Official Air Jordan XI Concord Release thread 12/23/11 NO BUYING/SELLING/TRADING!

After striking out on these today i came to realize that my "so called" connects aren't $#^t, mall security cannot do their job,FTL/FA/Etc employees aren't very helpful on releases like this one and to top it all off Niketalk crashed.Also to those who are selling on craigslist please be careful because a close friend of mines almost got robbed about 30 mins ago trying to trade for his correct size.
Originally Posted by Slicknick951

Originally Posted by southwestern

@ceotypedoe.....HI HATER.

i still dont see what I did wrong. if you want to say that my girl decieved to get me a pair-okay. i'll agree with that, but where im from we call that "getting down". so in other words, "my girl got down for me"; just like she was supposed to.

whats going on with boys acting like women? for real.
take your 6 posts that way 
Son made an account to come in thinking he'd get props for his girl "Getting down" for him. While you wasted all your time with your elaborate plan to cop concords on some danny ocean type +%%, the people who know what they're doing copped on their respected sites and got that good sleep.
checked order status on ndc and the order didnt even show up!
got in touch with them and gave em my order number and they said im good

fnl order still pending on paypal but never got an email from fnl
i was just going to tell the story of how i got MY pair. but thanks to all those that responded in a negative fashion i can add a few more posts to my count.

thanks to you too cdubb because i dont want you to feel left out.
man u mean to tell me after i had to go thru hell on NDC to finally get my order confirmation, i still have to wait and see if it gets cancelled????? Most mentally challenged release EVER!!!!! Hope mine gets shipped, smh!
Originally Posted by sincere

It's good to have connects, because my fam was able to secure my 2 size 13's and a couple more pairs that were spoken for by other NT'ers. Shout out to datboimall in NC. He and 2 others didn't look the "Gift Horse" in the mouth, so his pair was shipped out today with the rest of you guys who took advantage of my offer to help out. Sometimes people like me just want to help others and there's nothing wrong with that. Yeah, I know that it's a horse talking, but don't look the "Gift Horse" in the mouth when he speaks. Sometimes it's really real. Shout out to my  Grandma in South Carolina, because she taught me that saying and it's true.
christ, we get it, we get it!!! you're a fantastic guy and deserve an award, dont look at the gift horse in the mouth, etc. etc. etc. Lets all say great job grandma, just in case she stops by NT.

I keep on seeing mentions of murders, but the only real story I can find is about "Tyreek Amir Jacobs" and that it was a fictional murder with a picture jacked from a stock image service. Any real links to stories about people dying for their Jordans or is it all just "I know a guy that was friends with the dude" stuff?

Here's a story about the guy that never existed getting killed http://www.baltimoresun.c...20111223,0,7785121.story
just as a funny question...........I truly wonder how many people that bought these shoes even know why theyre called Concords? lol I read on twitter someone called them OREOs lmaooooooooooooooooo
I just can't understand why they don't produce enough to go around. Makes no damn sense. Apple can do it on 400 phone and 600 dollar iPads a shoe that cost 30 bucks to make shouldn't be a problem.
Originally Posted by cashm0neyand1

Originally Posted by HOOPERVILAA

Obama needs to step in and mass produce these shoes...i mean, cmon JB, you know fully well that this limited crap incites riots and all that and are they not concerned that people are dying for a pair of shoes???? I got my pairs but this riot and police stuff is too much

they wont do that. they love the publicity these releases cause. Bad and good. Michael Jordan himself dont care. He only cares about his money. Seeing people die doesnt bother him. He dont give a ____ unfortunately.
^ This is the truth. NT was loooovin the attention the lines were causing.. All the employees walking around the block taking pictures and ##@.. Thinking they are cool because they work at Niketown
Do your job and make sure things are organized. How hard is it? When as I was exiting the store.. I here the people behind the register clapping and cheering..
I ask.. Why you guys clapping?
The response.. "We just broke our one day sales record!"
Money is all they care about.. You can see it in their eyes.. All I could do was shake my head and remind myself that I will never be doing this again.

