Official 2013 NFL Washington Diplomats SEASON Thread - Last Game 12/29 @ 1:00 PM vs. Giants

^Don't care. :lol: It may not go over well but I'm glad he said it.
Agreed. I'm not down with the Redtails movement. If the Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, Chicago Blackhawks, and other pro teams still exist then so can the ********. HTTR.
^Don't care. :lol: It may not go over well but I'm glad he said it.

I couldnt agree more. There are high ranking officials in dc pushing this to the forefront b/c of an agenda. Poll conducted nationwide had something like 80+% in favor of the name.
I was going to be so pissed if they changed the ******** name. That's my team, they had the name for many year so I would be real upset. 
^Don't care.
It may not go over well but I'm glad he said it.
Agreed. I'm not down with the Redtails movement. If the Cleveland Indians, Atlanta Braves, Chicago Blackhawks, and other pro teams still exist then so can the ********. HTTR.
Are you dudes serious about not changing the team name??  How can any person with any knowledge of history find the name ******* to NOT be offensive??
Are you dudes serious about not changing the team name??  How can any person with any knowledge of history find the name ******* to NOT be offensive??

It's a lame topic at this point...poll conducted a few weeks ago found close to 80% of people in favor of keeping the name.

This is from '04

WASHINGTON - A poll of American Indians found that an overwhelming majority of them are not bothered by the name of the Washington ********.

Only 9 percent of those polled said the name of the NFL team is “offensive,” while 90 percent said it’s acceptable, according to the University of Pennsylvania’s National Annenberg Election Survey, released Friday.

Annenberg polled 768 Indians in every state except Hawaii and Alaska from Oct. 7, 2003, to Sept. 20, 2004.

The survey found little disparity between men and women or young and old. However, 13 percent of Indians with college degrees said the name is offensive, compared with 9 percent of those with some college and 6 percent of those with a high school education or less. Among self-identified liberals, 14 percent found the term disparaging, compared with 6 percent of conservatives.

I do understand WHY people are offended, but it's beating a dead horse at this point. Name will never change. There are countless things going on in this country that people deem offensive, yet they still go on. Chalk this issue up as one of them.
The more I think about it, I think pat white is gonna eventually become the backup. Cousins is too good to be a career backup there will be a team to give us an offer we can't refuse, or free agency whichever comes first. And this offensive scheme we run will require a pretty athletic guy taking snaps. No knock on cousins because he will be a starter somewhere else unfortunately
The more I think about it, I think pat white is gonna eventually become the backup. Cousins is too good to be a career backup there will be a team to give us an offer we can't refuse, or free agency whichever comes first. And this offensive scheme we run will require a pretty athletic guy taking snaps. No knock on cousins because he will be a starter somewhere else unfortunately

Pat White is interesting. My gut tells me he won't make the roster out of TC. We have Cousins and Grossman back in the fold. I think if anything, he's just a guy who can run versions of the R.O. to keep our defense fresh while RG3 is on the mend. I mean, the dude has been out of football for like 2-3 years. I think the odds are against him.
Are you dudes serious about not changing the team name??  How can any person with any knowledge of history find the name ******* to NOT be offensive??
It's a lame topic at this point...poll conducted a few weeks ago found close to 80% of people in favor of keeping the name.

This is from '04
Can you provide the more recent poll from a few weeks ago opposed to the poll and survey from the year 2004?? 
There are countless things going on in this country that people deem offensive, yet they still go on. Chalk this issue up as one of them.
That excuse is about at lame as someone getting pulled over for speeding and then saying that there are other cars on the road that are speeding as well.  It's wrong if your doing it, and it's certainly wrong if others are doing it.  Especially if something is offensive, which is what you yourself even agreed with.   

