Official 2013 NFL Washington Diplomats SEASON Thread - Last Game 12/29 @ 1:00 PM vs. Giants

As far as the poll numbers, you disregard them because you want to. I mean, the numbers speak for themselves...

If you don't want to give any credence to the poll #'s, there is absolutely NOTHING stopping you from doing your own investigative research and going on a reservation and asking questions on your own. Maybe you should be asking yourself why these questions haven't been brought to more tribal leaders on reservations around the US? Why is that? Until then, there will always be two sides to the debate. People who love the name and don't want it changed and those pushing an agenda because they feel as though they are speaking for Native Americans by voicing their own displeasure. There is no middle-ground, champ...just two sides to the issue, which seemingly has an easy solution. INTERVIEWS WITH MORE NATIVE AMERICANS!

Just to clarify, I disregard the poll numbers not simply because I want to, but because what I said earlier still remains to.  Which is you can't or shouldn't ask the majority about the minority.  I find it hard to believe that THEY would care about the sentiments and feelings of Native Americans.

I do agree with you in that more interviews or studies should be taken up with Native Americans to get a better assessment on this matter from their perspective. 
Anyone here plan on going to training camp?
Future training camps being held in Richmond begin this year correct??
Yeah, training camp is being held at the new Bon Secours facility. Starts July 25th I think.
17 days away from TC
New Beats by Dre commercial?
I might have to go customize an ST21 away jersey now :smokin I got an away elite RGIII jersey with that partial burgundy collar for Christmas last year, this new jersey is so much better :smh: oh well, what can ya do :lol:
trainers are astonished they say rg3 has murked every test they've given him this week :pimp:
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Will definitely be visiting my former city in two weeks to check out some of the camp...I used to live right down the street from the facility site.

trainers are astonished they say rg3 has murked every test they've given him this week :pimp:

Bro...I just saw the same report.

Can't wait to see him back on the field


So far, the signs are good. His long speed is back, he's cutting again and Griffin even walks without any sign of a limp when the brace is removed from his surgically repaired knee. Still, Chris Russell of ESPN Radio in Washington tweeted Saturday that the ******** have yet to set a time or date to clear their starting passer, according to a source "very involved on the medical side."

The source did acknowledge that whatever test the team's medical staff puts before Griffin, "he completely smashes it." According to the source, the ******** are "astonished" by his progress.********-astonished-at-rgiiis-progress
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Man I'm so hype for this year.

If the defense can stay healthier this year. And the youngs guys can hold their own.

And if Bob is good to go. And learned how to slide.

I don't see us going less than 11-5 . And yes I've seen the schedule. :lol:

And yes I'm very serious.
:lol: Can't post the link, but it looks like RG3's supposed JO is trying to put him on blast
From WaPo twitter:

Chris Cooley to retire and join the ******** radio broadcasts as an analyst, according to a person familiar with the situation. Link to come

Was a good *******, and he'll do great in the booth.
Saw this posted by one of the members on ES:

I was listening to 980 yesterday afternoon and Rich Campbell was on, and he was saying that he's not surprised by RG3's progress in his recovery and rehab so far. And he specifically said that the reason why this comeback/rehab has been so sucessful is because that RG3 did not tear his ACL this time. He tore the LCL and then the ACL was "de-stabilized" but not torn. So essentially, The patellar graft taken from the other leg was used for the LCL, and the ACL was re-grafted or "tightened". His previous 2009 surgery was cleaned up. So to say he's coming back miraculously from a torn ACL is not correct.

Rich Campbell claimed he heard this straight from RG2. Andy Pollin (or Czabe, can't remember) was like "Is this breaking news?" And Rich Campbell said "No, I heard this from Robert's Father months ago" around the time of the surgery.

So this is why he is able to do what he is doing with the workouts, cutting, running, etc. LCL come backs/rehab is obviously much less difficult than ACL recoveries.

Makes sense...
^Great stuff. For some reason, I just assumed the recovery program/time/pitfalls were the same, and worried about it accordingly without really looking into it. :lol:

Cool :pimp:
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