I’m starting to question was he really a good G5 coach or just riding Brian kelly’s leftover recruits and system?
He did a decent job at Cincy. Definitely was a step down from Kelly in a facets and the cupboard was left full.

What the hell is Swanson trying to accomplish?
this is Swanson?

It is. Swanson’s just a tool. This is his schtick. He’s like everything bad about HS/college sports journalists rolled into one. He and Scott Wolfe have an axe to grind with USC and some high schools for banning them from their campuses (and with Rivals and LA Times for firing them) so they just troll the team for clicks. They figure "we'll be the bad guy reporters like Barstool and get people to pay attention to our trolling!"

They don’t "break" anything that premium site readers don’t already know, chiefly because they have no sources anymore, but they leak premium reports publicly and always with a negative spin. Most of the time though they just make **** up to troll and attack kids leaning to SC.

Like who takes pride in publicly outing a high school kids commitment? Because of that the premium boards have to be careful what they talk about because he reads it and posts it on twitter for teh lulz.
That entire twitter thread is hilarious. Here are some of selections from Uncle Luke:

"I agree only good for quarterbacks how about right now thousands of kids put in for transfers"
Apparently the portal only works for QBs and there are 'thousands of kids' transferring :lol:
"First off you ain't no Beast until you get out on that field if you remember we got Brock Berlin he was supposed to be a beast from Florida from the portal how did that work out"
Apparently the transfer portal has been around for over 15 years :lol:

"Since this new rule has been put in thousands and thousands of kids have asked for transfers remember schools can only sign 25 scholarships. Where are all these kids going to go over the long run it will kill High School football colleges will hold out for transfers"
Apparently schools have a max of 25 scholarships each year (I guess he doesn't understand that the number of scholarships available are based on player attrition, not an arbitrary scholarship max) and there are thousands of kids transferring. Is he worried about there not being enough D1 spots for all these kids?

Loving these stories of losing out on recruits at Michigan

Wonder how much ( and what ) he really said.

edit -
Just read it, Interesting to put those details out there like that

Fred comes to my office (and says),’ Ron, you've got to talk to Jai. He's talking about he's not coming. You’ve got to talk to him’ Of course I love Fred. I start immediately chuckling. Just like this (I said), ‘Jai, what's going on man?’ (Eugene said), ‘Coach, they came to the birthday party on Sunday… and you know my daddy just got out of jail and they got him a job, and they got my momma a house, and they said they were going to take care of my baby. I gotta go to LSU. I said, ‘Jai, you do. You gotta go to LSU.’ And he goes to LSU.”
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