Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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does no one think they found reek? 
Did Theon never exist? That man(?) should be named L, not Reek.

He got some of them ros yambs while she was still somewhat small time
Half of Kings Landing got Ros yambs.

Did Theon never exist? That man(?) should be named L, not Reek.

Put some respeck on Memph Reek's name fam!
He ain't got a name. He ain't got a home. He ain't got a ****.

:rofl: :rofl:
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Ramsay needed Reek to take moat cailin and to give intel about the status of bran and rickon
Reek has already shown he has the ability to betray ramsay.

Sansa is allegedly heading to castle black

Ramsay is going there anyway
As far as Ramsey goes I can see him dying by the end this season but I can also see him surviving til winter comes.

Yall keep thinking you're gonna get satisfaction by seeing this bastard die but GRRM has a tendency to go left with those things and string out these characters presence in the story and then twist their journeys.

No one has successfully played the game of thrones

Only person winning so far is baelish
Tywin did everything he could to keep his fam in power and flourishing. If he didn't treat the one Lannister that was an actual threat like **** he'd still be running things. He played the game well given he jumped in as things happened on the fly.

Just treated one son too poorly.

But yeah since Petyr created the chaos most have racked up Ls.
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Psssh, ya'll got life ****** up.

Sleeping on Podrick AKA P-Payne. Son steady playing chess while everyone playing checkers. He slowly but surely maneuvering his way to the iron throne.

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Rickon gonna be the size of the mountain next time we see him
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Ramsay needed Reek to take moat cailin and to give intel about the status of bran and rickon
Reek has already shown he has the ability to betray ramsay.

Sansa is allegedly heading to castle black

Ramsay is going there anyway
But he didn't turn Theon into Reek for those reasons. He didn't know that Roose was going to tell him to take Moat Cailin and information about Bran and Rickon being alive as actually dangerous for the Bolton's so it would make more sense to get ride of that loose end. Reek is Ramsey's toy that took his wife and betrayed him. I'm sure Ramsey would love to get Reek back alive to continue torturing him. 
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Ya because not letting them pass, thus letting the white walkers kill and zombiefy 100K wildlings(including giants) to attack the wall is a better idea. 
welp he got kiled. 

divided the whole nights watch and everything is all effed up.
So no one's going to talk about how the three-eyed raven looks completely different from the first time we saw him 2 seasons ago :nerd:
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