Like I said before, we should tank. Tank and let wade and bosh rest up. At the same time give the bench all the minutes to let the get used to the style of play and iron out their kinks. If we could get ennis, and Napier (well not anymore) and Tyler some more minutes... We would see what they can REALLY do once they're up to speed. And by next year wed have a NASTY healthy team firing on all cylinders.

Cuz as of now we're just losing our starters one by one struggling to make the playoffs. And the bench still isn't seeing any minutes so they're not getting any better
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Too bad we aren't even getting there
 the hilarity of that tweet

Let's hope we can wash this season off of our skin
Like I said before, we should tank. Tank and let wade and bosh rest up. At the same time give the bench all the minutes to let the get used to the style of play and iron out their kinks. If we could get ennis, and Napier (well not anymore) and Tyler some more minutes... We would see what they can REALLY do once they're up to speed. And by next year wed have a NASTY healthy team firing on all cylinders.

Cuz as of now we're just losing our starters one by one struggling to make the playoffs. And the bench still isn't seeing any minutes so they're not getting any better

Why the Heat should not tank

I don't care about draft picks at all. We should tank just to regroup. We're injuring our core players left and right trying to struggle to the playoffs. I value the team we HAVE more than draft picks in the future. If wade McGrady's himself, we're screwed. Period. Doesn't matter how many picks we stack up, they can't replace a healthy wade and bosh. We need to tank and let the bench take over

I don't care about draft picks at all. We should tank just to regroup. We're injuring our core players left and right trying to struggle to the playoffs. I value the team we HAVE more than draft picks in the future. If wade McGrady's himself, we're screwed. Period. Doesn't matter how many picks we stack up, they can't replace a healthy wade and bosh. We need to tank and let the bench take over

The draft picks are trade assets.
demarcus cousins might be asking to be traded by the kings, i can see pat riley trade whiteside+picks or some random scrub for cousins. 
demarcus cousins might be asking to be traded by the kings, i can see pat riley trade whiteside+picks or some random scrub for cousins. 
O_O trade whiteside for cousins? man have yall been heat fans for long? Riles is all about LOYALTY. why would he find a diamond in the rough like whiteside, let the fans come to love him, then ship him off in the same season? o_O and whiteside is showing his potential is through the roof ALREADY. Riles is gonna keep him as a piece for a long time if hes smart.
The draft picks are trade assets.

current players a more valuable assets that future prospects with potential

What players? Dragic came here for 2 1st Rd picks, not even considering those scrubs we traded away as assets. Bosh, Wade, Whiteside, and Dragic are the only assets and Dragic and Whiteside aren't even locks. Whiteside can be traded if we can't get him his $$$, but I still don't think it's worth it to tank screws up the next 5 years.
O_O trade whiteside for cousins? man have yall been heat fans for long? Riles is all about LOYALTY. why would he find a diamond in the rough like whiteside, let the fans come to love him, then ship him off in the same season? o_O and whiteside is showing his potential is through the roof ALREADY. Riles is gonna keep him as a piece for a long time if hes smart.
loyalty? lol, so your saying whiteside has higher upside than cousins? NOT AT ALL. if he can get a potential superstar, and arguebly the best center in the league. i can totally see that coming. but not sure if cousins wants traded and other teams thats going to pursue him. 
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Cousins has a bad attitude and seems like a me first guy. I see him turning it around though like Z Bo did as far as attitude.
Cousins has a bad attitude and seems like a me first guy. I see him turning it around though like Z Bo did as far as attitude.

Cousins is a beast , but so is Whiteside. And Whiteside just got here and already fits. Why take a chance on an unknown factor like cousins? Just because he has a name? That's that cavalier thinking. "We HAVE a rookie with high potential in Wiggins.... But let's give him up for love." Yea... Good move. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Whiteside doesn't need to be fixed. He needs to be coached. And Riles already sees that.
I will hate to see whitside go but I could understand if Riley does something like this. What are the other big names might be free agent or looking for trades this summer.
Only thing that would stop the heat from making that trade would be money. Cousins is much better.
This is just pathetic I swear. ******* terrible. Its been a never ending thing this year. Going into struggle ball at the end of games while other teams execute their offense against us.
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