Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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The way this thread got infiltrated with dense, surface level thinking, non inside joke getting, low fruit picking users who clearly don’t understand the dynamics in here over the past few days is ridiculous :lol:.

I had to resist the urge to go back n forth with the nonsense.

Dubs n Rockets tonight. Threezus breakout (pls :blush:) :pimp: :pimp:
some of the folk that came thru never stepped foot in an NT NBA thread in their lifetime and it shows :lol:
“I will say this. We live in a country that allows you to be whoever you want to be. As a Christian man, I serve a God that gives you free will to be who you want to be. As a Christian man, I have beliefs of what’s right and what’s wrong. That being said, I know Jason Collins, I know his family, and am certainly praying for them at this time.”


So it turns out that mark Jackson is a comedian!

Everybody knows how the good ol boys network works, it's hard enough to even get in the door, those in the power structure will find any excuse to can you for somebody they feel more comfortable with. His faith was a convenient excuse. If you got dudes in the organization secretly taping conversations, they looking for something to get you outta the paint.

The next time Thibs gets along with the ownership structure will be the first yet he'll always be on the list when a job opens.
As it relates to Westbrook yes. Taking that conversation elsewhere is another topic for another thread.

The NBA thread is a special place on NT. Folks come here to enjoy themselves talking about the best pro league in the world and what immediately orbits it. When it gets to the point we are singling out posters for what perceived race they are we've gone too far. Not the place for that.
Agreed. Rules are rules. I hope that the overt misogyny is addressed as well.
I think Mark Jackson would be a bad coach if he coached again.

I'd have no problem if some team gave him another chance considering how many coaching retreads there are in the NBA.

I would not want it to be my team.
That was only a fraction of the discussion.

Are you saying that the next time a fan accosts a player and the incident has racial under tones, that’s a no-go as far as discussing it in this thread?

Or just that specifically asking someone what race they are? Because if it’s the latter, I get that.

But in a league with the demographics being as they are, race is going to come up again.
As it relates to the players and fans it is the NBA and that's what we discuss when it intersects.

But going after posters for their race is not what this thread is about. Whether is calling out a specific poster or generalizing. No point to that.
Maybe he's not getting a job because he is annoying. I have to change the channel when he is doing the broadcast now. You can only hear so many, "Momma there go that man" in your life.

He's only interviewed for 2 positions since GS...one of them went to Fizdale.

Could it possibly be.....that Mark Jackson is waiting for the right position to come along? Or is he not being given a "chance"?

As many things in life it's probably a combination of both. He's definitely been campaigning for the Laker job since MDA got fired, but also he's never really mentioned as a serious candidate for any of these jobs.

You don't think these dudes in GS have serious influence after becoming what everybody else is chasing as the model franchise in the league now?
And Mark Jackson not being given another "chance" isn't?

No what isn't is that he got a bad wrap not based on his coaching performance but his desire not to acquiesce to the unreasonable demands of ownership and as a result, his name was sullied a bit.

Show me where he has been given a chance to coach again? And show me definitively how you know he only got two interviews?

Teams don't always broadcast what candidates were interviewed. There's no Rooney Rule in the NBA.
Kerr overhauled a team culture that had grown poisonous, for well-documented reasons, under Jackson and his assistants. In his zeal to motivate players, Jackson fostered resentment among them and toward the front office. He fired two assistants, requested Jerry West stay away from practices, and asked a younger front-office official to stop rebounding for players, sources have said.

When Ezeli was injured last season, Jackson and his staff told the healthy players that Ezeli was cheering against them — so that he would look good, according to several team sources. Players confronted Ezeli in a meeting, and he wept at the accusation — which he denied.

• Lied about one of his players and tried to besmirch his character

• Created a toxic environment in the locker room

• Pissed off the team President with anti-gay comments

• Banned Jerry West from practice

• Volatile relationship with multiple assistant coaches to the point that one of them was recording him

• Bible-thumping wore thin

• Loved to post up the 2nd best shooter ever 18 feet from the basket. A guy who has never shot below 40% on threes in his career.

• Iso-heavy offense with little ball movement. GSW finished outside the top 10 in offensive rating in each of Mark's 3 seasons, which is quite a feat for a team with Steph Curry and Klay Thompson

Some of the same people who rip LeBron for the baggage he brings... want to bring in Mark, who brings quite a bit of drama himself.
This is a lie. He invited them to attend the service most of the team willingly went of their own accord.


Not disputing this, but there are situations that come up in workplaces where certain activies are presented to employees as “voluntary”, but are perceived as mandatory to stay in the boss’ favor or to have an opportunity to advance.

I obviously can’t say whether that was the case in GSW with Jackson’s chapel sessions, but it strikes me as something that would create kind of an awkward dynamic.
As it relates to the players and fans it is the NBA and that's what we discuss when it intersects.

But going after posters for their race is not what this thread is about. Whether is calling out a specific poster or generalizing. No point to that.
There are people on many threads who'll claim, let's keep it about the shoes, let's keep it about the NBA, but what they are really stating is that they do not wish to be confronted about their biases, racist, sexist or otherwise. Just like calling the police on people BBQ'in in the park, they use the rules in their favor, using those rules to hide and then justify their racist and sexist beliefs.

I do not think that there is any doubt that in this political climate, many white fans do not like the fact that these millionaire Black athletes are proclaiming their freedom, while in a white country. MAGA. These fans also think that they have a right to complain about these Black athletes, just as long as they are within the rules.

It is a funny game that they play.
Klay with a post game could be interesting especially since he's tall for a 2. I wouldn't knock him for trying to develop someone into a more complete player or in other words coaching.
As many things in life it's probably a combination of both. He's definitely been campaigning for the Laker job since MDA got fired, but also he's never really mentioned as a serious candidate for any of these jobs.

You don't think these dudes in GS have serious influence after becoming what everybody else is chasing as the model franchise in the league now?

The candidates ive heard for the Lakers jobs are:

Ty Lue
Jason Kidd
Brian Shaw
Monty Williams
Mark Jackson
Even Mike Brown again :lol:

So take that for what it’s worth.

Mark just real choosy about the situation he wants to go in. He got fired from an up and coming playoff team and his replacement was a rookie coach who won the chip the very next year :lol:. He for the most party is looking for the right situation.

Offensively, he has room to grow as a coach. But defensively and intangible wise players trust are his strengths.

If that Sac job opened up at the right time, and they were interested....Mark would take it.
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