I hear you though. Most of the players have been on the ground all day
My boy said that the change of goalies would have a tremendous impact and he was right!
what a horrible game. we did not deserve that tie. also i hate brian ching and sasha k. they frustrate the hell out of me.
We able to pull out a tie, am happy hahaha. Good game by El Salvador only had a couple of chances but they scored on both. Frankie the ageless warrior comethru. Califf is horrible in the back, we really miss Gouch. Guzan looked shaky at times, but I give him a pass since this is only his 5th WC CAP. Torres andAltidore added some energy tonight as second half subs. we are on top of the group for now.
I would have taken a tie before the game....I honestly did not see ES getting any points against the US, so in that sense, mission accomplished....but damn, ifES wins, they would have shaken the whole CONCACAF group.

Good effort by the US to come back with the tie. I'm worried about the physical and emotional letdown going into wednesday's game against costa rica.
But ES played the perfect game for 70 minutes. I knew the US would come back at some point, and we're a great save away from getting a rather unjust 3points right at the end. Great effort from la selecta though. I dont think anyone had them taking any points against the US
It looked like we were rattled and we were definitely not playing our game...very sloppy game by our part in the first 60 minutes. I liked the formationadjustment bradley made during the second half. I cant wait till gooch plays on wednesday...good effort by Jozy. If the ref would of gave us the corner at theend of the game, I feel we would have scored.

el salvador thought they were doing it, but they were not at the end.
ES was shocked the last 10 minutes. I was Lmao when all the players, especially the goalkeeper keep dropping like flys hahahaha!!
la selecta just looked drained during the last stretch of the game. That's when the US conditioning and physical superiority took over.
I had a bad feeling the second jozy came into the game too....Ching just played horribly, and it was the perfect sub at that point of the game.
yeah they were dropping like flies, but all that time lost shaved about 7 minutes at the end....if the ref would have given all the time that was actually lostdue to injuries, the US would have won. I'm certain of that.

Mexico and costa rica played horribly too. One individual play by bravo (after a bad CR defensive mistake) was all that separated both teams. The penalty givenwas
., but it wouldn't have mattered. Costa Rica only played10 minutes of decent soccer at the start of the game. Aside from that, they looked clueless. Every single pass lacked touch, and they cowared to a mexican teamthat showed nothing either aside from some a handful of individual runs.
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

ya are, when ya play us in the states.

yea proly. idc i support both teams but mainly honduras which playedhorribly today
. (im half hondurean and half salvadorian)
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

ya are, when ya play us in the states.
true....but again, no one expected ES to get any points off the US. I hope the US takes their anger out on T & T om wed.
Extra props to la mara salvatrucha...that crowd was absolutely nuts. *$#*, they made azteca stadium look like a mls crowd on a wednesday evening
Hugo should become a USMNT SUPPORTER. EL EQUIPO DE TODOS!!!!!!!!!

BTW MARION I WILL FIND OUT ABOUT TICKETS TO THE GAME AT THE AZTECA NEXT WEEK. My aunt is coming for vacation. I expect good news from her.
^^^ lol naw. i just cant wait for honduras to play mexico so we would beat them right quick
Here are my thoughts on the game, and our overall positioning in the hex (posted this on another forum)

Last night was unexpected. Most SANE ES supporters would have never expected the result last night. If you would have offered a point against the US going intothe match, I don't think anyone would have said no to that. Again, the disparity between the US and ES is quite evident, and the end result proves that. Idont think another CONCACAF team comes back and ties the game, and for all that was said about ES falling down like flies, I truly feel that the US wins thegame had the ref actually had given back the time that was lost due to injuries. We were a spectacular save from Gomez away from getting a rather unjust loss 1minute before the game ended. ES could give no more, and the physical superior conditioning of the US is what ultimately got them into the game (along withBradley coming to his senses and taking out Ching, and bringing in Jozy).

I have said too many of my family members that the only chance ES has of being top 4 was to get 2-3 unexpected results (away or home). Tying the US at homedefinitely qualifies as an unexpected result, though I'm sure most us have this knot in our stomachs today from what could have been a historic night inCONCACAF history.

With that said, we are realistically 1 point off from what most of us expected to be after 2 rounds, and only 2 points behind the group leader (. We need to beclear on things too....we are not fighting against the US or Mexico...those 2 teams are a given. Our fate lies within the other 3 teams.
No one has mentioned how big it was for T & T and Honduras to end up drawing. When those teams play each other, we have to hope they end up drawing so thatnone of them begin to pull away from ES in the standings.
Even though it hurts to say, I hope Mexico goes into Honduras and beats them, and that the US beats T & T.

I am really worried about this upcoming game against CR. La selecta looked physically and emotionally drained after drawing the way they did. It would not havehurt had we come back to tie, or even had the US ties if we only led by 1 goal.If you saw the Mexico -CR game, CR looked like they were jogging the whole game.I'm certain their physical standing is better than ES right now, and even if they are on a letdown, there's nothing better than to go back home to liftyour spirits up.

And one last thing about DLC....I understand that he has gotten us into the position we are right now, and for that, he is too be comended. but hisinexperience showed last night. They simply did not know what to do with a 2-0 lead. I even doubt that in all the tactics and scenarios they thought of, beingup 2-0 against the US that late into the game was not one of them. Si la cagastes, la cagastes. You can't let DLC get a free ride forever.
Dont worry Marion I will let you know. Hopefully we can stil have a mini summit down there. It will be fun hahaah!!!
Originally Posted by Hugo

even doe i thought we was going to lose 8-nil
Originally Posted by marionthebarberian

ya are, when ya play us in the states.
thats cuz there going to play some where in the cold which is a huge disadvantage.. my thought on the game- they had the game won and a chance tobe in the top spot but the goal keeper switch messed up the team also USA was not going to let ES beat them( USA beat Mex 2-0 there not gunna let es beat themby that) also the 2nd goal keeper sucked he was getting out of the box when he had all his defenders around him..
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