Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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If he wasn't using Klay optimally, was he doing that part of his job correctly?
He probably wanted to turn Klay into a more complete player which is a good thing. Just cause we have hindsight and Klay turned out just fine chucking away with no responsibility does not mean that was a bad move from Jackson.
He probably wanted to turn Klay into a more complete player which is a good thing. Just cause we have hindsight and Klay turned out just fine chucking away with no responsibility does not mean that was a bad move from Jackson.

It was a bad move, what?
You don't make players do **** they don't do during games. He wasn't good at it and Jackson did it every single game, forcing him to play out his element, ruining elite spacing, wasting possessions. It's actually a juvenile though process, "he's tall so let's use him in the post". That's stuff high school coaches do.
It was a bad move, what?
You don't make players do **** they don't do during games. He wasn't good at it and Jackson did it every single game, forcing him to play out his element, ruining elite spacing, wasting possessions. It's actually a juvenile though process, "he's tall so let's use him in the post". That's stuff high school coaches do.
Nah you're blowing it way out of proportion. It may have not worked as he intended but you can't knock him for trying to get the most out of players. You experiment with certain things as a coach and that wasn't nearly as detrimental to the team as your trying to make it seem.
You not gonna win this man :lol:

Give up. Minds are already made up. You can literally put every metric in front of their faces that shows the drastic difference offensively between Jackson's Warriors and Kerr's Warriors...and the other narrative will supersede that.

Yup. People just don’t want to learn :lol:.

I always gotta put this article up when it comes to Kerr tho.



Just all around well written and shows the basketball mind and vision of Kerr.
Nah you're blowing it way out of proportion. It may have not worked as he intended but you can't knock him for trying to get the most out of players. You experiment with certain things as a coach and that wasn't nearly as detrimental to the team as your trying to make it seem.

Man what? :lol: So if Phil Jackson experimented with Shaq dribbling and pulling 3's during a game that's a coach trying to get the most out of him?
It didn't work but at least he tried? You serious? :lol:
Man what? :lol: So if Phil Jackson experimented with Shaq dribbling and pulling 3's during a game that's a coach trying to get the most out of him?
It didn't work but at least he tried? You serious? :lol:


Having Steph Curry shoot 10 3s a game and moving without the ball and setting screens is “experimenting”. Having Klay & Steph screen for each other on split action because of Kerr’s experience having trouble guarding Stockton and Hornacek on splits is experimenting.

Having Klay Thompson post up because he’s a 6’7 2 guard is not experimenting to get the most out of him :lol:.
Man what? :lol: So if Phil Jackson experimented with Shaq dribbling and pulling 3's during a game that's a coach trying to get the most out of him?
It didn't work but at least he tried? You serious? :lol:
Well now you're being ridiculous. Klay putting together a post game is plausible. And u asking if I'm serious lol?

One that came to mind was when dantoni tried melo at point forward which wasn't the best fit. Maybe a little more of a reach but I ultimately can't hold that against him and fwiw I can't stand dantoni knock him almost every chance I get
The stupid thing about this issue is it's literally a brain dead, no questions asked easy fix. And it's not like it's cost prohibitive.

The NBA just needs to take over security of the bottom bowl of arenas, particularly in the courtside seats. Anyone that pops off... No warnings, no questions asked, you're gone. And there ain't gonna be a refund if you catch the boot.

You'll probably have some disputes from fans where guys make judgment calls, but too bad. If you're close enough to the line to get sniped on a judgment call, you're probably too close.
If players were allowed to defend themselves, things would change immediately. Being called the Nword from the stands, should absolve any player from any wrong doing.
Would fix exactly zero - don't be dense.

Always gonna be tough guys looking for a chance to pop off and looking for a fight.
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