Official Game 2: 05/06 Houston Rockets @ Los Angeles Lakers 7:30PM PST TNT

AllDay AllNight wrote:
So...I'm a Laker fan, and despite tonight's ridiculous performances from just about everybody (and I do mean ri-di-cu-lous), my mind isn't at ease about beating the Rockets.

It's clear that these Rockets are straight up HUNGRIER than any Laker aside from Kobe, and it takes Scola getting decked, Fisher getting ejected, Ron-Ron getting tossed, and a lot of calls going the Lakers' way to squeak by the Rockets in Los Angeles.

That's truly awful. I don't respect any team that believes that it's entitled to go deep in the playoffs because of what their roster looks like, and ever since the All-Star break or so, that's what I've noticed from this group of Lakers.

I am, was, and always will be a Laker fan, but I am seriously disgusted at the effort (or lack thereof) these guys put in sometimes. Unless Pau and L.O. realize that they're major scorers and not just cheerleaders for Kobe Bryant, until our much-hyped bench starts making their open shots, until Andrew Bynum realizes that his team needs more rebounds than fouls, until Kobe gets into people's faces and tells them that they're not doing what needs to be done...these Lakers can't and won't go all the way.

I hope they can turn it around. We shouldn't pat ourselves on the back because D-Fish played dirty and Ron Artest was (unjustifiably) thrown out.
Co-sign to all of that.

We will learn a lot about this series and this Lakers squad in these next two games. If we win the next two games it will be a case where our roster is waybetter and this chippy game grabbed their attention. If Houston wins the next two, it is clear that this talented but dysfunction group is like the 2004 teamthat lost to the Pistons in the Finals.

By guess is that they will split in Houston and this series will be a lot like the 1992 Eastern Semis, when the Bulls took seven games to beat the goon ladenKnicks. Houston is tough as nails and if we cannot beat them, we really have no business playing the Eastern Champs.
I hope that Kobe never wins another championship, so he can realize he is nothing without Shaq. I want to see him in the postgame interview with tearsstreaming
Originally Posted by NEXTEL CUP

I hope that Kobe never wins another championship, so he can realize he is nothing without Shaq. I want to see him in the postgame interview with tears streaming
Damn son... you posted that #!!@ from the heart
D. Fisher is a total wimp. I hate these guys who try to act tough and take cheap shots.

And then of course Doug Collins keeps saying "sometimes your toughness comes from your smallest player"

um no Dougie, hockey checking someone when they dont expect it is not toughness
Originally Posted by Spot Rusherz

Originally Posted by NEXTEL CUP

I hope that Kobe never wins another championship, so he can realize he is nothing without Shaq. I want to see him in the postgame interview with tears streaming
Damn son... you posted that #!!@ from the heart
Really. How can you deny that Kobe is one of the most incomparable talents in the NBA? He's out there (nearly) single-handedly handlingup professional basketball teams...
This whole elbow situation is bollocks, however, if the roles were reversed, best believe Artest gets AT LEAST a 1 game suspension.
elbow was nothin. seriously this league is soft.

However some of yall are hypocritical it seems with the Rondo stuff but now the golden boy is put in that spot...

On the note of Kobe, I can see respecting his game and admiring that...but my god this guy is a lame. jesus. i'll never get his cult like following.
Also from Ron in the paper

http://Actually, he said a lot more than that. Hang on. This is going to be a bumpy ride. "Uh, wow. I understand it's the playoffs. I remember when I used to play back home in the neighborhood there were always games like that. I remember one time, one of my friends, he was playing basketball and they were winning the game. It was so competitive, they broke of a piece of leg from a table and they threw it and it went right through his heart and he died right on the court.
RIP if true but I'm sorry...that @%@% sounded like something out of a sketch comedy skit
I was at the game so I have a few questions.

1. What was the tech on Kobe called for?

2. When fish was thrown out of the game all we saw was fish get hit and we didn't understand what happened.

As far as Kobe and Ron Ron goes...

