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You really are being very selective to the posts/parts of posts in here you’re paying attention to.

You can be proud of your hometown, find fault with Kyrie’s exit from Boston AND acknowledge Boston’s well documented history/reputation for being racist.

Kyrie’s history with the Celtics and there likely being a racial component to the water bottle throwing incident are not mutually exclusive things.
We have been acknowledging some of the fans behavior here every time it occurs… But for Kyrie to say this was unnecessary.. nothing even happened yet...Kid said it before they even played a game in Boston. Like I said it was a mind game. Kyrie’s a genius but he’s also a weirdo
We all knew he wasn't re-signing anyways after the 2018 postseason, his little moment with KD at all-star weekend and then quitting vs. the Bucks in 2019. Writing was on the wall. Hayward snapping his leg set off a series of events that led to all this.

Celtics fans should be happy he didn't re-sign. He's not really equipped to be a #1 on an NBA basketball team, especially on a team full of youngsters and that's what they needed. Tatum's growth would have been stunted big time. Kyrie also doesn't owe anyone anything. So he got peoples hopes up by saying he wanted to resign and make a commercial. Oh well. People reneg in the business world all the time. Until someone signs a contract, don't celebrate prematurely. Simple.

I'm pretty sure him and Jaylen hated each other too on some who's the smartest one in the room clash of egos. That seemed clear.
Trolling about what? You said he needed to shift attention. I asked from what since it’s pretty clear to everyone outside of Boston that the Celtics didn’t stand a chance this series.

He didn’t need to shift anything. Dudes could have just come in here, beat the Celtics 4-1 and left.

Now you all are just making excuses for why some of your fans are acting like children

Everyone knew they didn’t have a chance vs. the Nets, that isn’t up for debate.

He could’ve just came to Boston and walked out with the win but decided to call out the city before stepping on the floor.

The guy has issues.
^^^ Yeah, the way I remember that Summer it seemed like a bunch of C’s fans couldn’t wait for Kyrie to be gone.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I mean, if a big star player is gonna say “im coming back next year” and doesnt, any fanbase would feel a type of way about it. So regardless if Kyrie had hometown roots or actually did something with the Celtics, I can see that sentiment.
Celtics fans should be happy he didn't re-sign. He's not really equipped to be a #1 on an NBA basketball team, especially on a team full of youngsters and that's what they needed. Tatum's growth would have been stunted big time. Kyrie also doesn't owe anyone anything. So he got peoples hopes up by saying he wanted to resign and make a commercial. Oh well.

I was going to post something similar. Kyrie is one of my favorite players ever because he reminds me of one of my most favorite underrated players, Rod Strickland. With that said, my fandom for Kyrie aside, he’s not #1. When I saw the C’s play better when Kyrie was out, I thought that all that they needed was a serviceable point guard. I saw the leaps that Tatum/Brown were making and I thought it was their team. If they could’ve gotten a capable back up point guard and let Marcus Smart start they’d be just as good, if not better without Kyrie. The Kemba signing was alright, but to me wasn’t necessary, they paid him nicely to never get over the injuries. If they would have gotten a decent back up point guard, some rebounding/size, and let Timelord develop sooner they wouldn’t need Kyrie. Kyrie is a great player, great dude, but he’s not the #1/leader, even with his championship experience, he’s not “that” guy.
I don’t feel a type of way about the players that feel a type of way for Kyrie stepping on the logo in the manner that he did….. my thing is this though, how come the current Celtic players didn’t do anything about it. Being an ardent Cowboys fan, when T.O. did what he did on the Star at Cowboy Stadium, one of the Cowboys tried to check him, cool, life moved on. No fan did anything. Whether it was retaliatory or race motivated. The player handled it. So if KG or Glen feel a type of way, why don’t they check the current Celtics players first…..
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