^i'm about to eat my words. Guess he has becoming a worse and worse rebounder every year. Compared to yi, he's still sick at rebounding 

[font=times new roman, times, serif]When Better Isn't Better[/font]
David Lee's Rebounding

by Sebastian Pruiti
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Despite posting the worst rebound percentage of his career in 2010-11, David Lee was still an above-average rebounder for his position, grabbing 15.3 percent of all available rebounds. (The average power forward was at 14.3 percent). Having Lee on your team--especially a team that finished last in rebounding like the Warriors--would figure to lead to improvement on the glass, but that hasn't been the case. In fact, over the past three seasons, Lee's teams have posted a worse rebounding rate (both offensively and defensively) when Lee was on the court.

According to, with Lee on the court, the Warriors grabbed 27.6 percent of all offensive rebounds, 66.8 percent of all defensive rebounds which is good for 47.2 percent of all rebounds. With Lee watching from the bench, the Warriors grabbed 30.7 percent of all offensive rebounds and 67.7 percent of all defensive rebounds, which is 49.2 percent of all rebounds. To figure out why this happens, I think it is important to look at both sides of the ball individually:

Offensive Rebounding

The first reason why the Warriors are a better offensive rebounding team with him off of the floor is Lee's shot selection. Over the past three seasons, Lee's game has drifted to the perimeter and the percentage of shots he has taken outside 10 feet has increased:


thapointguy - don't let the haters get to you. The bay area is so chill, so i'm not sure why there are so many negative people in this post. I appreciate what you post.
Just remember it take a lot more balls to make a suggestion than to simply hate on what other people say. Haters hate, just shrug it off.  
everybody has a right to post. I'm getting ripped apart left and right, but i'm not letting it get to me. Going out on a limb and suggesting something, even if it gets shut down, you can learn something. Discourse is good. Express yourself, don't repress yourself.

If you are looking for another forum to talk about the warriors, check out: I've been thinking about starting to post there. I like reddit's format. Let me know if you start posting there, I will start too. 
Originally Posted by What up

The hell?  I bless this thread each time I'm in here.
Going through Jeremy Lin withdrawl?  

Nope, the only problem with cutting Jeremy Lin is the Warriors lose their team mathematician.
The Warriors haven't yet signed rookie Klay Thompson, as they're preserving cap space to make offers to free agents.Specifically, it seems the Warriors are building an offer that could pry DeAndre Jordan from the Clippers. Thompson hasn't been practicing due to the contract delay.

Find the money to sign this kid.

And if anything, just improve on the Clippers' offer by a few million.  Why bid against ourselves for this dude?  If the Clips want to match, we just screwed them out of a few million making it hard to resign Gordon/Griffin.
^I'd sign him for that much. He'd be a great 6th man, or slide Dorell into a Manu type role/ scorer off the bench. I'd be happy if Moute was the only FA we got this summer; however, I think the bucks will match. plus i'm not sure he even has any interest in playing here or if he's even on our radar.
[h1]Warriors to sign Jordan to four-year, $40 million offer sheet[/h1] December 10, 2011, 8:02 pm




The Warriors are poised to sign center DeAndre Jordan to anoffer sheet worth approximately $40 million over four years, according tomultiple sources. The offer is expected to come Sunday.

Jordan, 23, has played the past three seasons for the LosAngeles Clippers and last year averaged 7.1 points, 7.2 rebounds and 1.8 blocksin 25.6 minutes per game.

The Clippers will have three days to decide whether or not tomatch the offer for Jordan, a restricted free agent, or allow him to go to theWarriors.

It is unknown whether or not the Clippers will match theoffer. Jordan reportedly already has received an offer from Los Angeles worthfive years, $40 million.

If the Clippers match Golden State’s offer, it means theWarriors will have failed in two attempts this offseason to land adefensive-oriented center. The Warriors last week made a run at Tyson Chandler,who helped lead Dallas to an NBA title last season, but he elected to sign withthe New York Knicks.

Some of the Warriors’ moves over the past couple of dayshave set the table for signing Jordan to an offer sheet. Those movesalso mean the Warriors will not amnesty Andris Biedrins in order to acquireJordan.

By waiving Jeremy Lin on Friday and not yet signing rookiesKlay Thompson and Jeremy Tyler, it appears as though the Warriors can get toJordan’s starting first-year salary – in the $9 million range -- byamnesty-ing Charlie Bell. The Warriors are waiting until Sunday to sign Jordanto the offer sheet because they need Lin to clear waivers.

Bell, who played sparingly last season, is on the last yearof his contract and set to earn $4.1 million. He was recently arrested inMichigan after showing up intoxicated at his hearing for an earlierDUI.

The Warriors have told Bell to remain in Michigan – ratherthan joining the team at training camp – and that he is a candidate foramnesty.

If the Clippers take their entire three-day period to decide on Jordan, it means that Thompson and Tyler won't be practicing until at least Wednesday afternoon.

Jordan has a limited offensive game, but he is extremelyathletic and can block shots and rebound. Jordan shot .686 percent from thefield last season. That would have led the league by a wide margin, but Jordandidn’t make enough field goals to qualify.

If the Warriors can acquire Jordan and hold onto Biedrins,it would mean they have upwards of $20 million invested in the center position.But Jordan would be another big body up front, and size has been the team’sbiggest shortcoming in recent years.

Contract is okay to me. I have a feeling Clips will match it though.
Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by What up

The hell?  I bless this thread each time I'm in here.
Going through Jeremy Lin withdrawl?  

Nope, the only problem with cutting Jeremy Lin is the Warriors lose their team mathematician.

Now we know why you dislike Jeremy Lin... or Asian people in general
Originally Posted by endemic415

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by What up

The hell?  I bless this thread each time I'm in here.
Going through Jeremy Lin withdrawl?  

Nope, the only problem with cutting Jeremy Lin is the Warriors lose their team mathematician.

Now we know why you dislike Jeremy Lin... or Asian people in general
Yeah, you definitely haven't been around here very long.
Originally Posted by endemic415

Originally Posted by acidicality

Originally Posted by What up

The hell?  I bless this thread each time I'm in here.
Going through Jeremy Lin withdrawl?  

Nope, the only problem with cutting Jeremy Lin is the Warriors lose their team mathematician.

Now we know why you dislike Jeremy Lin... or Asian people in general

are you in the right thread?
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