Which team will win the 2018-2019 NBA Championship?

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Tbh I think them 3 years at the univ of Utah was more than enough time spent in that state unfortunately
I honestly think a lot of it has to do with his mom dying.
Definitely possible. He's used to just be a troll. Now he's a bully.

He did grow up in a toughhhh *** city tho. His mom's probs kept him sane. It def be's like that. There's nobody like mom.
Is that is or is that Lakers fans, especially on here, are bizarrely non-objective when it comes to the Clippers? They’re no threat to the Lakers dominance in LA, yet you all hate them just because they exist and dare to play in the same city. Refuse to see when they actually have good players, management and coaching. Similar to how you weirdos can’t give the Pop era Spurs credit for anything.

Oh, right, and now just making the playoffs doesn’t mean anything. Same routine for the last 6 years. Lakers fans care about making about making the playoffs until it’s clear the team won’t, then it’s back to the “only Ringzzzz matter” routine.

So this isn’t about “little brother syndrome”, this is about you all being fairly called out because your Laker myopia caused you to be completely wrong about how the season would play out for the two teams.

It's just jokes bruh got damn :lol:. You are way too uptight about this. People talk **** in here about the Lakers all day everyday but let someone make a lil joke about the clippers and you get all butthurt and ban yourself from the thread and hold grudges for eternity. You literally stopped coming in here for like 3years all because I said DeAndre Jordan was capable of making free throws. He's been on like 3 teams since then and you over there still mad. But yeah..'Laker myopia'. It's never that serious. Relaxxx
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Also antidope antidope - yeah, 18 hours away from the crib is a lot if you do it consistently. Fortunately we have different schedules (she has a normal one for the most part) so we just get a dog walk during the day but **** is expensive ($18 per walk) and when we are both on travel or going away for vacation it’s tough. I prefer to board her ($39/day) but my girlfriend prefers to let her stay with other people but I hate asking for favors and I don’t want her pissing or ****ting on other people’s floors (if it comes to that) :lol:
Dog walkers are a racket, I couldn't bring myself to pay for it. People at my job do it and I hear about how it costs and it's unbelievable
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