I support Kobe because he plays on the Lakers. But Kobe does throw A LOT of elbows. There have been many players complain about it but because of who he is, hegets away with a lot. I believe they will watch that very close next game and it also wouldn't surprise me if the next game is VERY long because of theticky tack fouls that will be called both ways.
Originally Posted by Pretty Toney

Also from Ron in the paper

Actually, he said a lot more than that. Hang on. This is going to be a bumpy ride. "Uh, wow. I understand it's the playoffs. I remember when I used to play back home in the neighborhood there were always games like that. I remember one time, one of my friends, he was playing basketball and they were winning the game. It was so competitive, they broke of a piece of leg from a table and they threw it and it went right through his heart and he died right on the court.
RIP if true but I'm sorry...that @%@% sounded like something out of a sketch comedy skit

i doubt that #*@* happened
Originally Posted by jretro23




If any of yall saw the TNT postgame show.. Artest was rightfully angry at that play and did what any RAW @#% dude would do. He just went to let KOBE know thathe was not gonna let that happen without letting u know about it. "Does he know hes hitting Ron Artest??" I thought that was the best possibleanswer anyone could have gave if you heard the entire thing.
if I were Rockets coach right now. for game 3, if any team got a big lead. I'll get a player like cook, white or hayes to knock out kobe hard. One to shuthis mouth and 2 to let him know how to feel like being hit hard. Ron will bring his A game friday and for battier, who's don't do a lot of trashtalking will hold kobe under 20.



- cant wait for game 3. hopefully DFish gets 1 game, and they leave artest alone. i cant wait. hopefully Houston can pull off the next 2 at home....
D. Fisher saw a screen coming and turned his head and ran right at Scola and use his shoulder/arm to launch himself into him and knock him down. Totalb%^&* move.

As for Kobe, he is so fake. I love how guys like that act all hard on the court when they have the protection of referees.

one of the greatest ball players on the planet, but I cant stand his behavior
Originally Posted by manamazing55

D. Fisher saw a screen coming and turned his head and ran right at Scola and use his shoulder/arm to launch himself into him and knock him down. Total b%^&* move.

As for Kobe, he is so fake. I love how guys like that act all hard on the court when they have the protection of referees.

one of the greatest ball players on the planet, but I cant stand his behavior
its funny how kobe gets criticized for everything he does...he isnt throwing up gang signs and such...hes talking trash and hes trying to light a firein his teammates...hes trying to get in the head of his defenders and everyone in the NBA talks im not one of those kobe fans who defend him ALLthe a kobe fan cause hes in that purple and gold BUT the kobe haters are ridiculous

and you have to admit scola did a some type of flopping job on that move by pretty sure scolas not that weak to get pushed around by fish

I was at the game so I have a few questions.

1. What was the tech on Kobe called for?

2. When fish was thrown out of the game all we saw was fish get hit and we didn't understand what happened.

As far as Kobe and Ron Ron goes...

I support Kobe because he plays on the Lakers. But Kobe does throw A LOT of elbows. There have been many players complain about it but because of who he is, he gets away with a lot. I believe they will watch that very close next game and it also wouldn't surprise me if the next game is VERY long because of the ticky tack fouls that will be called both ways.

1. kobe was t'd up for telling battier you cant guard me
2. fish got ejected for elbowing scola to the ground

However some of yall are hypocritical it seems with the Rondo stuff but now the golden boy is put in that spot...
i never thought rondo shouldve never been suspended for that foul on miller but he shouldve been suspended for that move on hinrich

Lakers got my people in H-Town heated....


at this salty dude
...of course kobe will never be michael jordan heskobe bryant...for whatever kobe does i dont get why ppl bring mjs name into it

1. Kobe got the tech mostly because the game was getting too heated. DFish's elbow, the whole thing with Ron, etc. Kobe all game was saying Shanecouldn't guard him, staring into the stands, etc. They just finally decided to T him up for taunting.

2. DFish threw a forearm with all his might because of the whole Scola, LO and Luke altercation the play before. It's one thing to send a message, but dudemugged Scola. It's not about the league being soft or whatever. You look at the replay and if it was a pickup game where you went to set a screen and gotdecked like that, anybody would be pissed. Or if Kobe was driving the lane, and anybody threw the forearm like that, call woulda been the same, flagrant 2. IfDwight got suspended for throwing a bow that didn't land, Fish will end up getting suspended because he got one that landed

One is a Kobe stan if you deny the DFish play. DFish is a strong dude. Nobody denies this. Scola did not flop. How does Scola flop on a play where DFish usedall his power into that forearm shiver. The collision was so hard that some how, Fish ended up with a little cut on his head. Who flops on a play where theOTHER dude bleeds?
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