Official 2013 NFL Washington Diplomats SEASON Thread - Last Game 12/29 @ 1:00 PM vs. Giants

SMH.  Dudes reveling in ignorance and racism now.  No doubt, more power to you dudes if that's the case.  Also, none of the sports team names you listed have a connotation of racism attached to them.  The name ******* however...........not so much champ. 

You keep alluding to it but not explicitly stating it, could you point me to this illustrious history of the term "*******" being used as a derogatory term to belittle, offend, or intimidate Native Americans? Has there ever been a time when that term was commonplace like so many other racial epithets? As far as I can tell the word has had a lot more historical and cultural significance via its attachment to the football franchise than it does as a racial slur. Maybe I'm not reading the right articles.

Don't get me wrong, I can understand why people would see the name as being in poor taste. An expansion team definitely wouldn't pick "********" as a name. But the same could be said of Knickerbockers, Lakers, Dodgers, Newell's Old Boys, etc. There are a lot of team names with murky origins that have come to define the franchise more so than their original meaning. Granted, none of those are offensive, but as I said before IMO the word "********" has been almost completely divorced from its original meaning.
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SMH.  Dudes reveling in ignorance and racism now.  No doubt, more power to you dudes if that's the case.  Also, none of the sports team names you listed have a connotation of racism attached to them.  The name ******* however...........not so much champ. 
You keep alluding to it but not explicitly stating it, could you point me to this illustrious history of the term "*******" being used as a derogatory term to belittle, offend, or intimidate Native Americans? Has there ever been a time when that term was commonplace like so many other racial epithets? As far as I can tell the word has had a lot more historical and cultural significance via its attachment to the football franchise than it does as a racial slur. Maybe I'm not reading the right articles.
Here's a book below that gives great insight to Native American history, if you have or have not heard about it..............


"where it is quoted as stating the name ******* was..

"inspired not by their natural complexion but by their fondness for vermilion makeup, concocted from fat mixed with berry juice and minerals that provided the desired color. The men would streak their faces and bodies with bright red ocher and bloodroot."

It doesn't end there, red is the most common color used by Native Americans in painting their skin. According to Dress Clothing of the Plains Indians by Ronal P. Koch,

"Red is generally accepted as being one of the colors most easily available to and most used by Indians for decorative and ceremonial purposes"

Something else for you............

"More recently, a chorus of Washington Post writers has begun voicing objections to the name with a slew of editorials and opinion pieces. The escalating protests followed a symposium held this month by the Smithsonian’s National Museum of the American Indian. During the event, a panel of academics, historians, Native-American activists and sportswriters debated arguments for and against the football team’s moniker. The consensus was clear: ******* is a racist term with a violent and bloody past, and the team’s owner, Dan Snyder, should do the right thing and change the ********’ name.

American-Indian groups -- and pretty much anyone with a modicum of politeness -- have for years blasted the ********’ name as an offensive throwback to America’s genocidal past. Snyder has not officially weighed in on the latest protests, but he has made it clear that he has no intention of changing the name, which dates back to the early 1930s, when the ******** (originally the Braves) were located in Boston."*

So in conclusion just to let everyone know, the origin of the name "*******" was created and used by Native Americans but then Europeans and Americans later on began to use the name "*******" as a derogatory term against Native Americans.  That is where the mix up comes into play.  Meaning that the word has negative or disparaging connotations as used by some currently. 
Really looking forward to the season. Considering how he's handled everything that's happened since he arrived, I couldn't think more highly of RG3. Hope he's good for the Week 1, but he can take all the time in the world. I actually like the moves and non-moves they've made this off season. Don't know much about college football, but we seem to have a decent draft too.
Really looking forward to the season. Considering how he's handled everything that's happened since he arrived, I couldn't think more highly of RG3. Hope he's good for the Week 1, but he can take all the time in the world. I actually like the moves and non-moves they've made this off season. Don't know much about college football, but we seem to have a decent draft too.

We had a great draft with excellent late round picks who should pan out well injury permitting. I hope rg3 takes the d rose route by playing when he's 100% I don't see him doing that but one can hope. It's gonna be a tough schedule but it seems like all the top teams will have to battle for playoff positions.

Some good storylines to watch for this season:
Will our offensive scheme or approach change this season with more deep pocket passing plays or continue rocking the read option?

Will the secondary improve or keep getting beat over the top?

And obviously how will rg3 bounce back from surgery?

Will We break the all time rushing record? (As a team)

Will tony romo help us win another division title?
I'm surprised they gave Morris the big play advantage. Sucks for Trent he's on the browns and I agree he could have put up some big numbers here, but almo is a steal and he looks to be more durable than Trent so I would take almo

Here's a great stat on Morris....

Morris has used his unrefined running motion to break more tackles than any other player in the NFL this season, 22. That's seven more than the next-highest tackle-breaker. He ranks third in yards after contact with 795 and ranks second in the league with 1,613 rushing yards.

dat YAC = :pimp:

Breaking tackles = :pimp: :pimp:

Dude usually falls forward. What a steal/find in the 6th round. Hopefully he can avoid a sophomore slump.
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Retired Patawomeck chief says he’d be offended if ******** change name

“I think that first of all, you have to make a decision whether you consider it offensive or not,” Green said. “And frankly, the members of my tribe — the vast majority — don’t find it offensive. I’ve been a ******* fan for years. And to be honest with you, I would be offended if they DID change it.”

Why is everyone so quick to take offense nowadays? Oh wait. Um. Anyhow, Green was asked why some Native Americans have described the term as offensive.

