Official Boston Celtics Offseason Thread

I'm saying it was a friend hooking up another friend.
Gasol for Kwame?
Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

I'm saying it was a friend hooking up another friend.
Gasol for Kwame?
damn i didn't know mitch kupchak was homies with chris wallace!

Chris Wallace is Jerry West $*%%! right? GTFOHWTBS, Gasol was handed to you clowns for a pack of gum and some playing cards.
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by denni5themenace

Originally Posted by chitown4eva

I'm saying it was a friend hooking up another friend.
Gasol for Kwame?
damn i didn't know mitch kupchak was homies with chris wallace!
Chris Wallace is Jerry West $*%%! right? GTFOHWTBS, Gasol was handed to you clowns for a pack of gum and some playing cards.

damn i could hear you slamming your keyboard as you typed that. calm down
Originally Posted by JD617

I'm not sure what Danny can do but the Celtics should try everything possible to sign Trevor Ariza away from the Lakers. The guy is the new James Posey and he's the big wing and perimeter defender the Celtics need.
Yeah, I hope they sign Ariza. He can be a younger and more athletic James Posey minus the leadership. He's a really versatile defender and can knock down threes. The closest thing we had last year to a Posey type of player was T.A. and that obviously didn't work out very well.
yea that wont happen
lakers gonna lock him up
Guess they are still trying to Shop Rondo...

Chris Broussard: Rajon Rondo is definitely on the market. I'm told he's very hard for Doc Rivers to coach, and that although Rondo gets along OK withhis teammates, he's far from a great teammate. The fear in Boston is that if Rondo is this difficult to handle on a rookie-scale salary, he'll be amonster once he earns big money.

One GM told me, "They won a championship with this guy, and he's coming off a tremendous playoff performance ... and they're looking to trade him.That tells you how bad things are."

Is it really THAT bad?
Originally Posted by I NaSmatic I

Originally Posted by stima33

I don't get why they would trade Allen, they would have a max contract to give out to someone from the huge free agent class of 2010

I don't think they are trading Rondo, I'd be very surprised
Not with Rondo wanting to get that extension that he wants.

Yeah after I posted that I thought of that - I guess they would want to move Rondo if they think they can't pay him. I dunno, I think this team still hasone really good shot at winning a title with the core of guys they got mixed in with some new role/bench guys.
Shaq DIESEL Wrote:

Guess they are still trying to Shop Rondo...

Chris Broussard: Rajon Rondo is definitely on the market. I'm told he's very hard for Doc Rivers to coach, and that although Rondo gets along OK with his teammates, he's far from a great teammate. The fear in Boston is that if Rondo is this difficult to handle on a rookie-scale salary, he'll be a monster once he earns big money.

One GM told me, "They won a championship with this guy, and he's coming off a tremendous playoff performance ... and they're looking to trade him. That tells you how bad things are."

Is it really THAT bad?
I don't know, lol I was listening to Jamn 94.5 (Boston's mainstream Hip-Hop/R&B Station) and this DJ (Pebbles) was talking about howshe saw Rondo at the Cheesecake Factory, and how he held the door for some dope chick, but how he slammed it in her face when she was right behind him lmao,but I really hope Danny is just doing this to humble him down, and that they keep him
I heard he's extremely "confident." But they always put a positive spin on it, like how it meant he didn't get nervous for big games, etc.

Sounds like the truth is coming out. I don't care, I want him on my team- he wins games.
yeah for anyone who missed it, danny totally ripped rondo a new one:

"We expect him to play by the rules and be a leader as a point guard. We need him to be more of a leader," Ainge said. "There were just a couple situations where he was late this year, I don't know if he was sitting in his car, but showed up late and the rest of the team was there. We have team rules and you have to be on time. He was fined for being late, he said he was stuck in traffic, and it's just unacceptable."
"As we saw in the Orlando series, they left him wide open," Ainge said. "His presence hurt us in winning right now because his man went and doubled onto Ray [Allen] and Paul [Pierce] and made it difficult for us."
We really need him as our point guard to be a leader than someone who thinks more of himself at times."

aka, he won't be a Celtic for long...
Good update, Finnns.

