Official Green Bay Packers @ Minnesota Vikings Vol. World War 4vre

Peterson's getting absolutely nothing on this Packers D.

The ironic thing is everyone was talking about how our running game would win us this game, not our passing game....

at this horrid pass rush on Favre. Nice pass.
Originally Posted by NikeTalker23

God I'm not going to be able to watch any kind of NFL coverage if the Vikings win this game..
We still overrated?
Originally Posted by ninjallamafromhell

Heather Brooke would be impressed by the amount of deep throating the ESPN announcers are doing on Favre.
que? hes thrown 3 tds and is TORCHING the packers ... %%$ do you want them to talk about GOD DAMN that %%%@ is getting old ... shut that %%%@ up!
About time Yuku let me in

Brett Favre
if we get a stop in this next series, this could get ugly
Pass rush looing pathetic... Get Kampman in that backfield Capers

Jordy has some crazy white moves on KR's.

If we dont win in Green Bay..........
Farve looking good. I cam into tonight up 1 point with Harvin and Longwell still playing and the dude im playing agaist has Jennings and Crosby. I need somefield goals but as long as Vikings get some stops Ill take the points for the PAT
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