Official 2017 Knicks Offseason thread, Phil Jackson gone

I don't think that Rose should retire. Remember though, I am a Stoudemire fan though. I think he can recover, but he wont be the same player as far as explosiveness, but that train left the station a while back though, but he can work on other facets of his game and still be effective. I know it has to suck though, but I think he will be fine, but this injury pretty much relegates him to a role player status, but role players contribute and get rings too, and if people are happy he's hurt to prove a point or for "e-fame" then they suck. 
It not a matter of him being decent at basketball its a matter of him not ducking up his body anymore
this wouldnt have happened if we would have just benched him when we were eliminated from playoff contention to begin with:smh:
Dont think he should retire. A 20-25 minute restriction for the rest of his career? Sure. Go ring chase and retire when you're at peace to hang it up.
After having multiple knee injuries myself, I can NEVER celebrate an athlete's injury. He needs to hang it up like Brandon Roy. After this many injuries, you have to start being concerned with your life after basketball. You don't wanna start having issues just walking when you're 40.

I see what you saying bro.

I feel you on the knee issues. Tore my acl 14 years ago and my knee is not exactly the same but I can do everything on this knee but play basketball.

About Derrick...if it was his back that he kept having issues with, I'd say he should retire now. But I don't think there's anything he can do to his knee that will affect quality of life outside of sports. So he might as well take the risk with his knee, and keep going.
I don't think I've watched an entire game beginning to end since that winning season under Woodson.

Oh wow didn't even see Rose got a season ending injury. Son is really gonna struggle to get a good contract now.
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Lol I think the infamous Phoenix training staff has migrated to Portland, or some other team. Training staff currently in Phoenix aren't the same ppl.

They haven't been for a few seasons already, I'm certain.
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Melo on the writing on the wall: You don't know what writing is on the wall, though, but I see what writing is on the wall.

Melo on exit interview with Phil: "Pretty sure the chips will be on the table. The chips will be on the table in that meeting."
I hope melo goes to a contender... being a knicks fan I've had to put up being a joke in sports circles...

Haven't been watching much but everytime I put it on were getting smacked... top 4 pick or bust
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