Official Cavaliers @ Celtics- GAME SEVEN 3:30pm ET ABC vol. WIN OR GO HOME

Originally Posted by knightngale

Originally Posted by HarlemToTheBronx

Is there any sex in Girls Gone Wild videos, or is it just boob flashing?

Always wondered this.



its softcore

just flashing and some girl on girl touching

nothing that good
You cant blame LeBron, he's a one-man show out there. He scored half of his team's points and he set his lame team mates up for good looks on offense.

Kevin Garnett = Faux superstar, dude talks a big game but in the 4th quarter he reminds me of Chevy Chase in The Invisible Man
that was a good game. i'm still salty over the no support from role players, cheap fouls, and crucial free throw miss by cavs, but it's all gone now. ifeeel soo damn empty now that i got no team to root for anymore. hope next yr'll be better than this year.
I agree. Bron definitely seems to be Roster Guard 24 circa 05-06.

He simply doesn't have enough firepower over there in Cleveland.

All these dudes who can only shoot well if they are in Cleveland need to be fired. Word to Vince McMahon.

Pavlovic. Damon Jones. Wally. Devin Brown.

LBJ also crippled this team by demanding Cleveland's FO re-sign Sideshow Bob and Pavlovic.
@ people dismissing LeBron, JUST like people dismissed Kobe a few years ago

'Oh, he put up 180 thousand, so don't you DARE blame him. He did nothing... NOTHING... NOTHING wrong, you fools!'

Sure thing.

Flawless game.

100% shooting.

100% from behind the arc.

And dropped dimes to his teammates who were just bricking left and right.

Got it.

If that's the game YOU saw tonight, then I invite you to rewatch the game without those rose-colored lenses.

Because I saw a game where he started off ICE COLD but kept shooting, a game where he SELDOM set up for his teammates (and he's among the best in the gameat setting up for teammates), and he seldom grabbed an offensive rebound.

And relied on the refs more than his teammates (I dare anyone to refute that).

I'm a fan of the kid, but I'm also a fan of the Lakers... but that doesn't mean that I'm afraid to call it how it is instead of being afraidthat I won't look like a fan. Hell, if the Lakers suck and I tal about how awesome they are, that's not being a fan; that's being a blind homer.

I love LeBron, but his game tonight was EXACTLY what the Celtics wanted. How can I credit him for falling into the Celtic's defense? They wanted him to gooff... and he did. How does he deserve credit for doing exactly what the other team wanted?

He could have chosen to bust their heads by mixing it up, getting his own and dropping dimes, but he didn't.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

he passed it to west late and he missed the shot
If you want to go the route of 'West missed a 3', then how about this: LeBron missed 7 threes, West missed 2. LeBron shot 30% from three; West shot 50%.

Bottom line: LeBron will not win a critical game like this on his own. And I hate that so many people think that its possible for one guy's dominance to equate to a championship. It's not reliable, unless that guy averages 80 ppg.

his teamates wasnt doing !%@* all game what the hell did you want him to do? like i said early on if he kept on passing it and his teammates missingshots yall would be killing him right now.
^ What part of this are you not getting? 'His teammates weren't doing crap all game because he started the game gunning. He came out the game chuckinglike 2-14. What do you want them to do when he's shooting them out of it early on?'
Look at it like this ska

If Lebron wasn't scoring then who would've made up the points he scored
Listen, I'm not blaming Lebron for losing, and I know some of you are interpreting it that way; I guarantee it.

The Cavs lost.

Not LeBron.

But for keeping his teammates out of it? For not registering an assist until there were amost 2 minutes left in the first half? For not even THINKING aboutgetting assists almost the whole game? THAT is all I'm blaming him for.

Not the whole game; just his failure to keep his teammates in it, and deciding early that he was going to take over by shooting, which is exactly what theCeltics wanted. Instead of deciding to take over by mixing it up, he decided to take over by shooting, even though he started off like 2-14.

It's not his fault the Celtics hustled more than the Cavs.

It's not his fault the Celtics were getting offensive rebounds and the Cavs got practically none.

It's not his fault th Cavs lost.

It's his fault he played into the Celtics defense by doing exactly what they wanted him to do: shoot. A lot. Even when you're off, we want you toshoot, shoot, and shoot some more. Get 30. Get 40. Get 50, we don't care.

And that's what he did.

I think if he would have had around 25 tonight, the Cavs would have had a better chance to win, because at least a dozen of his shots would have went to otherpeople, and West is a gamer, so he would have made his (please bring up that he missed the 1 three in the game that was set up for him, like LeBron didn'tmiss shots in the final minute
where is belle and outacontrol? gutless cleveland fans as always. I was around after the Patriots lost...these guys must be in a corner pounding sand.

Losers, how you gonna win when your city has 2 L's in it.

Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

^ What part of this are you not getting? 'His teammates weren't doing crap all game because he started the game gunning. He came out the game chucking like 2-14. What do you want them to do when he's shooting them out of it early on?'
ska you believe in the team game way too much... this isnt the ncaa or wnba where teamwork wins everytime.... This is the nba... Its not brons faultthat his teammates suck balls at remembering what they get paid to do... I dont buy the "standing around" theory... they are role players... knowyour role and be ready at all times even if your leader goes away from you for a while... you just end up giving the role players excuses for sucking....
Look at it like this ska

If Lebron wasn't scoring then who would've made up the points he scored
Whatever I answer is not going to be understood by you, because you watch the Cleveland LeBrons.

I watch the Cleveland Cavaliers.

Joe Smith, Big Z, and Delonte aren't all stars (actually, Big Z has been an all star, but you know what I mean), but they can hit shots when their numbersare called. 100% of the time? No, but does LeBron shoot 100%? No.
Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

where is belle and outacontrol? gutless cleveland fans as always. I was around after the Patriots lost...these guys must be in a corner pounding sand.

Losers, how you gonna win when your city has 2 L's in it.


Im not defending the city of Cleveland (or the Cavs by any means), but you're talkin real reckless for a team that is supposed to be taking care ofteams like the Cavs and Hawks much easier than what they've done. You're done next round.
what do analysts call it when players who arent expected to show up actually show up? "LOST MONEY" - i dont know about the rest of u NTers but lastnight i went to sleep knowing and woke up knowing that no one on the cavs was gonna show up other than lebron, why? cause if u look at the other 3 games inboston, none of them have shown up, it was pretty obvious that none of them were gonna step up today, even in the previous series they sucked when they werentin cleveland, it was a given that they werent going to show up in boston, does lebron deserve all the blame? NO, how much? as much blame as we've givenkobe for not getting past the suns, as much as we give kg for only getting out of the 1st round once up until now, and as much blame as we give tracy for stillnot making it out

so what am i saying? its unreasonable for us to expect lebron to score 80 pts (or even 70) but in order for them to have won, he needed a MONSTER game and bythat, i mean 50+, most likely 60+
ska you believe in the team game way too much... this isnt the ncaa or wnba where teamwork wins everytime.... This is the nba... Its not brons fault that his teammates suck balls at remembering what they get paid to do... I dont buy the "standing around" theory... they are role players... know your role and be ready at all times even if your leader goes away for a while... you just end up giving the role players excuses for sucking....
O.K., so I give West an excuse for missing his three at the end of the game. He's a role player, and he should be ready to nail that.

Cool, cool.

So can you give me an excuse for LeBron's missed shots in the final minute? He's the star. He should make all shots like that, and make all free throwsunder that situation.

And no, there is no such thing as 'too much team game', dude. That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
Like the Pistons are all world ballhogs. Nope. But who's in the ConferenceFinals... again?

The Team-troit Pistons.

So what if they only have 1 championship in recent history? Theystill have that one... as a team. And 6 consecutive Conference Finals... as a team. They have asystem that revolves around the team, not the players.
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02

I love LeBron, but his game tonight was EXACTLY what the Celtics wanted. How can I credit him for falling into the Celtic's defense? They wanted him to go off... and he did. How does he deserve credit for doing exactly what the other team wanted?

He could have chosen to bust their heads by mixing it up, getting his own and dropping dimes, but he didn't.
He fell into the Celtics defense and dropped 45?
Hebrought his team back and gave them a chance to win this at the end.
What about all of those open shots his teammates were passing up at the end of the game?
if you guys wanna blame lebron dont blame him for this game, blame him for the game 1 loss that the cavs could and SHOULD have won..... smh...
Originally Posted by true 3 blue

Originally Posted by VARISOXFAN

where is belle and outacontrol? gutless cleveland fans as always. I was around after the Patriots lost...these guys must be in a corner pounding sand.

Losers, how you gonna win when your city has 2 L's in it.


Im not defending the city of Cleveland (or the Cavs by any means), but you're talkin real reckless for a team that is supposed to be taking care of teams like the Cavs and Hawks much easier than what they've done. You're done next round.
Wait....who won the series?
^ I haven't seen anyone n here blame LeBron for the loss, sooo... I don't know who you were directing that comment towards.

you big dummy- Umm... yes.

Read what I've already said.

And maybe he wouldn't have had to have brought his team back if he wouldn't have left them hanging the whole game.

The basketball knowledge on here is depressing sometimes.

Seriously, you guys would have nothing wrong with a guy going 32-71 as long as his 31 makes got him 69 points.


Cavs are nowhere close to a championship caliber team IMO. If James if off, there's no no firepower whatsoever. You got Wally shooting 3 for 13893 from the3 point line, which he continues to just jack up every single time he touches the ball. This dudes game is

I'm glad Pierce had a good game, been a big fan of his for years. If it was for Mr. Passion himself being on the Celtics, I would love to see them win.Pierce and Shuttlesworth are
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