Who ends up sitting on the Iron Throne?

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They should release it like how Netflix releases its shows... it's a more modern way of doing things and avoids all the leaks and hacks
You would think so but if a skilled hacker wants to hack you they will. A few months before the season was available I want to say Netflix was hacked and a couple eps or the entire season of Orange is the New Black was leaked.

F boy bronn really saved the day though smh ... stannis > bronn
Why even compare the two?
Same here, i generally do not like binge watching, especially better shows. I enjoy and look forward to the 2 or 3 nights a week i have a show on to watch, and not overdo it. The discussion with friends/online the week after is most always enjoyable. I find i remember more too, when i binge watch shows i cant remember **** when the next season comes around.
I'm in the same boat in a sense that I like waiting week to week. I paid for the subscription for HBO JUST for this. I'm not spoiling myself for some sorry *** copy of Episode 4. Like some said, it's a event at my house. We have dinner while watching the last weeks episode, then turn the lights down, turn up the surround sound and take in the new episode for the week. No talking.

The premier and season finale are the events where I have group viewings at the house. Order some food, watch previous eps, chop it up before the show starts.
If you're going to respond to a spoiler then put your response in a spoiler :lol: :smh:

I was tempted to watch that Vimeo of the ep but when I went to check if it was real it was already gone. Must be a sign
Watched it. Decided to free up my Sunday to watch movies. Got my GoT fix for the weekend early is all.

50 min? Pssh more like 47 including the intro theme music :smh: So I think yall will be fine knowing that spoiler :lol:

Its a really good ep.

For my spoiler fiends:

That leaked outline must've definitely been a fan summarizing cuz they really added some of their own descriptive opinion and narration to the ep. Cuz of that I was expecting certain scenes to happen differently or to have a little bit more to it.

Anyway, Arya :smokin Schooling Brienne after she schooled Pod. I really need Arya to kill Cersi now. She has the dagger that Cersi gave the assassin to kill Bran. She needs to cut her up with it.

Dany made the right decision :pimp:
Watched it. Decided to free up my Sunday to watch movies. Got my GoT fix for the weekend early is all.

50 min? Pssh more like 47 including the intro theme music :smh: So I think yall will be fine knowing that spoiler :lol:

Its a really good ep.

For my spoiler fiends:

That leaked outline must've definitely been a fan summarizing cuz they really added some of their own descriptive opinion and narration to the ep. Cuz of that I was expecting certain scenes to happen differently or to have a little bit more to it.

Anyway, Arya :smokin Schooling Brienne after she schooled Pod. I really need Arya to kill Cersi now. She has the dagger that Cersi gave the assassin to kill Bran. She needs to cut her up with it.

Dany made the right decision :pimp:


Episode was pure flames!!!! I hope Jaime doesn't drown. I thought Bronn was gonna get murked tryna go after his bag of gold or something stupid like that. Jaime putting the Queen in check, only to get put into checkmate. Bron had the JUICE this episode, my god! Sir Davos had mad jokes all episode again. Did you notice he adopted Stannis' grammar policing :lol:

Arya's fight scene was DOPE! See, why couldn't they give those type of exchanges for that awful Dorne fight scene choreography way back when?

Also, what in the world is Little Finger up to??

Episode was pure flames!!!! I hope Jaime doesn't drown. I thought Bronn was gonna get murked tryna go after his bag of gold or something stupid like that. Jaime putting the Queen in check, only to get put into checkmate. Bron had the JUICE this episode, my god! Sir Davos had mad jokes all episode again. Did you notice he adopted Stannis' grammar policing :lol:

Arya's fight scene was DOPE! See, why couldn't they give those type of exchanges for that awful Dorne fight scene choreography way back when?

Also, what in the world is Little Finger up to??
Yeah Bronn low-key the MVP. I laughed when he told Jamie you do it. That glance at the gold on the ground had him hurt. Manning that big *** crossbow just makes you a target for a quick death. Forget Dany and the dragon, the Dothraki are all around him riding. Then that save. Jamie better get him that castle asap.

Yeah I'm lost a bit on LF if he's really scheming on the Stark kids. The outline read definitely than the scene. It was short. Too short. Meera came in to quick. Then the look he gave Arya she showed off her no one skills got me wondering. He got a loose tie to Braavos and none apparent to the many faced assasins so I dont think he knows where she trained.

The other early spoilers of LF dying by their hands just seemed weak to me. So I'm wondering how they're gonna set that up with 3 eps left to a satisfactory degree.
Why even compare the two?[/QUOTE]
Because they are both popular characters don't get why either ... pretty lame tbh
Remember that the plot outline was dated April of 2016 so a lot could happen between then and the final episode that is recorded and shown. Think of the outline as more of a working guide.

Similar to the episode 3 outline. The entire beginning is completely different but the same.
Caved in and watched the leak. Amazing is all I can say. Don't wanna spoil anything but Ill agree with what Osh Kosh Bosh said though.... do not watch the leak and wait to see it in HD. I'm Still incredibly hyped to see this masterpiece on Sunday.
Caved in and watched the leak. Amazing is all I can say. Don't wanna spoil anything but Ill agree with what Osh Kosh Bosh said though.... do not watch the leak and wait to see it in HD. I'm Still incredibly hyped to see this masterpiece on Sunday.
damn u got me hyped
It really is going to be a masterpiece in HD. For real. Can't wait. Lit doesn't even begin to describe the episode
The HD definitely matters.

At one point it was showing just as good but then it was just off. Especially towards the last part.

I also noticed the audio not syncing up for one scene.

When it officially airs it'll be much better.
I messed up brehs :smh:Saw a short harmless leaked video on youtube and watched it, turned my head to look at the recommendations and learned some things I shouldnt have :smh:Was really tryna avoid any big spoilers too :smh:

EDIT: I'm just gonna watch the whole ep now :lol:
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