Originally Posted by Mez 0ne

LOL @ that vid outtacontrol posted.

Straight up real answer.

I thought this would be a close series, 6-7 games, but that was with the assumption Gilbert would be 100% for this series, which clearly is not the case.

Boston is a completely different monster though, they are such a damn deep team 1-12.
CAVS played them well during the season.... It should be a better series than this one... CAVS need to end this Wen... I fully expect the Celtics to dothe same
hahahaha, no hesitation at all. thats what im sayin.

do I think they can do it? no

what i been sayin all along
Originally Posted by TheKingOfVa

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Going back to game 1....was anything said by the league on Lebron's blatant elbow to Blatche's face?
No and was anything said about blatche hitting lebron in the face a play before. %*$%, babies man.

I really really hope Stevenson does the little i cant feel my face thing in the Cavs arena again.
I think hes gonna be that guy that no one wants on their team. I like Caron and i like Gil but just because of Stevenson I absolutely hate that team. O yea i hate Haywood too. But fer real Stevenson has been the laughingstock of the NBA its real entertaining i feel bad for the Wizard fans.

Edit: Can anyone find the song they were talking about from Jay-z dissin Desean in the Club?

Jay-Z-Blow The Whistle

lol at Lebron saying hes gonna brush this off

and then he goes and gets his boyfriend to get on a diss track

Originally Posted by cheezybaby

Originally Posted by TheKingOfVa

Originally Posted by Jehlers02

Going back to game 1....was anything said by the league on Lebron's blatant elbow to Blatche's face?
No and was anything said about blatche hitting lebron in the face a play before. %*$%, babies man.

I really really hope Stevenson does the little i cant feel my face thing in the Cavs arena again.
I think hes gonna be that guy that no one wants on their team. I like Caron and i like Gil but just because of Stevenson I absolutely hate that team. O yea i hate Haywood too. But fer real Stevenson has been the laughingstock of the NBA its real entertaining i feel bad for the Wizard fans.

Edit: Can anyone find the song they were talking about from Jay-z dissin Desean in the Club?

Jay-Z-Blow The Whistle
lol at Lebron saying hes gonna brush this off

and then he goes and gets his boyfriend to get on a diss track



i never saw that clip before. yeah its over on wednesday.
^ he did that to open the game up after his first basket, lol

funny how this whole thing is getting blown out (you got commentators mentioning every other minute, smh)

now jay-z entering this...

it's all fun and games, but i feel they taking it too personal
Am I the only one that thinks Washington is better off without Gil? I mean, dude is an extremely gifted player... but it just seems that the whole"team" concept declines when hes in the game.

Is that just me, or do other people see it?
Heads up for these *+*%%%+ idiots trying to take out LeBron, I can seriously see it happening. If the game is played clean and how it should be, this thing isover on Wednesday and bring on Boston.
LeBron vs. DeShawn had been mainly an off-court rivalry, prompted in part by Stevenson calling James overrated, and extending to involve rap megastar Jay-Z andone-hit wonder Soulja Boy. James' pal Jay-Z created a song dissing Stevenson that was played at a D.C. club this weekend. "He's worth $500million, and he's writing songs about me," Stevenson said before tipoff. "What does that say about DeShawn Stevenson? Ballin'!" ^LMAO!!! Does this fool have a learning disability or something??????
DeShawn's a moron.

If the Cavaliers get a 15+ point lead in the 2nd half and the crowd is goin crazy, I can see someone start workin'
they were talkin about it on the radio after the game. wiz are still talkin reckless. they have nothin to lose in this last game and the host and callers weretalkin about the wiz tryin to take out lebron. hope it doesnt come to that. if anything goes down tho, ill be in the house. i got their back.
Originally Posted by belle155

they were talkin about it on the radio after the game. wiz are still talkin reckless. they have nothin to lose in this last game and the host and callers were talkin about the wiz tryin to take out lebron. hope it doesnt come to that. if anything goes down tho, ill be in the house. i got their back.

what do u mean you got their back?
Originally Posted by airmaxpenny1

Originally Posted by belle155

they were talkin about it on the radio after the game. wiz are still talkin reckless. they have nothin to lose in this last game and the host and callers were talkin about the wiz tryin to take out lebron. hope it doesnt come to that. if anything goes down tho, ill be in the house. i got their back.

what do u mean you got their back?
He talkin bout that


But yeah, there's some folk that would come out the stands a work with the Wiz.

