Congrats to the Cavs and Cavs fans you guys have out played us all series. Having an injuried Arenas is too much to over come. Have fun playing the Celtics andgood luck.
Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye!


The whole Wizards organization is a circus with a bunch of clowns. On to Round 2.

Go Hawks!
tough loss

clutch shot from delonte

thought caron should have taken the shot, but knew gil was going to

was pulling for the former w's
Congrats to the Cavs and Cavs fans you guys have out played us all series. Having an injuried Arenas is too much to over come. Have fun playing the Celtics and good luck.

Respect to you man. We need more of this in the S&T.
Originally Posted by TheKingOfVa

Congrats to the Cavs and Cavs fans you guys have out played us all series. Having an injuried Arenas is too much to over come. Have fun playing the Celtics and good luck.

But the series ain't over yet and I hope the Cavs realize that.

I am relieved that LeBron didn't pick up that 6th foul (ESPECIALLY after that DeShawn flop
Lisa seems to have a phatty.
I remember seeing her in jeans once and she was looking aiight.
That was a while ago though.

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by TheKingOfVa

Congrats to the Cavs and Cavs fans you guys have out played us all series. Having an injuried Arenas is too much to over come. Have fun playing the Celtics and good luck.

But the series ain't over yet and I hope the Cavs realize that.

I am relived that LeBron didn't pick up that 6th foul (ESPECIALLY after that DeShawn flop

I can't even be mad at y'all, I'm pissed at my team.It's time to break up that mentally weak core. Keep Butler and Haywood and send therest of those N's somewhere to go shine some shoes. The Cavs are the better team. They have the best player on the floor and the best player in the East.Their the better defensive team and rebounding team that's what wins in the playoffs.

I hope you upset Boston and those cocky %$@ Celtics.
yeah even some cleveland writers picked wiz to win the series, what a joke.

boston is the 100% favorite to win that series against us but its ok, i like flying under the radar. we have a great shot against boston. we match up prettywell with em and if we're shooting lights out like we were today, thats just bonus.
I don't think the Wizards had the option of a 2 and a quick foul - I could be wrong but I didn't think they were in the penalty in the fourth so theCavs would have just got the ball back and then they would have had to do it again - there wasn't time basically.

Good game though - miles better than the last 2.
Originally Posted by belle155

yeah even some cleveland writers picked wiz to win the series, what a joke.

boston is the 100% favorite to win that series against us but its ok, i like flying under the radar. we have a great shot against boston. we match up pretty well with em and if we're shooting lights out like we were today, thats just bonus.

The series aint over yet bruh
I dunno maybe we can play a tough game on the road, wishful thinking..props to the Cavs

rebounding..such a dissapointment

series ain't over officially but that is hard to say lol..still have to stick by the Wizards no matter what kind of a hole we're in
Why the hell would the coach draw up a play for Arenas to take the last shot when CB had the hot hand all quarter. Also why keep trapping Lebron when heclearly was off in the 4th qtr and leaving 2 dudes that continue to knock down 3's open. That's essentially poor coaching on Eddie Jordan's part.

Rebounds killed the Wizards, can't allow a team to get 2nd and 3rd chances underneath the basketball and expect to win

Series will be over on Tuesday night.
Why no hack-a-ben?

If I'm Eddie Jordan I do this because it gets the ball out of LBJ hands and limits offensive rebound opportunites.
Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by belle155

yeah even some cleveland writers picked wiz to win the series, what a joke.

boston is the 100% favorite to win that series against us but its ok, i like flying under the radar. we have a great shot against boston. we match up pretty well with em and if we're shooting lights out like we were today, thats just bonus.

The series aint over yet bruh

yeah I'm aware of that fact. have some confidence tho. these wiz fans have been yappin for a long time now. you really think wizards are going towin 3 in a row? this isnt indians/red sox. we have the better team and the best player on the floor. in basketball that 1 player can really make adifference and change the game at any time. i have no doubts whatsoever we will be playing in boston very shortly. home court is gonna be nuts wednesday,thats gonna be a huge difference too. bron isnt gonna hear 20,000 boos every time he touches the ball.
Originally Posted by belle155

Originally Posted by outacontrol music

Originally Posted by belle155

yeah even some cleveland writers picked wiz to win the series, what a joke.

boston is the 100% favorite to win that series against us but its ok, i like flying under the radar. we have a great shot against boston. we match up pretty well with em and if we're shooting lights out like we were today, thats just bonus.

The series aint over yet bruh

yeah I'm aware of that fact. have some confidence tho. these wiz fans have been yappin for a long time now. you really think wizards are going to win 3 in a row? this isnt indians/red sox. we have the better team and the best player on the floor. in basketball that 1 player can really make a difference and change the game at any time. i have no doubts whatsoever we will be playing in boston very shortly. home court is gonna be nuts wednesday, thats gonna be a huge difference too. bron isnt gonna hear 20,000 boos every time he touches the ball.
Yeah, I'm confident too, but there are still some things I see from the Cavs that concern me.

Home court should be BIG though.
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