Official 2017-2018 Knicks season thread

picked up beas on my fantasy team 3 weeks ago 8)8)8)

i have him, KP and kanter :rofl:

and THJR in my other league
Third quarter curse strikes again

Knicks still haven't found a way to break their struggle third quarters

Stay warm yall

Winter is Here
I think Horny said it best. The expectations created through KPs play the first 10 games were crazy. KP had a Linsanity run :lol:
At his size it makes perfect sense. He might be a modern day wonder but being that big comes with limitations, mainly stamina.

Yao was a giant but spent all his time posting up. No energy wasted. He had two seasons where he played over 34 minutes a game.
We're gonna nosedive below .500 this month..then tim comes back and helps us win a couple games. We end up slightly below .500 or maybe break even. Miss the playoffs by 2 games.

Life as a Knicks fan.

KP admitting his weakness . Up to the coaching staff to either not play him a couple games or make him work . We losing anyways. He also works way too hard to get a jumper off. Nothing to the basket, no alley oops, no easy kick outs. Who didnt see this coming.

Tim is vital.
He works way too hard to get a jumper off. Nothing to the basket, no alley oops, no easy kick outs. Who didnt see this coming.

This x1000

We have a 22 year old, 7'3" star and we never run him off a screen or run a play that gets him an easy look. It's all about trying to get a mismatch on the block.

While that's not a bad thing, most of his looks shouldn't be contested mid range jumpers.
While Im all for mismatches, theyve figured out how to crowd around him and our poor shooters to essentially force him to take that shot.

the true mark of a great player is that they shoot the shot THEY want. our guards also have no ability to take advantage of the mismatch on the other end (guard vs bigman). so defenses zone in on these mismatches.

id love to see alleyoop attempts. son is 7 foot 3 inches.
While Im all for mismatches, theyve figured out how to crowd around him and our poor shooters to essentially force him to take that shot.

the true mark of a great player is that they shoot the shot THEY want. our guards also have no ability to take advantage of the mismatch on the other end (guard vs bigman). so defenses zone in on these mismatches.

id love to see alleyoop attempts. son is 7 foot 3 inches.

even Melo has caught more lobs than KP, and he's old AF :lol:
KP has every right to be tired. He's going full bore on both ends of the floor, just came off a back to back, is constantly seeing triple teams and carrying this sorry team on his back.
Add to the fact none of players set good clean picks to create separation, this team needs the practice time the old schedule allowed for.
KP has every right to be tired. He's going full bore on both ends of the floor, just came off a back to back, is constantly seeing triple teams and carrying this sorry team on his back.

this is why some scorers don't play defense. too tired putting up points, since no one else will, so the slack on the other side of the ball. kind of like come on ***** i just dropped the last 8 points, can the rest of you at least defend?
No one is saying he doesn’t have the right to be tired

But for a guy that’s supposed to be a leader or learning how to be, you don’t say stuff like that after a rough night

Don’t make excuses. Don’t make up a cop out. Take responsibility
lets talk about the offense though. While generally i do see more motion than previous years, I just think it's kind of limiting. So many times our players pick up their dribble on the perimeter, in a bad position to shoot (so the defense knows its not a threat), looking to pass to many 1 or 2 cutters ( who are becoming less and less effective as teams catch on to our routes).

Dead last in 3 point attempts. (Although an interesting piece of info - Timmy lead the team in 3 point attempts pretty much up to this week. He's missed 15 games. Says alot about the rest of the roster. Or our offense.
We work very hard for 2 point shots.
ISO is being utilized, but I think its in situations where the staff feels they have the advantage . Ie Kanter ISOs.
The KP ISOs are very hard to watch. I honestly cringe nowadays because hes just throwing up bullsheet.

The offense just seems to be getting tight. Cluttered. Nothing is fluid and guys seem like theyre very unsure of themselves. Part of it has to be the opposing defense, but we're also just stepping all over ourselves.
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