OFFICIAL: Atlanta Falcons VS San Diego Chargers



I've had it up to here with this team.

Thanks Norv!

Most disappointing team this season. FACT.
I never in a million years though phillip would have less than 200 yards passing and no tds going into the 4th qtr

Edit: LT only has 24 yards?!?!?
Doesn't look like a fumble to me. Jammer stripped it out when Burner was already on the ground. But hey, I'll take it if they give it to us.
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Why even tease us? If they lose another 1 or 2 pt game i swear im gonna jump off a bridge

LTB, you dont even realize. If we get tomahawked again, im rioting in the streets of downtown SD.
Originally Posted by LiCeNseD To BaLL

Why even tease us? If they lose another 1 or 2 pt game i swear im gonna jump off a bridge
Bro, being a long time fan, I've come to the conclusion, that San Diego Sports were created for failure and to let down their fans.
In my 24 years of existence, I have never seen one team get so many game changing calls that obviously shouldn't have even been called. PERIOD. Atleast Iwas hoping for a fair game.
RUST if we dont score a td on this golden oppurtunity (the first 3 and out of the evening)... im going to join in on that riot!!
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