Official Boston Celtics Season Thread vol. Banner 18 or Bust

Originally Posted by finnns2003

KG comes back, we get the W. Funny how that works out.

Exactly. As CROOK mentioned, having KG on the court changes the mindset of the team.  Definitely gives the players another level of confidence.

And even with the stumbles this year, the C's still have the 3rd best record in the L.  Quite a nice position to be in after all the injuries and poor play.

I'd love to see this squad 100% healthy for the rest of the season. 
Originally Posted by finnns2003

KG comes back, we get the W. Funny how that works out.
Sit back down, they got a win in overtime against a super beat up Blazer team without a legit post player and without their best player in Roy.  Should have been a blowout, but it wasn't.  I still see this team falling apart as the season progresses.

They've been awful and honestly do look old. Rasheed is pissing me off so much. Reminds me of when we beat the pistons in 08. He's doing the same thing he did in that series and that's just jack up 3's. He's doing his best antoine impression basically. Anyways I woukdnt give up on them yet. Never would anyways, but they need to prove themselves again. We need to run off about 6 or 7 wins in a row to get that swagger back. We've completely lost that. The offense is very ragged and its awful to watch. The only bright spot is rondo but he needs to feed off others to really excell. Anyways well so how everything plays out next week against the Hawks Magic and Lakers. Thatll give us a good indication of where our team is.
Originally Posted by airblaster503

Originally Posted by finnns2003

KG comes back, we get the W. Funny how that works out.
Sit back down, they got a win in overtime against a super beat up Blazer team without a legit post player and without their best player in Roy.  Should have been a blowout, but it wasn't.  I still see this team falling apart as the season progresses.

I was already sitting down, so hmph.

Seriously, what the #@^^ do I care if it was a blowout? A W is a W in the standings, smart guy.

They've been awful and honestly do look old. Rasheed is pissing me off so much.
The Sheed experiment isn't so hot right now huh? He looks awful and out of shape.

Also, I can't stand... loathe... hate Big Baby and I seriously hope he's moved soon. He has no hops, continues to act immature, and hasn't done very well since his new contract.
Went to the game tonight, up until late in the 4th, same ol' #@%^. Doc seriously doesn't get it. The defense was porous all game. They let the Wiz score almost 80 points through 3 and couldn't stop fouling. The foul shot difference was pretty large until late in the game.

I saw Pierce go out and he wasn't in late in the 4th, hope it's a minor injury.

They put "Uno Uno" up on the kiss cam AGAIN, Glen is always getting clowned.
It wasn't pretty, but at least they came out with the W. Nice to see them win a 4th quarter for once.

I have tickets for Wednesday and Friday.
Originally Posted by JD617

It wasn't pretty, but at least they came out with the W. Nice to see them win a 4th quarter for once.

I have tickets for Wednesday and Friday.
Sweet, they play the Heat tomorrow... and the Nets on Friday?!
Anyone sat in the Promenade for a celtics game? I just picked up two tickets from my cousin for the Cavs game in April for $100.
Whats it like?
Somebody tell me the Celtics aren't seriously gonna deal Ray... tell me this is an UNRELIABLE rumor.
Originally Posted by doyung9

Somebody tell me the Celtics aren't seriously gonna deal Ray... tell me this is an UNRELIABLE rumor.
He's my favorite player, but we need something. This team now can't win.
Originally Posted by HalfwayCROOK

Originally Posted by doyung9

Somebody tell me the Celtics aren't seriously gonna deal Ray... tell me this is an UNRELIABLE rumor.
He's my favorite player, but we need something. This team now can't win.
That isn't the answer though. Gotta remember, as ineffective as he's been when healthy, still waiting on Marquis to get back to add some depth.
I just don't think Hinrich helps us at all. And okay, they send us Tyrus, we already have Sheed, Big Baby, Perkins, Williams, Scalabrine, KG... I mean, sure I like Tyrus, I just don't see how this makes sense aside from a cap space move.

If we were gonna make a move, I'd have rather'd the GSW trade rumors, where at least we got Monta.

bUt yeah, Ray's my favorite player in the NBA as well as on the Celtics... it'd be hard to cheer for them if he left considering.
Pierce questionable tonight, just give him a night off. Last game til break?

I'm officially done with Sheed. Dude is lazy, out of shape, and not focused. He plays uninspiring D, chucks up 3's worse than Antoine used to, and gets way too many techs for no reason. He's not what we need. We need more players like Daniels out there.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

Originally Posted by doyung9

bUt yeah, Ray's my favorite player in the NBA as well as on the Celtics... it'd be hard to cheer for them if he left considering.
You gotta understand where I'm coming though finnns. I was never a Celtics fan before Rondo. I never had the rationale. I grew up in freakin' Louisiana. 
 We didn't have a team. After Jordan retired, I basically just followed players until the Hornets came along. But my two favorite players after Jordan were always KG and Ray because they came into the league right around when I REALLY started to follow as more than a casual fan, so I've followed them. Their going to a historic franchise like Boston (because I absolutely despise Los Angeles) was a dream for me. 

Either way, I'm gonna ride with the Celtics until the big 3 is gone, and even after that they'll always be one of "my teams". Just respect the franchise and the history. But I'm not nearly the die-hard some of you guys are. Can't claim to be.

And even though they're having problems, they're still my favorite to come out the East. I think experience/heart always beats just talent.
I see. Well, the way Ray is playing I don't think he'll be a C much longer. His defense has eroded and he no longer gets good lift on his jumper, he's a liability on both ends of the floor. He is the oldest of the big 3 and it's showing.
Reading between Danny's lines a little bit today on WEEI, it seems we are close to acquiring DJ Augustin. He was asked if he had talks with Charlotte and he said "no I have not", but then went on to mention how he likes DJ Augustin as a player. It was the same thing he said about Wally before we acquired him. "no we have not talked with Minnesota, but we do love wally. he's a solid player and a good team defender" and an hour later the trade was announced. Just seemed very similar...

I'm definitely down to dump Davis for a backup point. Sheed would be even better.
Just heard Ray will be out tonight with "back spasms." Let the speculation begin!!!

I'm down to dump Ray for the right price, btw. Not Hinrich, but a player like Iggy or Kevin martin. Someone in that mold.
I only want them to trade Ray if it's for Iguodala. Monta, Martin, thanks.
Originally Posted by JD617

I only want them to trade Ray if it's for Iguodala. Monta, Martin, thanks.

Injury concerns would be the only reason I would hesitate on Kevin Martin, but other than that, he is better than Allen right now and 6 years younger.
I haven't seen Martin play any defense though. I know Ray isn't the greatest defender, but he at least puts the effort in and usually does a decent job.
That's the main reason I want Iguodala. We need a big, athletic swingman who can guard the likes of Bron and Kobe. Pierce is wearing down physically and I don't think he can handle it anymore.

Plus doesn't Martin need a lot of shots to be effective? I don't watch that many Kings games but from what I've seen, it seems like Martin doesn't do very much besides score.
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