the thing is, deshawn is that crazy. this isnt gonna be a 30 pt blowout so its not like bron can sit. hes gonna be in there 40+ min and all its gonna take isone cheap shot, one foot under bron as hes coming down, somethin like that and it could get ugly real quick.

cleveland is the reason they take caps off bottles in arenas.

Nothing is going to happen. Did anybody not listen to Jalen Rose when Haywood and Bron got "into it" in Game 1. Jalen said "Its NBA playerspushing. Nobody wants to throw a punch. Nobody wants to break a nail. Trust me." I think that summed it up. Nothing is going to happen. Word to all NBApunches excluding Kermit and Stack.
Originally Posted by belle155

the thing is, deshawn is that crazy. this isnt gonna be a 30 pt blowout so its not like bron can sit. hes gonna be in there 40+ min and all its gonna take is one cheap shot, one foot under bron as hes coming down, somethin like that and it could get ugly real quick.

cleveland is the reason they take caps off bottles in arenas.
BTW, I bet Mick Boogie bangs that "Blow the Whistle" at the game Tues.

The edited version of course. That would be
wiz kids gotta get it together if they want to survive this series..1 game at a time..

we'll see how it goes on wednesday
^ Yeah, that explains the Wizards being down 3-1.

I was thinking today. It is very easy to forget that I once cheered for the Wizards. It is easy to forget that considering their now classless organization andfans.
I'm a bit nervous, I gotta be honest. We've seen these idiots try and take him out previously and now they have absolutely nothing to lose. I can justsee them sitting at home next week while the Cavs play without LBJ...and laughing about it. Not to mention, whatever it was that LeBron said about Deshawnapparently it's pretty personal: neither party (and Drew Gooden) would mention what it was. I would love to know
but heads up for some %+!@ onWednesday.
Here is what Stevenson said about what LeBron said:
"He thought it wasn't going to get back to me," Stevenson said. "He said something about my game. He said I'm getting a lot of hype this year, that he doesn't think I'm the good player I am and basically that I suck, our team sucks and we're not going anywhere. I took offense to that. If LeBron James never said that comment, we wouldn't have the rivalry we have right now."

I guess he's pissed because LeBron was being honest.
Originally Posted by EzFlash26

�@ those Delonte West videos...he's come a long way from LeBron kneeing dude in the face....


I forgot all about that $!%$...

'lonte still that dude though
I hope LeBron does off on the Wizards in game 5. I can't stand that team and Deshawn is a %$++*#% idiot.
After his team pulled out a 100-97 win over the Wizards to take a 3-1 lead in the first-round series, Cavs star LeBron James was asked whether the Wizards could come back and make a series of it. "Do I think they can do it?" James asked before offering his blunt answer. "No." Sounds like a man who has ripped the Wizards' hearts out now six times by either making a game winning shot or a pass that led to a game winning shot to beat Washington in a playoff game the last three years. Washington Post

After the game, LeBron said DeShawn Stevenson hit him with a closed fist on the flagrant foul in the first half. I have since seen some photos that support that but it was not clear. Also, he seemed to go for the ball. I suspect the Cavs will push hard to have him to have the foul upgraded but it probably won't happen. Here is the thing, people who know DeShawn have told me they think he's crazy enough to attempt to go head hunting for LeBron in Game 5 if he thinks it is over just because of how personal this has all gotten. We'll see. Akron Beacon Journal

Earlier this season Daniel Gibson told me he'd never had a technical foul called on him in his life. Now, he's got two including one today after he shoved Brendan Haywood in the, ahem, man area. Boobie said that Haywood was hanging on the rim and sort of in his face if you know what I mean so he pushed them away. I've seen the replay and he's right. Haywood has had some good games in this series, but he's also been, um, staying over people in a disrespectful manner to quote LeBron. Akron Beacon Journal
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