Yikes. I really don't want Rondo to go because of his talent.

What's Danny thinking now? Andre Miller?

Marbury is NOT the answer.

I just can't see Rondo being traded.
Ainge's comments were not entirely negative. When asked if Rondo was one of the top handful of point guards in the league, Ainge said he was "in the conversation" and "in the top 10 for sure". He also stressed again that the Celtics were not looking to run Rondo out of town.

"Rondo certainly is not a disruptive force on our team," Ainge said. "He's a dynamic player and we love the kid. We're not looking to trade Rondo because he was late for a playoff game or because he's got some growing up to do. Some of our 30-year-old players have growing up to do as well. ... I think a lot of people are making something out of nothing that's really there."

I don't know, if he's trying to communicate to Rondo through the media, or what... But I don't read it as something that's good for him as aCeltic long-term.
strong words from Ainge. If you guys are able to pull of the Rudy Gay/Mike Conley deal... look out East! Though I don't think Ainge should have made hiscomments public since it might affect Rondo's trade value.
That article mad me angry.

Seriously Ainge? Ugh.

Rondo doesn't have a jumper. We know that. It's gotten better, and that has nothing to do with "leadership." The Celtics are so much betterwith him on the floor, that comment was incredibly stupid.
We need someone that can come off the bench and score now. Hopefully this Hudson guy can bring something since he was such a scorer in college.

Or Bill Walker/Gabe Pruitt/JR Giddens hurry their @*#+% up. We need someone to bring scoring.

IDK what Danny is trying to do with this Rondo situation. Trying to provoke Rondo into getting more focused? Or maybe this really is a problem and something wedon't know about behind the scenes. To trade him would take a lot. Maybe a guy like Flynn and some picks, but I can't imagine we would actually doit...
I think Danny is being a complete moron right now regardless of what they want to do with Rondo. If they want to keep him, why publicly rip him and piss himoff? And if he really does want to trade him, why run your damn mouth and hurt his trade value?
ainge has an ego problem. this should've stayed behind closed doors. while he's talking some stupid !%!%, cleveland and orlando are working onimproving the team. hey danny, stop focusing on our growing PG and fix the crappy bench!
Originally Posted by SCuse7

We need someone that can come off the bench and score now. Hopefully this Hudson guy can bring something since he was such a scorer in college.

Or Bill Walker/Gabe Pruitt/JR Giddens hurry their @*#+% up. We need someone to bring scoring.

IDK what Danny is trying to do with this Rondo situation. Trying to provoke Rondo into getting more focused? Or maybe this really is a problem and something we don't know about behind the scenes. To trade him would take a lot. Maybe a guy like Flynn and some picks, but I can't imagine we would actually do it...
Pruitt is garbage. Out of those three, Walker looks to be the one with the brightest future.

I agree with what everyone's saying about Ainge. Totally unprofessional. When a player airs out things like this to the media there's a firestorm.
House will operate in Boston for another season

Eddie House(notes) decided Tuesday against free agency and will remain with the Boston Celtics next season, according to his agent, Mark Bartelstein.

According to the Boston Globe, House, who could have exercised a player option and declared for free agency Wednesday, has one year remaining on a contractworth $2.86 million.

"Eddie is staying in the contract,'' Bartelstein said. "It was a tough decision. But, when it was all said and done, Eddie loved his time inBoston, he feels like he is on a championship contender, he really enjoys playing with his teammates and playing for Doc [Rivers], and the fans have been greatto him. He'll stay at least one more year and he can go into free agency next year, if he wants. But he has a comfort zone there; he's enjoyed theexperience, and he didn't want to walk away from it.

House, 31, averaged 8.5 points off the bench in 81 games last season.


Eddie for 33333333333333333!!!
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