Official Casey Anthony Trial - Walking Out of Jail a Free Woman @ 12:00am 07/17/2011

I am also shocked. I guess it is the lack of forensic evidence that made the jury acquit her.

By the way, was Scott Peterson found guilty based on circumstantial evidence?
Originally Posted by WITNESSkb24

Originally Posted by ShaunHillFTW49

Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

Thats really why you took from all this?
Even though I disagree with the juror's findings, they might make more competent jurors then many NT members sadly
Does that mean they are more competent THAN you? 

I don't find spelling errors to be on the same level as emotionally based case votes, no. However, I definitely  wouldn't want to be on this jury
Originally Posted by Jada2001Retro

I guess if I want to murder someone in Florida, all I have to do is let them start decomposing in my trunk, dump them in the woods and lie to Orange County law enforcement.
that's the way of the world, no evidence no conviction.

this is why hitmen make a career out of murder... it's not foolproof 
why didn't they review any of the evidence? was it that basic to them?
^Good read. Can't believe she got off though. Me and my dad both were sure she'd be guilty on at least one major charge.
Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Mike Vick got 2 years though.......

That's what I thought, I guess in America Killing a dog > Killing a child

Seriously innocent for killing a child?

The system is a joke

I ain't even mad though, Her lawyer did a hell of a job for her.

Vick went to jail for a gambling ring, not for killing a dog. When will people get this through their head? PETA just hopped on the case to make him look worse.

Damn prosecutors didn't make a strong enough case and now Caylee will never get justice 
this is just sad, but casey will get hers though,
, that poor child, robbed of the rest of her life, the justice system is flawed
Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

Originally Posted by JD214

Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Mike Vick got 2 years though.......

That's what I thought, I guess in America Killing a dog > Killing a child

Seriously innocent for killing a child?

The system is a joke

I ain't even mad though, Her lawyer did a hell of a job for her.

Vick went to jail for a gambling ring, not for killing a dog. When will people get this through their head? PETA just hopped on the case to make him look worse.
No he went to jail because he was black 

**I don't really believe that, but thats the NT way of thinking about everything**
at people getting at the Kardashians for their dad doing his job.

Circumstantial evidence. The defense did what they got paid to do. The jury made a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented, or lack of to say. The prosecution could have done a better job. Not guilty doesn't mean innocent, it's unfortunate but it falls within the Constitution.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

Circumstantial evidence. The defense did what they got paid to do. The jury made a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented, or lack of to say. The prosecution could have done a better job. Not guilty doesn't mean innocent, it's unfortunate but it falls within the Constitution.


That's why I said I ain't even mad, The lawyer did a hell of a job the system failed, She really did win.
Originally Posted by Mastamind89

at people getting at the Kardashians for their dad doing his job.

Circumstantial evidence. The defense did what they got paid to do. The jury made a decision based on the evidence and arguments presented, or lack of to say. The prosecution could have done a better job. Not guilty doesn't mean innocent, it's unfortunate but it falls within the Constitution.

Indeed, Congrats to the defense.
I fully expect a mob of pissed off mommies to beat the crap outta that chick once she touches blacktop.
That's what I was initially thinking too but I haven't been following the case that closely but in regards to Florida residents or just mothers out there in general are there alot of anger mothers out there against Casey Anthony.  Like were there protest groups outside court that want revenge on Casey Anthony??
Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

.....can someone answer this for me?
- Casey initially said she dropped off the kid with the nanny right? the Gonzalez chick. when the nanny said she didnt know Casey and that she never dropped off her kid with her, what did Casey officially say she did with her daughter?
- i cant seem to find it anywhere online.
Casey is claiming her daughter drowned. They have yet to say what she did with the body (if they did I didnt catch it)

....thats it? she just drowned? no details as to how? (not asking you, just saying)
- imma look this up again. its strange to me that they would have moved forward with the prosecution without some sort of explanation from her about what she initially did with her daughter, even if it was a lie.....

....okay, i looked it up again. i guess that really was her final answer to the police, that she dropped her off with the nanny. in her words "last time i seen her was sitting on the steps of that apartment complex".
- damn me? forget the chloroform, duct tape, decomposition smells, parties, tattoos, etc. the clear cut guilty factor to me was her not being able to come up with a real answer on where she took her daughter and who she left her daughter with. you dont leave a 2 year old on the stairs to wait on someone.
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