Official E3 2012 Thread - What Do You Want to See?

I am far from a wii lover...but everyone was saying the same thing about the original Wii.

If this thing has a low price has good social will sell.  I think price plays a major role though because it isn't a multi-media device like ps3 and xbox are.  If its cheap people will buy it for the novelty.  All you need is Mario - Starfox - Smash Bros - donkey kong....and you have a decent system. 

If they ever did Kingdom Hearts buy the whole console for that game alone lol
I dont care if it sells 200 million units. Nothing they showed peaked my interest at all.
They'll be successful, but still won't gain back the segment of the market they lost with Wii.
I'm really talking about the games more than the conference though. Like I said none of those conferences were all that good, each just had a few games that I am interested in.

Nintendos Wii U social aspect was probably the best part of the conference imo.

Not really that into MMOs but an Elder Scrolls MMO would be dope
No new Fallout? 
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I dont care if it sells 200 million units. Nothing they showed peaked my interest at all.
They'll be successful, but still won't gain back the segment of the market they lost with Wii.

The Wii moved more units then the xbox360 or the ps3.  I don't know what part of the market they lost really.  But the Wii was a great success.

But i do agree as far as e3 one did anything amazing.  But i wasn't expecting anything crazy amazing.  No new consoles = hope there are some good games. 

edit: i wasn't saying you guys in particular but to say the Wii-U is trash and to say you don't like it are different things.  Because i don't like it either
.  But if it is cheap and the games pan out i might pick one up later down the road as a novelty system
Originally Posted by empirestrikesfirst

I dont care if it sells 200 million units. Nothing they showed peaked my interest at all.
They'll be successful, but still won't gain back the segment of the market they lost with Wii.
I'm the same way, I don't care about units sold and that financial stuff.  I care about games that I would actually want to play and buy.  Nintendo products are always going to sell.
Nintendo, for lack of a better term, lost the "hardcore" gamer with the Wii. 
Wii U was a promise to bring them back into the fold. A year old Batman game and a zombie shooter aren't exactly what I was hoping for.

But again, they're probably willing to lose that particular consumer if they can gain 3 "casual" gamers. Money is money.
Spike just showed ZombiU gameplay. IDK if I like it too much. Basically after you die, you come back as another person and have to hunt down the zombie of you (who just died) to get your backpack and stuff back. But you lose all your upgrades
What I really want from the Wii U is a N64/Gamecube virtual console like the have for the 3DS where you can get NES/SNES games.
Originally Posted by blakep267

Spike just showed ZombiU gameplay. IDK if I like it too much. Basically after you die, you come back as another person and have to hunt down the zombie of you (who just died) to get your backpack and stuff back. But you lose all your upgrades

Yeah I saw that, how does the game end though?
Originally Posted by omgitswes

Originally Posted by blakep267

Spike just showed ZombiU gameplay. IDK if I like it too much. Basically after you die, you come back as another person and have to hunt down the zombie of you (who just died) to get your backpack and stuff back. But you lose all your upgrades

Yeah I saw that, how does the game end though?
lol, she didnt say. She just said its a zombie game experience. There are no checkpoints, and when you go into the tablet mode the game doesnt pause, so you can easily get killed.
Originally Posted by SuprDuperFly

So omgitswes and Stay Lurkin, that was a good press conference to you?

Ant to omgitwes, why do you hate those phrases?

Oh I don't even know 
. None were amazing to me. Just bring on Splinter Cell and Halo 4 IMO. But I also understand why they show us all this other stuff we don't give a #%#@ about as well. 
But I was referring to the short interview Reggie gave on Spike right after the conference. He was getting a little impatient that dude was nit-picking everything and not really giving credit where credit is due. 

Like, Nintendo is mad successful 
. Not only that, but are mad innovative too. To gamble the way that they do and still push a silly amount of units is actually really impressive. 
just re-watched the last of us demo ....that game is insane ..the amount of detail is nuts for this current gen 
, was never a fan of the uncharted series, but i'm have to buy this game for sure...
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