Your speeding analogy makes no sense. If you got caught speeding, you broke a law. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

******** name - while controversial, is not breaking any laws and is legal.

I'm not one of the people who finds the name offensive....doesn't affect my day to day life in any way. However (as I've said before), I do understand the POV of people who legitmatlely(sp?) are offended by it. Doesn't mean I have to agree with a name change tho...if it happens, so be goes on. Until then, HTTR.
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Your speeding analogy makes no sense. If you got caught speeding, you broke a law. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

******** name - while controversial, is not breaking any laws and is legal.
My speeding analogy was NOT an attempt to tie it into a legal matter or aspect, but moreso to say just because other things are offensive in this world doesn't mean we should overlook the name "*******" being offensive.  If all of us had that mentality, then hardly anything would get done at all to help clean things up.  It's more about fixing the problems instead of just saying there are problems everywhere and we should just let this one ride which is what you alluded to with this statement......."There are countless things going on in this country that people deem offensive, yet they still go on". 
I'm not one of the people who finds the name offensive
That's a shame, and on a respectful level from my standpoint champ, that's a complete breakdown of history and self-knowledge. 

Thanks for posting that poll.  However, I wonder how many of the 1,004 polled were white, or more importantly how many of them were Native America?? That's the real question.
“That’s who they’ve been forever. That’s who they’re known as,” one person polled last month told the Associated Press. “I think we as a people make race out to be a bigger issue than it is.”
I can almost guarantee that this quote came from someone white.  

Your speeding analogy makes no sense. If you got caught speeding, you broke a law. No ifs, ands, or buts about it.

******** name - while controversial, is not breaking any laws and is legal.

I'm not one of the people who finds the name offensive....doesn't affect my day to day life in any way. However (as I've said before), I do understand the POV of people who legitmatlely(sp?) are offended by it. Doesn't mean I have to agree with a name change tho...if it happens, so be goes on. Until then, HTTR.

Good answer. Lets see what this hater comes up with :lol:
My speeding analogy was NOT an attempt to tie it into a legal matter or aspect, but moreso to say just because other things are offensive in this world doesn't mean we should overlook the name "*******" being offensive.  If all of us had that mentality, then hardly anything would get done at all to help clean things up.  It's more about fixing the problems instead of just saying there are problems everywhere and we should just let this one ride which is what you alluded to with this statement......."There are countless things going on in this country that people deem offensive, yet they still go on". 

That's a shame, and on a respectful level from my standpoint champ, that's a complete breakdown of history and self-knowledge. 

Thanks for posting that poll.  However, I wonder how many of the 1,004 polled were white, or more importantly how many of them were Native America?? That's the real question.

I can almost guarantee that this quote came from someone white.  

I still am not following how you're equating a speeding ticket to something offensive?


I guess Stephen Dodson also doesn't have self-knowledge and is and has no regard for his history as well, right?

Yesterday, the official website of the Washington ******** published an interview with someone the article says is an Inuit chief. According to the article, Stephen Dodson, "a full-blooded American Inuit chief originally from the Aleutian Tribes of Alaska," reached out to the NFL team to share his perspective on the naming controversy. Many Native Americans object to the team calling itself the ********, seeing the term as degrading and even racist. Dodson is not one of them.

“We don’t have a problem with [the name] at all," Dodson told the website."In fact we’re honored. We’re quite honored.”

“It’s actually a term of endearment that we would refer to each other as," Dodson said. "“It’s not degrading in one bit and that’s why I sent you guys an email."


For as many Native Americans who feel strongly against the name, there are just as many out there who do support it.

In addition, this is a interesting read:

Native Americans Speaking Out In Support Of ********

By Kiel Maddox
Updated: March 1, 2013

The Washington ******** have been under tremendous scrutiny over the last couple of months in regard to what some consider an “offensive” and “racist” name. While the group of complainants only make up 9% of the Native American population (according to the latest poll), many have wondered why the other 91% have been left unspoken.

It’s easy to assume the silence means indifference to the name, but you have to consider the repercussions of speaking out against the popular opinion of the Native American Media. Such punishments can range from the removal from the tribe, as well as professions ruined.

With the possible backlash from the powers that be it’s easy to understand why most Native American’s do not speak out, as they are in fear of their reputation, jobs, or even their life. On reservations it is their law, not the law the general public is used to.

