OFFICIAL 2015-2016 College Football Season Thread

No offense, funk, but this is a dumb post x gif combo.


No offense taken, my man.

But this coaching staff is sounding like a replay of all the bad things that USC had been trying to get away from. I have nothing against Helton, but I'm baffled at the coaching search and hiring that's been going on at SC the past few years.

Perhaps you could help me better understand the whole process that's been going on. No doubt you follow SC things more than I do.
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^ pendergast coached there for one year (basically under Orgeron) and fielded one of (if not the top) defense in the conference.

John Baxter led Michigan to a top special times unit in the country last year (minus the fumble punt six)

Tee Martin is one of the best WR coaches and recruiters in the country.

Tommie Robinson was vital to Buck Allen and Tre Madden's emergence not to mention Justin Davis' strong freshman year.

Neil Callaway was the o line coach on 10 sec championship teams.

Tyson Helton orchestrated a top offense and was getting looks from several teams (again including SEC schools, Gunna don't yell at me.)

Kiffin put together a great staff. He was just a jerk. That same staff won the south, 11 games and 10 games.

I don't have a problem with Helton's hires. I'd prefer more recently successful/flashy names but they're still good hires. Wish we had a better LB coach than Johnny Nansen though :lol:
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This year's staff is going to be much better than Sark's. Kiff really had a good staff for the most part, micro-managing and personality didn't let it work.
Right. He hired a great staff and then insisted on calling all the plays and micromanaging the o line coaches (plural cuz one year he hired two).
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A lot of smoke around Tosh Lupoi's name as d line coach. If it doesn't happen at this point, it's because a deal fell through.
Apparently Harbaugh slept over that top kicker's house because his primary recruiter, John Baxter left Michigan as they were about to flip him.

He just got offered by Baxter and his final OV is to USC.
By the way, Harbaugh's sleeping over at another kid, Connor Murphy's, house now.

I'm sensing a trend...
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