Official E3 thread of gaming goodness!

is that the soup guy? whats he doing there
Ok. E3 is so far so good. Halo: Reach looks like it covers the Fall of Reach. I assume its based of the book The Fall of Reach.

Splinter Cell: Conviction looks pretty good. And I hate Splinter Cell, so that says alot. L4D2 is a instant cop. I'm excited for this. I just hope itdoesn't get boring fast like the first did.
I'm actually excited about OSDT too. I haven't be excited for Halo since Halo 2. I hope the story doesn't let me down like Halo 3 did.

Alan Wake. Bout %%#!%@+ time. I've been following that game for awhile. Thought it was vaporware for second.
@ FF13 being vaporware. You must not know the meaning.
Can't wait til tomorrow...
was anyone else annoyed by the microsoft ******s clapping while they had center stage? seriously i didnt need to hear some douche clap ON THE MIC
red steel definitely looks interesting

my only gripe is that even though they say that wii motion plus mimics exactly where your sword is, it seems like it doesnt make a difference in terms of usingit, specifically the severing, like if u could cut peoples arms and legs off, i might consider picking up a wii but it seems like all slice motions do the samething
That Wiimote has lag on RS2.
Originally Posted by rickybadman

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

Ooooh Red Steel 2 looks pretty dope, I may have to copp.
Dude Ubi has Rainbow Six, Ghost Recon, Splinter Cell, Assassins Creed but the only two games you interested in is Red Steel and I am Alive. @%%, are you just joking or something.
Ghost Recon / Rainbow Six is overrated, Modern Warfare series deaded them. Splinter Cell has and always will be trashed. Conviction looks to be onpar - gameplay wise with Metal Gear Solid 2, Solid Snake / Gabe Logan > Sam Fisher. Assassin Creed is dope, if you like screen tearing and polygon pop up /drawn in backgrounds.
Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

That Wiimote has lag on RS2.
I noticed that too. The only thing that's turning me off from it. Other than that, it looks dope.

Pele in the building
AC wasn't bad just repetitive. If I wasn't an achievement *+$*# I would have never probably finished it and found out that I liked the story
Originally Posted by Uptempo kid

AC wasn't bad just repetitive. If I wasn't an achievement *+$*# I would have never probably finished it and found out that I liked the story

Forreal, I played the game more than I should have because of the achievements.
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