Official E3 thread of gaming goodness!

Originally Posted by heatpinoyboy

That SW trailer up their is simply

Yea..... pretty much.

Originally Posted by IHeartBoost

woooohoooooo that is one hell of a weave!

@ her. she shoulda twisted it. she had small back neways.
u better be able 2 tun off the mission updates in that 360 SC game. that was a good look tho. ruse egh, it could go either way im thinkin rental but if u canswitch between god-like general ala battleship and fps etc then thats coppo
Originally Posted by Jetpacunlimited

Stalking me? I don't care bud. Sorry
Huh? You made the post in THIS thread like a few pages ago...the !##% are you talking about stalking. Why do you view everything as an attack for?You asked for a valid link and I gave it to you...

And you must have at least an ounce of care about it since you were the one who posted that article saying it wasn't exclusive. Relax.
assassins creed is the most repetitive game ive ever played. the frame rate is pure crap as well.
i been having assassins creed 1 for a long time and I havent even begin to play it and now 2 is coming out soon
Originally Posted by aubstuh86

assassins creed is the most repetitive game ive ever played. the frame rate is pure crap as well.

even though it's basically the same thing, but same goes with the newest prince of persia. i couldn't continue with it, same @$#! over and over andover and over.
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