Official Casey Anthony Trial - Walking Out of Jail a Free Woman @ 12:00am 07/17/2011

@ some of the interviews with people outside the courthouse on my local news stations.

One of these people is bound to kill her.
Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

That verdict was insane!
I don't know what that Jury was thinking!
Poor Caylee...
It was reported the longest she could face is 4 years...

Prosecutors ****ed it all up. This wasn't a murder one case. They should have gone for a lesser charge but they wanted to be heroes and famous. 
did she probably have something to do with the death? Yes. 
Was there enough evidence beyond common sense? No. 
That's the U.S. brehs. Lucky we live here.
Originally Posted by cmoneymontana

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by Los Angeles Fresh

Vick went to jail for a gambling ring, not for killing a dog. When will people get this through their head? PETA just hopped on the case to make him look worse.

- people like this are just slow, they couldnt understand it if they tried.
....these are the same type of individuals that were saying Martha Stewart went to prison for insider trading when EVERYONE does it. when the truth is Martha Stewart went to prison for LYING about it.

Oh yeah, your 2 year old is missing for a month before you report it. That is ok, you are too busy getting tatted up, and clubbin.

Like Cedric Ceballos said, any non attractive white woman does this, it is a wrap for you, straight up.

....umm, okay? im NOT arguing that point smart guy.
I AM ONLY commenting on: "Vick went to jail for a gambling ring, not for killing a dog. When will people get this through their head?"..........thats why i QUOTED IT.
ftr, i agree somewhat on what Cedric Ceballos said. HOWEVER, you do still hear morons saying Vick went to jail for killing dogs then try to compare it to other things when thats not what he went to prison for.
Originally Posted by moundraised23

Originally Posted by MrYoungMoney

That verdict was insane!
I don't know what that Jury was thinking!
Poor Caylee...
It was reported the longest she could face is 4 years...
Why is this surprising? She was acquitted of all the charges that carried longer prison sentences, and convicted of four charges that carried one year each max. So that adds up to 4 years. She's apparently gonna be credited 3.5 for the time she's been in jail since the arrest, so the MOST she could serve going forwards is like 6 months. And that's assuming she is sentenced to the max for each count, which isn't guaranteed. 
Reasonable doubt strikes again. 
Originally Posted by Tunnel Vision

Prosecutors ****ed it all up. This wasn't a murder one case. They should have gone for a lesser charge but they wanted to be heroes and famous. 
did she probably have something to do with the death? Yes. 
Was there enough evidence beyond common sense? No. 
That's the U.S. brehs. Lucky we live here.
You really think a prosecutor in a case with this much media coverage and this sort of fact pattern could have headlined the case with anything but first degree murder? Might have led to more time for the defendant but that was never an option for the prosecutor. 

All of you want to convict her. Based on what? The government had all the advantages to wrap this up, unlimited resources, and yet couldn't prove anything. There's isn't a murder weapon, their motive was weak. The Judge was clearly prosecution leaning, every single media outlet was hammering and hammering on the defense (in which I was critical on his approach) for the past month and still couldn't convict her based on the evidence presented.

It's not about what you know, or what you think, it's about what you can prove. Clearly, today showed the government couldn't prove a damn thing.

I think George Anthony was the most disappointed after hearing the verdict.
People care because it's brought to their attention, irregardless of the reasons for it.

This woman will eventually get what she deserved. The case had too many loop holes to be tried, it's almost like they rushed the charges.

Ain't no way I don't believe she didn't have a hand in this. From hiding her original pregnancy, the imaginary friends all the way to club hopping without a care in the world. I hope they find "new evidence" and enter a new charge.
Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

excuse my ignorance...

But where is the childs father?

Is he not in the picture??

No one knows who the father is, as you've heard in the case, she is a BIG %#$##.

Originally Posted by rashi


All of you want to convict her. Based on what? The government had all the advantages to wrap this up, unlimited resources, and yet couldn't prove anything. There's isn't a murder weapon, their motive was weak. The Judge was clearly prosecution leaning, every single media outlet was hammering and hammering on the defense (in which I was critical on his approach) for the past month and still couldn't convict her based on the evidence presented.

It's not about what you know, or what you think, it's about what you can prove. Clearly, today showed the government couldn't prove a damn thing.

I think George Anthony was the most disappointed after hearing the verdict.

Originally Posted by seasoned vet

Originally Posted by rashi


All of you want to convict her. Based on what? The government had all the advantages to wrap this up, unlimited resources, and yet couldn't prove anything. There's isn't a murder weapon, their motive was weak. The Judge was clearly prosecution leaning, every single media outlet was hammering and hammering on the defense (in which I was critical on his approach) for the past month and still couldn't convict her based on the evidence presented.

It's not about what you know, or what you think, it's about what you can prove. Clearly, today showed the government couldn't prove a damn thing.

I think George Anthony was the most disappointed after hearing the verdict.

I had a feeling it was going to end in this fashion. Awhile back they had these people on the stand stating certain things that they are doing are new or haven't been done before. etc... The defense attorneys really went in and discredited a lot of people. They should have trained the people who would be up on the stand to be a little better at what they would say or how they would say it. Sketchy is a good word to call what I saw on TV for those couple of minutes.

I just wonder how she could afford such a great lawyer. Was he new? Did he do it pro bono to get his name out? It's just a crazy situation when you have lawyers calling you and trying to represent you, like you won a prize or something
Originally Posted by PersiaFly

Originally Posted by Tunnel Vision

Prosecutors ****ed it all up. This wasn't a murder one case. They should have gone for a lesser charge but they wanted to be heroes and famous. 
did she probably have something to do with the death? Yes. 
Was there enough evidence beyond common sense? No. 
That's the U.S. brehs. Lucky we live here.
You really think a prosecutor in a case with this much media coverage and this sort of fact pattern could have headlined the case with anything but first degree murder? Might have led to more time for the defendant but that was never an option for the prosecutor. 

The case was weak as hell. They couldn't even find one witness to say she ever  abused the child, let alone kill her. They should  NOT have tried for capital murder.
Originally Posted by Jada2001Retro

Originally Posted by YoUNg bR3aD

excuse my ignorance...

But where is the childs father?

Is he not in the picture?? 
No one knows who the father is, as you've heard in the case, she is a BIG %#$##.
and I think she did it, I just don't think justice should be perverted on a case by case basis.
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