damn resellers gettin it off these pairs on c/l and ebay goin for over 500, 600, even 700 the cheapest i seen em for was 350. I see alot of bgrades prereleases lookin like crap for 250-300 tho
Selling on CL is a joke. I did this last year with the Cool Greys and I had every looser in the PHX area call and low ball me (Most offers below retail) plus you have to deal with the chance that maybe you will get robed when you meet up. 
some of ya'll dudes are funny-style.

i was on nt in the past, YEARS ago...probably 2004-2005; something like that. i never used it that much. now i decide to get a new account, so i have 6 posts...everyone had 6 posts at one time. and i probably wont use this account much either, but i just wanted to share how my night went. and im the bad-guy because my girl did what she felt like she had to.

theres a BIG difference in what my girl did and ROBBING someone for their shoes. the real problem was Jordan under-supplying for a shoe that EVERYONE wants.  
Originally Posted by Bigmiz

I just can't understand why they don't produce enough to go around. Makes no damn sense. Apple can do it on 400 phone and 600 dollar iPads a shoe that cost 30 bucks to make shouldn't be a problem.

although I personally think the way you do, its not the way big business works. If they did that, nobody would be tweeting about it, Facebooking about it, talking about it on message boards. But by causing this pandemonium, theyre are countless news articles about the release, Jordan Brand's name out there every 3rd tweet lol

To a lesser degree, but remember when Tickle Me Elmo came out? Mothers arguing, pushing other Mothers to get their kid that years hottest Xmas toy. That manufacturer easily couldve just produced thousands more, but they dont want that. They want the buzz, they want the talk......essentially, they want the THIRST for their products.

............the difference is, and I hate to say it, the typical clientele for these type of shoe releases brings with it an element of criminals and people willing to fight/mug/stab/kill over a pair of sneakers. Its sad, but its true
Originally Posted by southwestern

some of ya'll dudes are funny-style.

i was on nt in the past, YEARS ago...probably 2004-2005; something like that. i never used it that much. now i decide to get a new account, so i have 6 posts...everyone had 6 posts at one time. and i probably wont use this account much either, but i just wanted to share how my night went. and im the bad-guy because my girl did what she felt like she had to.

theres a BIG difference in what my girl did and ROBBING someone for their shoes. the real problem was Jordan under-supplying for a shoe that EVERYONE wants.  
See ya next year for the probable Columbia release.
Originally Posted by Bigmiz

I just can't understand why they don't produce enough to go around. Makes no damn sense. Apple can do it on 400 phone and 600 dollar iPads a shoe that cost 30 bucks to make shouldn't be a problem.

If I were to guess I'd say its done on purpose. All of the buzz from these releases puts the nike/jordan brand on the minds of many people all over the planet. Free advertising.Then again I'd love to see them produce mass quantities just to see those scum of the earth resellers get put out of business and be forced to get a real job haha
Originally Posted by zdawgz

Originally Posted by jayt206

Originally Posted by RV019

The hype for these. smh
This was supposed to be an easy cop.

I came out empty handed. What a waste of time.
I'm feeling the same way today. After hearing how peeps picked up the CGs last year at Seattle Niketown and even the local mall with relative ease I didnt think this release would be the frenzy that it was. While I did expect more hype I still thought it I went 3-4 hrs early I'd be good. Came up empty handed from two spots last night. I know another thread with complaining and whining but real talk, the stores should have been more prepared for this release. Still don't know why Seattle NT didn't do wristbands, would have saved so much trouble.
Curious if you heard how pairs Seattle NT got? Passed by around 7 and I knew not to messed with that and go online.
I talked to the people that were #s 240-250 in line..
And when NT staff came around and took everybodies name.. They were told if everyone before them does the two pair limit.. Then the stock will be really thin by the time it gets to them. So they had the option to stay and wait til midnight in the freezing cold and risk coming up empty handed.. Or leave try their luck at another spot.
Leads me to believe they had about 550 available after employees took their fill.

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