Official Casey Anthony Trial - Walking Out of Jail a Free Woman @ 12:00am 07/17/2011

 @ Baez and his defense team going at Nancy Grace and the like....
Some good came from this it seems.
I aint even mad, her lawyer did what he was supposed to do. Ya'll wanna be mad, be mad at that +$*%%$$+ $!@ prosecutor and their lack of real proof to get the conviction. All that substantial evidence was a waste of time. Whether she did it or not, idk, idc, thats her own story she has to deal with. I'm impressed by her attorney though.
 @ people thinking she's guilty just because she partied and didn't report the crime after a month. The justice system is black and white, if there isn't enough evidence to convict and there are reasonable doubts, then as a juror you cannot vote guilty. Simple as that.  I couldn't live with myself if I convicted someone with possibly a death penalty sentencing without sufficient DNA, forensic or eye witness evidence.  
She'll be out by December.

She was found guilty on 3 or four charges right? Each charge is about a year in jail. She being credited the 3 and a half shes been serving. So if my calculations are right, she'll be out in December (maybe sooner if she qualifies for parole)
Originally Posted by Caerus

So basically since she been locked up for awhile now, she is going to be free soon?
Shes been locked up for 3 yrs... Time youve done before your conviction is used as Credit ... So she sentenced to 4yrs. Than she already done 3. So she basically only has a Yr left. 12 months. And if she behaves good than its basically 8 months.

But real @*++ though... The defense attorney gets his props.. He did what he was hired to do. 
What's good for the goose (Casey) is good for the gander (OJ) I guess

These prosecutors need to have better cases and concrete facts that will leave no doubt in cases like these.

The OC police should be getting a lot of backlash for their neglect and incompetency as well.
Originally Posted by djaward

She'll be out by December.

She was found guilty on 3 or four charges right? Each charge is about a year in jail. She being credited the 3 and a half shes been serving. So if my calculations are right, she'll be out in December (maybe sooner if she qualifies for parole)

The year for each charge may be the max so that doesn't necessarily mean she would have to do max.  I'm thinking she will get time served.
i aint even mad....

props to that lawyer tho.....dude about to make some serious money
Originally Posted by Ben Roethlisberger

Kim and Klohe are "disgusted" over the verdict... how ironic.
that is ironic.

Very unfortunate verdict.
She is just another sociopath that got lucky.
I fully expect a mob of pissed off mommies to beat the crap outta that chick once she touches blacktop.  No way they let her off the hook that easy, you don't make mommies mad man. 
The law is a joke, point blank.

Big Meech should go free after this crap, I'm just saying.

Mike Vick got 2 years though.......
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

The law is a joke, point blank.

Big Meech should go free after this crap, I'm just saying.

Mike Vick got 2 years though.......

Different cases. Use your brain. The feds rarely screw up and have years worth of evidence before they even file the charge. This all falls on the county and those responsible will lose their jobs. You can guarantee that.

she never looked like she was about that killing life

Quite possibly one of the stupidest things I've read on here.
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Mike Vick got 2 years though.......

That's what I thought, I guess in America Killing a dog > Killing a child

Seriously innocent for killing a child?

The system is a joke

I ain't even mad though, Her lawyer did a hell of a job for her.
Props to her lawyer on this one.
I understand everyone thinks she did it but...all that aside this has to give you a little bit of hope that if you accidentally kill some one at some point there is a chance you get away with it.

Spoiler [+]
I don't think she did it, she never looked like she was about that killing life
If I DO resemble Casey Anthony in any way... I am keeping my %#$ in the house.

People want her dead
This is reason our judicial system is such a joke.

We all know she killed her, quite possibly the worst verdict ever, not even sure how you can come up with a verdict like that.

She might be out as soon as Thursday after sentencing due to already spending over 3 years in jail, but there are so many people around town her that her life now won't be much better outside of jail/prison.

With all the crazy people here and all the people who hate her, she's bound to get killed on the streets.
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