011 NBA Champions. VOL: KidDirk get rings

 Chalmers needs to quit
Dallas making plays down the stretch of games, forcing turnovers and rebounds...Dirk jump shots.......thats a REAL TEAM.
I cant %#*# with Bron no more til he win a chip
.. IDC if he avg 50 next season

Never seen dude play like this
Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

Originally Posted by MrONegative

Originally Posted by sthebest


I hope this will be a painful reminder to him for the rest of his career. And this will finally end the argument that Lebron is better than Jordan

There never was an argument, only clowns compare the two.

Anyone beside Pippen was seriously making that comparison?
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