Official E3 2012 Thread - What Do You Want to See?

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

ZombiU looks legit though.

A little better graphically than XBOX you say? lol

 I guess you missed all those Halo 4 videos brah

They are still in the same ballpark and since 1st party Nintendo games look a lot better than they should because of how gifted their art departments are you won't even notice the difference. Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 look better than 80% of Xbox 360 games.  

Now did you see Starwars 1313? That's what a real next-gen game looks like. I can run that on my PC now though, won't have to wait for "next-gen consoles".
BTW, I have a 360 and Wii so I'm not biased. I guess I'm just a little bored with 360 when I see how outdated it is every time I play a pc game. Skyrim on 360 looks like an OG Xbox game compared to when I play it on a pc. Maybe that's why I'm drawn to Nintendo consoles; they give me different game experiences that I can't get anywhere else. No point in buying a console just to play watered down, graphically dumbed down PC ports. 
It is like Candyland and Willy Wonka's Chocolate factory has a child they disapproved of.
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

Originally Posted by 100PROOF

I dont mean no harm but why are these Asian guys even on stage?  Why not just get someone to read a teleprompter
Gamers and Devs from Japan are watching.
this cross talk is annoying I'd rather they subtitle dude or take him off stage altogether
If they don't show some 1st party games before it's over I think I'm going to pass on the Wii U. Still intrigued by it.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by horchata kid

the more i see it, the less I want a Wiiu
Piece of %$!+ system lol... 

First of all that thing looks huge and i just feel like kids would easily drop it and break it and its not like its easily replaceable like a controller that thing is probably $100 by itself

Then that whole point the controller at the screen seems like a lot of work and pointless ...idk as it stills now i would not buy the wii u
Overall Gimmick system. Little Kids will love it. Fan Boys will love, Casual fans will not want it.
I can't believe no bombs were set off, I'm in awe.
I joked about them choking but this was really bad, REALLY BAD.
They're closing on Nintendoland? Yeah, the video game industry is going to have a 2nd crash in the next couple years. No company knows what direction they want to go in.

I am not buying any new console from Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo. It was a good run.
Yea that was weak. No price point either for something thats meant to release this year.

The only positives is that it supports 2 gamepads.
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by RustyShackleford

Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

ZombiU looks legit though.

A little better graphically than XBOX you say? lol

 I guess you missed all those Halo 4 videos brah

They are still in the same ballpark and since 1st party Nintendo games look a lot better than they should because of how gifted their art departments are you won't even notice the difference. Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 look better than 80% of Xbox 360 games.  

Now did you see Starwars 1313? That's what a real next-gen game looks like. I can run that on my PC now though, won't have to wait for "next-gen consoles".
BTW, I have a 360 and Wii so I'm not biased. I guess I'm just a little bored with 360 when I see how outdated it is every time I play a pc game. Skyrim on 360 looks like an OG Xbox game compared to when I play it on a pc. Maybe that's why I'm drawn to Nintendo consoles; they give me different game experiences that I can't get anywhere else. No point in buying a console just to play watered down, graphically dumbed down PC ports. 
Until the ZombiU gets an extended demo we'll see if it comes close to Halo 4. 
-Starwars 1313 was running on a $1000 graphics card. When I buy that game, I will be playing it on a $400 console. I can wait 

-Console gaming is what it is. I find it funny that youre now using PC gaming to discredit the Xbox. 

-Nintendo's presser was crap 
So where was the pro-pad or whatever.  I thought they were going to be like look Wii-u comes with a regular controller too and you can play COD and Battlefield on it.  No?
I expected more. SO MUCH more. They started strong but the moment they started karaoke it was over and down hill. No price/launch?
Ubisoft and Sony won IMO.
Watch Dogs, Last of Us and Beyond the main games that stood out for me.
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