Official E3 2012 Thread - What Do You Want to See?

Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

Can you tell this 3DS guy is reading off of a teleprompter?

i was thinking the same thing
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by blakep267

Last of us, watchdog, and beyond probably won't be coming out anytime soon. If I had to guess, id say holiday 2013 or first quarter 2014

naughty dog doesnt spend 4 years on a game
that doesnt mean Sony will release it. Its a monster game, meaning it would get a holiday or march is release. Since they didnt say coming March 2013, like Tomb raider and bioshock, Im guessing next holiday. They wouldnt release it in June or any summer month.
Wow Mickey mouse power of illusion , that castle of illusion game on the sega genesis creeped me out as a kid
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford
Catch up to what though? Outdated tech, FPS, and sequels? 

My point is at the end of a cycle they should be showing off new hardware and brand new IPS. They always wait for Nintendo to get out the gate first so they can see what works and just follow.

Wait until they show the new Zelda. It's going to be over.

Graphics on these other games looking a lot better. 
Outdated etch -WiiU is only going to be slighly more powerful than an Xbox 

FPS- the most popular genre in video gaming 

You are actually knocking MS for sequels but giving Nintendo a pass. @$%, then you mention a new Zelda

Most new IPs generally launch at the begining of a new console cycle. Every publisher, journalist and analyst say this.

WiiU is hardly a next gen console, it's no where near as risking as the Wii/and Nintendo is waaaaaaay behind when it come to onlines

Sony, MS and Nintendo all copy one another now. Stop acting like Nintendo brings all the innovation to the industry 
u seem like u dont even wanna give it a chance.
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford
Catch up to what though? Outdated tech, FPS, and sequels? 

My point is at the end of a cycle they should be showing off new hardware and brand new IPS. They always wait for Nintendo to get out the gate first so they can see what works and just follow.

Wait until they show the new Zelda. It's going to be over.

Graphics on these other games looking a lot better. 
Outdated etch -WiiU is only going to be slighly more powerful than an Xbox 

FPS- the most popular genre in video gaming 

You are actually knocking MS for sequels but giving Nintendo a pass. !@@, then you mention a new Zelda

New IP generally launch at the begining of a new console cycle. Every publisher, journalist and analyst say this.

WiiU is hardly a next gen console, it's no where near as risking as the Wii/and Nintendo is waaaaaaay behind when it come to onlines

Sony, MS and Nintendo all copy one another now. Stop acting like Nintendo brings all the innovation to the industry 
Games in a series aren't sequels dummy. A sequel is a direct continuation of the game before that improves upon it. 
You haven't even saw their online plans for the Wii U. Good assumption. 

Yes, Sony and Microsoft copy off Nintendo a lot. Nintendo hardly copies off of them. 
Ubi Soft is the developer of the show. Every damn system had an "Exclusive" Game for their system first. I am sure some will come to other systems later on but damn they are all over this year,
Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford
Catch up to what though? Outdated tech, FPS, and sequels? 

My point is at the end of a cycle they should be showing off new hardware and brand new IPS. They always wait for Nintendo to get out the gate first so they can see what works and just follow.

Wait until they show the new Zelda. It's going to be over.

Graphics on these other games looking a lot better. 
Outdated etch -WiiU is only going to be slighly more powerful than an Xbox 

FPS- the most popular genre in video gaming 

You are actually knocking MS for sequels but giving Nintendo a pass. @$%, then you mention a new Zelda

Most new IPs generally launch at the begining of a new console cycle. Every publisher, journalist and analyst say this.

WiiU is hardly a next gen console, it's no where near as risking as the Wii/and Nintendo is waaaaaaay behind when it come to onlines

Sony, MS and Nintendo all copy one another now. Stop acting like Nintendo brings all the innovation to the industry 

yea, Im not sure what he's talking about. Nintendo lives off of sequels and rehashes. New zelda and mario games are sequels to me. And the wii u will basically just now put Nintendo on the level of Sony and Microsoft. The next gen of those consoles would blow the wiiu out of the water.
Originally Posted by 100PROOF

another dance game? 

who the hell is buying this crap?
Millions of people...they sell better than most games. BUt the people who care about E3 do not care about these type of games
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