Kevin, whose last name we cannot use wrote us a lengthy email on exactly this after seeing Ray’s appearance on “Outside the Lines” defending the ******** name. He explains why those who support the Washington ********, as well as other teams with Native American connections are kept in silence.


I encourage you to read the bullets that are in the link. It's very interesting stuff.
I still am not following how you're equating a speeding ticket to something offensive?
I'm not directly equating a speeding ticket to something offensive.  My point was to say just because other things are offensive doesn't mean nothing should be done in regards to the ******** changing their name, since it is offensive to some.  My statement was given right after you made this comment......"There are countless things going on in this country that people deem offensive, yet they still go on."  Meaning from your standpoint since other things are offensive we should just let the ******** name be and let everything continue as is.  That, I do not agree with.  
I guess Stephen Dodson also doesn't have self-knowledge and is and has no regard for his history as well, right?
From my standpoint, no he doesn't have any self-knowledge and has no regard for his history. That's just my take on the matter though from my perspective given that article posted.  Think of it like this DoubleJ's, back in the days of slavery, we had two kinds of black people (even today in society really), we had the field negro and the house negro.  The field negro had a sense of awareness and self-knowledge which is why they wanted to escape and bring about change, while the house negro on the other hand was perfectly comfortable with the status quo and didn't want things to change, and didn't take offense to anything that was offensive. 

To me, that appears to be the case with Stephen Dodson, but I'm not him nor do I face the challenges that he faces so I can only speak so much on his walk from my viewpoint.  That's on him to decide how he wants to live his life and how and what he wants for his people. 

I think this one statement in the column speaks for itself.........."Many Native Americans object to the team calling itself the ********, seeing the term as degrading and even racist"

To me, if anyone knew the origin behind the name "*******" and more importantly it's INTEND I think most would have a different take on the matter.
I encourage you to read the bullets that are in the link. It's very interesting stuff
I will read this during the day, and thank you for the posting the articles that you did and for giving your point of view on the topic at hand. 
Tarik El-Bashir TarikCSN

RG3 is dropping back and throwing to Garcon. RG3 is wearing helmet -- and a heavy brace on right knee. #*******sTalk

Tarik El-Bashir ‏@TarikCSN

RG3 has been dropping back and throwing for abt 20 minutes. Mildly surprising.

Tarik El-Bashir ‏@TarikCSN

RG3 also just ran down the field. Not a full sprint, but a pretty good pace. #*******sTalk

Tarik El-Bashir ‏@TarikCSN

Griffin says explosive running and cutting are the only things he can't do. Those are next. #*******sTalk

Tarik El-Bashir ‏@TarikCSN

Griffin says he expects to begin explosive sprinting in next couple of weeks. Cutting a few weeks after that. #*******sTalk
The name is never going to change, just like the Blackhawks, Indians, and Braves. Get over it.
SMH.  Dudes reveling in ignorance and racism now.  No doubt, more power to you dudes if that's the case.  Also, none of the sports team names you listed have a connotation of racism attached to them.  The name ******* however...........not so much champ. 
SMH.  Dudes reveling in ignorance and racism now.  No doubt, more power to you dudes if that's the case.  Also, none of the sports team names you listed have a connotation of racism attached to them.  The name ******* however...........not so much champ. 
I'm not being ignorant or racist. Many are offended by this term, which sucks. However, here's the thing: they aren't going to change the name. It's just not going to happen and I don't see you going up to capitol hill to get the name changed so quit coming in here and talking about it. And yeah, those teams have been protested constantly throughout the years because many Native Americans have found it demeaning for their people to be used as mascots. Look it up, champ. Hell, being called an Indian is offensive as hell to Native Americans. The Braves just this year had to scrap an alternate hat they were going to use just because it had the face of a tribal leader on it and Native Americans protested it. According to Native Americans just using these images as logos or mascots is racist/demeaning. And chances of this changing are slim to none, so like I said if you care so much about it go bring it up to people who actually have the power to do something about it. We're in here to talk about Washington ******** football.
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