Official Boston Celtics Offseason Thread

Apr 30, 2007
I know I'm late and should have done this a while ago but seems like we never get any Boston love here on NT.

Well as everybody knows we lost to the Magic

Some offseason questions:
1. Trading Ray Allen (Nay)
2. Keeping Davis, Marbury and some of the other bench guys
3. The health and ages of the "Big 3"
4. What to do with Scal?
If theres good value out there, I wouldnt flip over trading Ray. He's in the last year of his deal and could possibly retire at the end of the year, oreven just go elsewhere.

I wouldnt mind resigning Marbury IF its for the vet. min or slightly more. Nothing more than that though. He showed signs toward the end of the playoffs thathe can be a solid backup.

Powe will likely be back because no one is gonna throw big money his way with a torn ACL. I can't see Baby coming back, cause I see a lower level teamoffering him most of the MLE.

Scal is still under contract. He's a hustler. Came up pretty big in the playoffs for us. I don't see him going anywhere unless he's a salarythrow-in in a trade.
-i don't want starbury back. end the experiment.
-please focus on the bench. our starting five is set.
-tom t. is back, i'm glad our coaching staff will remain intact.
-big baby sucks on defense, no thanks.
Time for Marbury to go - he doesn't have it anymore.

DO NOT trade Ray or Rondo. I can't believe there were even rumors about trading either of those guys. I am convinced that the C's would've repeatedhad Garnett not been injured. Keep the core together.

Re-sign Powe and try to keep Eddie and Davis. I know Eddie's agent said Eddie has outplayed his current contract so he may be opting out but he needs torealize that Boston is not only his best chance at another title but also the best fit for him. Big Baby stepped up in the playoffs and he was part of thechampionship squad - keep him if possible.

Time to say goodbye to guys like Moore, Pruitt, Giddens, and Walker. It's not working out.

I'm not sure what Danny can do but the Celtics should try everything possible to sign Trevor Ariza away from the Lakers. The guy is the new James Posey andhe's the big wing and perimeter defender the Celtics need. Trade bench players, clear cap space, do whatever, just try to sign Ariza.

Overall, even if NO moves were made this offseason, I still feel this team is ready to reclaim the title next season. Stay healthy, that's all.

(But get rid of Marbury and Moore lol)
Work on the bench. We need on guy that can score a little more off the bench so you can take the pressure off PP or Ray.
I'm not sure what Danny can do but the Celtics should try everything possible to sign Trevor Ariza away from the Lakers. The guy is the new James Posey and he's the big wing and perimeter defender the Celtics need.
Yeah, I hope they sign Ariza. He can be a younger and more athletic James Posey minus the leadership. He's a really versatile defender andcan knock down threes. The closest thing we had last year to a Posey type of player was T.A. and that obviously didn't work out very well.
rasheed off the bench? i'm not sure if he'd want that role... someone, anyone but mikki moore
celtics offered ray ray and rondo for stuckey, prince, and hamilton

they were turned down obviously
i dont understand why would they want to trade Rondo, rumors or not.

anybody else think that G. Davis cant play anywhere else?

for some reason i just cant see any other team wanting him

im half jokin.

but that means im half serious
wow im kinda shocked to see dudes even contemplating trading JESUS....

He's hit more big shots in 2 years than i can count, YOU CANT BUY THAT CLUTCH...

Why break up the BIG 3, all they did was win the CHIP when everybody was healthy...

Just when AINGE got it right , hes about to drive them into a ditch....THATS IF THE RUMORS ARE TRUE..
Originally Posted by Wasps and Asps

i dont understand why would they want to trade Rondo, rumors or not.

yeah there is no way they trade him. he will be the best player on the team next year. maybe not the most consistent, but the biggest threat on any givennight. he is so talented, i've been on his nuts (nh) since day 1, glad to see he's finally broken out.

a nice perimeter defender would be nice. too bad tony allen has rocks for brains or he'd fit the bill.
Are we even getting any picks for this year's draft? Are we all second round. We just really need a consistent 6th man who can defend, knock down 3'sand just knows how to play.
Originally Posted by Solemate96

I know I'm late and should have done this a while ago but seems like we never get any Boston love here on NT.
There seemed to be a lot of Love for Boston this time last year, what happened?

Why is Boston trying to trade Ray Allen?
Originally Posted by JD617

Why is Boston trying to trade Ray Allen?
I don't think they are. I'm not buying into these rumors.
True. I think these rumors is just from the media being dumb. It would just be so stupid to trade Ray Allen.
Mark my words Boston fans, you guys will win the title next year. I truly hope it's against the Lakers too.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Mark my words Boston fans, you guys will win the title next year. I truly hope it's against the Lakers too.

mark my word bulls guys will never win the title again post jordan
I had high hopes for Starbury, but this guy is really done. I know he came in towards the end of last season, but damn, this guy could barely hit any jumpers,blew layups etc.

They need a good SF to share some minutes with PP, preferably someone who is a lockdown defender and can provide some pts off the bench.

And if they really do trade Rondo.....
I hope this offseason he is in the gym doing that Gilbert Arenas workout, like 1,000+ jumpers a day.
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