“Well, I think that first of all, our country has become too politically correct,” he said, as 73 percent of my commenters threw up their arms in praise. “And you can find it in any number of areas. Little League, where everybody has to get a trophy now, or otherwise the poor child that doesn’t get a trophy will have his psyche hurt.

“And I think what you have to do is look at where the name ******** originated,” he continued. “There are some that give the term ******* a negative connotation — to indicate that it was created by the white man to offend the Indians — but in reality the term ******** came from the Indians. And they referred to themselves oftentimes — in treaty negotiations, in meetings with the early settlers – as ********. So it’s not a term that the white man created; it’s actually a term that the Indians themselves created.

Retired Patawomeck chief says he’d be offended if ******** change name

From the comments section of the article/vid DK posted:

BTW, people need to check their political knowledge. Congress hasn't put this issue on their floor like y'all think. The letter was signed by congressional members who are co-chairs of the Congressional Native American Caucus. This is a subcommittee within the Congress, and they're like a thousand subcommittees for every issue.
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From the comments section of the article/vid DK posted:
By the way, for the video I posted I wasn't trying to make it seem like Congress put a bill on the floor or anything of the sort.  I simply posted the video from ESPN First Take from today.  In the video I posted it clearly say 10 members of Congress, so that right there states that it's not the entire Congress that sent a letter.
So it’s not a term that the white man created; it’s actually a term that the Indians themselves created.
One more time as I posted earlier................

"So in conclusion just to let everyone know, the origin of the name "*******" was created and used by Native Americans but then Europeans and Americans later on began to use the name "*******" as a derogatory term against Native Americans.  That is where the mix up comes into play.  Meaning that the word has negative or disparaging connotations as used by some currently"
I really just want to talk to a Native American and ask them if they've been called a "*******" in their lifetime, cause I for one have never even had the thought of calling a Native American a "*******". The ******** aren't using this name to mock their people or tribes. They use the ******** as a symbol of strength, pride, and power. Hence the fight song "Hail to the ********". I think I speak for most people when I say that the first thing people think of when they hear the word ******** is the football team, not a term that some deem offensive.
By the way, for the video I posted I wasn't trying to make it seem like Congress put a bill on the floor or anything of the sort.  I simply posted the video from ESPN First Take from today.  In the video I posted it clearly say 10 members of Congress, so that right there states that it's not the entire Congress that sent a letter.

One more time as I posted earlier................

"So in conclusion just to let everyone know, the origin of the name "*******" was created and used by Native Americans but then Europeans and Americans later on began to use the name "*******" as a derogatory term against Native Americans.  That is where the mix up comes into play.  Meaning that the word has negative or disparaging connotations as used by some currently"

It's kinda shoddy reporting, IMO, by ESPN. 10/535 members IS congress, but it's a ridiculously tiny %.

*Also...for as long as I can remember watching the Skins, why is the name debate (seemingly) a hot-button topic within the past 5 years or so?
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It's kinda shoddy reporting, IMO, by ESPN. 10/535 members IS congress, but it's a ridiculously tiny %.
While it may be a tiny %, they are still members of CONGRESS.  Other than ESPN saying 10 POLITICIANS sent a letter to the ********, using the word "Congress" or "members of Congress" is the appropriate wording.
*Also...for as long as I can remember watching the Skins, why is the name debate (seemingly) a hot-button topic within the past 5 years or so?
As with just about any group in life for those that feel that injustices have been places their way, things are starting to come to light.  This particular issue is no different. 
It's kinda shoddy reporting, IMO, by ESPN. 10/535 members IS congress, but it's a ridiculously tiny %.

*Also...for as long as I can remember watching the Skins, why is the name debate (seemingly) a hot-button topic within the past 5 years or so?

Because we bout to win a Super Bowl. And Ninjas is mad :lol:
It's kinda shoddy reporting, IMO, by ESPN. 10/535 members IS congress, but it's a ridiculously tiny %.

*Also...for as long as I can remember watching the Skins, why is the name debate (seemingly) a hot-button topic within the past 5 years or so?

Because we bout to win a Super Bowl. And Ninjas is mad :lol:

LOL. More power to the Skins and their fans in their quest for a Super Bowl but lets have a sense of reality here champ. Lets keep things in perspective.
LOL. More power to the Skins and their fans in their quest for a Super Bowl but lets have a sense of reality here champ. Lets keep things in perspective.


Ok I will be serious for a min. I understand why some might want the name change. But honestly if the word is that offensive they should have never let them use it.

I don't think the would have let them call the team the Washington ******. So in that case should have let them call themselves the ******** if it really is on the same level as the N word.
LOL. More power to the Skins and their fans in their quest for a Super Bowl but lets have a sense of reality here champ. Lets keep things in perspective.

Ok I will be serious for a min. I understand why some might want the name change. But honestly if the word is that offensive they should have never let them use it.

I don't think the would have let them call the team the Washington ******. So in that case should have let them call themselves the ******** if it really is on the same level as the N word.
Come on champ, let's not be naive to the history within the country and how certain groups have been discriminated against. Certain groups were never really okay with going along with the program so to speak with certain matters in this country. 

Also, the reason.........or one of the reasons why this is has even gone on for as long as it has is because a vast majority have the MINDSET that Native Americans represent a small percentage within this country.  Or as my boy DoubleJ's put it, "it's a ridiculously tiny %.".  Which is another issue and topic entirely onto itself.   
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