LeBron's cuz was bout to jump Haywood after the shove.
Another good win for the Cavs..hopefully this thing ends Wednesday. Then it'll be onto Boston~!
Yeah, Rudolf, you're def. wrong. It started with James talkin' smack about Deshawn to Gooden.

And I agree with Deshawn about Jay-Z. If Jay-Z took the time to write bars about him, then what does that say about Jay-Z?

I expect a song from Soulja Boy including lyrics such as "Crank that over-rated."
^ lebron had to know drew was really good friends with deshawn or he just didn't care when he trashed deshawn

how would you feel if one of the best player in the league said you were garbage and didn't deserve the hype you were getting (i knew stevenson was havinga nice year, but i didn't know he was getting too much hype?

i definitely can see something going down if the wiz are getting blown out
for example, if they are up by 20 and lebron is dunking at will, someone will definitely be drawing blood
Originally Posted by henz0

@ lebron saying if they was in the park something wouldve escalated
I seen that.

[h2]LeBron goes West, Cavs go home up 3-1[/h2]
Cavs 100, Wizards 97

-By my count, this game was the sixth time LeBron James has beaten the Wizards with a pass or a shot in the final minute of a playoff game. His short jumper in Game 3 in 2006, his baseline layup past Antawn Jamison in Game 5 the same year, his pass out of the double team to Larry Hughes, who passed to Damon Jones for the winner in Game 6 (hockey assist). Last year in Game 3 he hit Sasha Pavlovic out of a trap for a 3-point to clinch Game 3 here at the Verizon Center. Then this year his two shots in Game 1 and the pass to Delonte West today. Wizards are sick of this stuff.
-In Game 3, Cavs were 2-of-16 from 3-point range, which made their handling of the double teams on LeBron seem weak. Today they were 13-of-28 (though that is a lot of 3s, man) with Delonte West and Daniel Gibson going 9-of-15. Major, major difference.
-After the game, LeBron said DeShawn Stevenson hit him with a closed fist on the flagrant foul in the first half. I have since seen some photos that support that but it was not clear. Also, he seemed to go for the ball. I suspect the Cavs will push hard to have him to have the foul upgraded but it probably won't happen. Here is the thing, people who know DeShawn have told me they think he's crazy enough to attempt to go head hunting for LeBron in Game 5 if he thinks it is over just because of how personal this has all gotten. We'll see.
-Seemed to be three emotions coming from folks at Verizon Center. One, they were frustrated they'd just lost another close game to the Cavs, who they are still sure they are better than. Two, they think LeBron is a cry baby for complaining about the fouls. Three, this series is over.
-I am not sure Gilbert Arenas taking the final shot was the best move for the Wiz and Eddie Jordan said as much after the game. He thought he should've maybe used him as a decoy considering he has not made a 3-pointer since Game 1. Plus Caron Butler was hot at the moment. But I guess you've got to give the ball to the superstar in that spot and ask to make a play. That's what the Cavs did with LeBron and he passed.
-A factor down the stretch was that LeBron had five fouls. That is why he pulled up for a 15-footer on the second to last possession because he was concerned about an offensive foul. The officials had already called him for two in the game. He was more prone to shoot jumpers, which is why he was not as effective in scoring in the fourth. Especially in the last three minutes after he got the fifth.
-Earlier this season Daniel Gibson told me he'd never had a technical foul called on him in his life. Now, he's got two including one today after he shoved Brendan Haywood in the, ahem, man area. Boobie said that Haywood was hanging on the rim and sort of in his face if you know what I mean so he pushed them away. I've seen the replay and he's right. Haywood has had some good games in this series, but he's also been, um, staying over people in a disrespectful manner to quote LeBron.
-A huge factor in this game was Joe Smith, who had more rebounds himself (
than the entire Wizards bench. Plus he threw a great pick on Antawn Jamison to make sure Delonte West had shooting room on the final shot.
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