Official Crysis 2 Thread Vol: OUT NOW

Is the demo available on PSN too?  
The first one was ill but noone had a pc good enough to run it
. Glad the brought it to consoles tho
How is Bulletstorm, is it worth 60$? If the game is dope, copped because I need that GOW3 beta, but anyone who's played it lemme know.
I really liked the demo. I didnt know what i was getting myself into so i was just hitting random buttons as i played lol. Im like dam this is like call of duty next thing you know im like 8 and 2 lol. I dont know what people are complaining about on the other boards but i found it to be fun. My only complaint is when you kill someone it takes a few secs for them to be dead .
Yeah it is an early build so there are gonna be silly flaws

And yeah people are having trouble getting into games, Xbox freexing etc. I hooked it up with the wired connection and it has worked fine since then.
I was looking at videos of instant action matches all day and it looks like it plays like call of duty.  
Originally Posted by Cobra Kai

Is this freezing for anybody else, or just me?
Are you running a wireless connection? Apparently most people trying to run wireless are having the beta freeze on them. Ive heard the new Xbox 360s are running it wirelessly fine but im using the wireless adapter and its freezing on me.

No ethernet cord FTL
Downloading it right now. Eager to see how MP is ..

Im at 43% right now... On a wireless connection. So hopefully everything stays running smoothly.
Lol, how many first person shooter franchises are there now:

Call Of Duty

They're getting mad corny.

Third person > first person. Can't wait for Gears 3.
i never played a fps till modern warfare 2

they are fun

bulletstorm looks fun and funny kind of corny but the combos are endless, its more arcade style than anything...the xbox demo unlocked some stuff if you buy the game

i didnt finish downloading crysis yet
Just played a couple rounds of Team Instant Action
Not bad. But if u think it takes alot of bullets to kills someone on Black Ops. Wait til u play this 

Plus i heard there is no auto aim .. So its strictly you aiming

The Minimap is horribly placed. 

The framerate is GREAT! Real Smooth. Graphics are pretty good. yes it does sorta play like CoD but with a mix of BF and Halo. 

Also if youre accustom to the CoD controller layout .. You can modify it to your liking so there is not much transition. A couple here and there but not many at all. 

Its pretty good for being a Demo. Liking the game so far. But again i cant make a judgement only playing 2 games. But 1st impressions are good.
I'm mad how there isn't a PC demo.
I just got the first Crysis and Crysis Warhead a couple weeks ago. Game looks pretty damn good, story is okay
Originally Posted by Xtapolapacetl

Third person > first person.


This game is an instant cop...might actually pull me away from Halo:Reach.

I just hope they change the sound of the footsteps...I constantly think someone is behind me.
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